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[BF4] Still game breaking stutter problems

HydrasBreath ♜
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Granted I've only jumped into one game, but it's absolutely horrific. Ping is stable, frames average about 90-100+ on medium and I'm still rubber banding all over the place. Can't even shoot people because of the DBZ teleporting.

I should have expected this sadly. Installing some new drivers right now, hopefully that'll fix it.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah we were getting stuttering and lag last night too...seems to happen when the server gets near 64 players.



Was fine earlier when I was playing

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Just got into a good game where it was smooth. Sadly, my team sucked ass, we were completely dominated. Lost 0-564, jesus christ...



Cant join either of you or Toms game



Oh lord...

I don't want to be sniping in stutter...



yeah it depends on the server, it's not hardware on our end I'm 99% sure. I was fine except for rubberbanding last night in random servers

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I didn't have any stuttering issues today. But the game and some servers crashed on me several times. The servers more than the game itself.



Yea the crashing is horribad



I actually haven't had any framerate issues at all, running on ultra. I'm shocked because during the beta, it was pretty choppy. Nvidia had a driver update and some optimization that helped though.



Shinma wtf was with your sound yesterday

As soon as you entered the party all hell broke loose lmao

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, it was like I had war tapes on or something machine gun fire and explosions EVERYWHERE lol. Even more so than usual.



It was really bad

I had to leave the party because of it

Were you using a head set?

It was obviously you as it was perfect until you joined haha



Idk, maybe I gotta mess with my soundcard settings or something lol. Sounded good on my end.




It was cool to play with you again after however the fuck long its been

But yea, all of us noticed it. It was pretty bad. Pretty bizarre, especially if you were using a headset



Sorry about that. Yeah, I was using a headset. I'll see what I can do when I get home.



It sounded to us like you were using speakers and a mic

We could hear ourselves talking at points too......I dunno.

I could hear you talk and then BAM massive explosions

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It was like watching the C4 scene from the Expendables or Rambo 4 lol

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I think we all know the reason that happened.




God damn this game pisses me off

So glitch y, cant even load into a match, when I do it crashed




Yeah, checking my sound and my mic is outputting whatever my headset is hearing...  

[BF4] Still game breaking stutter problems Tumblr_lmdq0wsKk61qcvhgo

Trying to figure out a way to fix it.



Yea that makes sense

Like I said it sounded like you had speakers on



Idk. I was using my Astros without the mixamp, since I don't need it with the soundcard I have. Now I'm connecting my headset back to my amp so I can run my mic through usb and my sound through the souncard. It looks like it works, but I can still see my sound jumping on the recording side. It's only a little bit though, so that might just be from my stalker breathing and not playback.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ugh, the stutter is back along with the random ping spikes.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:Ugh, the stutter is back along with the random ping spikes.
Yeah I had a couple really bad games. Stuttering to the point I could barely drive vehicles.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I couldn't even cross the bloody street or jump over a fallen tree branch the stutter and lag was so bad Sad




Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'm not sure why I'm even bothering right now man, the lag is absolutely infuriating.



Jesus man

Im just gonna play Batman tomorrow

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'll be on again tomorrow no doubt. Maybe the lag won't be so bad then.



Im a BF whore so Ill probably play tomorrow anyways and take my lumps, and curse while I do it

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The Geo leaderboards make me want to play more...I don't want to fall behind in my city Razz 



Everytime I tried to play with you or Art or Shinma or Rem today I got fucked by full servers

So I played by myself all day (not fun)

Damn Hanai Resort TDM is a snipers paradise( Art would love that map )

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Everytime I tried to play with you or Art or Shinma or Rem today I got fucked by full servers

So I played by myself all day (not fun)

Damn Hanai Resort TDM is a snipers paradise( Art would love that map )
Same for me...any time I tried to join one of you the server was always full. They really need to get queues implemented.



No doubt. Playing with the blues is just depressing.

Even when Im doing bad I still have fun with you guys( evidenced by launch night when we were all camping the train car on Zavod ) LMAO that was awesome

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:No doubt. Playing with the blues is just depressing.

Even when Im doing bad I still have fun with you guys( evidenced by launch night when we were all camping the train car on Zavod ) LMAO that was awesome
Yeah nothing beats running with the SeC on skype or in a party or something.

many lols ensue.



Yea haha

I stayed alive in that train car alot longer than I should have haha

Ill be home tomorrow around 4 my time, so 7 yours I think.....Ill play when I get home if your on.

Hopefully we can get into a game

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sym wrote:Everytime I tried to play with you or Art or Shinma or Rem today I got fucked by full servers

So I played by myself all day (not fun)

Damn Hanai Resort TDM is a snipers paradise( Art would love that map )
Not really to be honest. I tend to play extremely aggressively as recon. I don't like camping on roof tops and what have you. If I can help it, I try to keep up with the other players and take flags.

The lag makes any kind of precision shooting pretty much impossible sadly, so I've found myself trying to fall back on the Support kit and on the rare occassion the Assault kit more often than not.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Yea haha

I stayed alive in that train car alot longer than I should have haha

Ill be home tomorrow around 4 my time, so 7 yours I think.....Ill play when I get home if your on.

Hopefully we can get into a game
Ah I'm going to check out a show with a friend tomorrow evening. It's an early show starts at 9. I'll probably only be on later in the night. After midnight my time.

8pm your time.



Artimise Flare wrote:
Sym wrote:Everytime I tried to play with you or Art or Shinma or Rem today I got fucked by full servers

So I played by myself all day (not fun)

Damn Hanai Resort TDM is a snipers paradise( Art would love that map )
Not really to be honest. I tend to play extremely aggressively as recon. I don't like camping on roof tops and what have you. If I can help it, I try to keep up with the other players and take flags.

The lag makes any kind of precision shooting pretty much impossible sadly, so I've found myself trying to fall back on the Support kit and on the rare occassion the Assault kit more often than not.
Yea Ive noticed

Buts its good for aggressive recons

You can own due to the sight-lines



HydrasBreath wrote:
Sym wrote:Yea haha

I stayed alive in that train car alot longer than I should have haha

Ill be home tomorrow around 4 my time, so 7 yours I think.....Ill play when I get home if your on.

Hopefully we can get into a game
Ah I'm going to check out a show with a friend tomorrow evening. It's an early show starts at 9. I'll probably only be on later in the night. After midnight my time.

8pm your time.
Sounds good Ill be around

Local show?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Sym wrote:Yea haha

I stayed alive in that train car alot longer than I should have haha

Ill be home tomorrow around 4 my time, so 7 yours I think.....Ill play when I get home if your on.

Hopefully we can get into a game
Ah I'm going to check out a show with a friend tomorrow evening. It's an early show starts at 9. I'll probably only be on later in the night. After midnight my time.

8pm your time.
Sounds good Ill be around

Local show?
Yeah they have a thing here they do every other Thursday called "Rockin for Dollars". Bunch of bands play a short 20 min set and at the end of the night they get to spin a wheel for a chance to win cash and other crappy bullshit prizes (that aren't really prizes at all).

I saw a band win some expired rice cakes. Razz. You can win up to 1000$ if no one wins the jackpot in awhile. It increases every week no one wins.

It's a pretty good time and it's only 2$ to get in. can't really go wring.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Despite me raging at the BS, I'm a masochist at heart apparently and will likely be playing again tomorrow. I just hope DICE is paying attention, because this is the same crap that happened on BF3's launch as well as the early days of BFBC2.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:Despite me raging at the BS, I'm a masochist at heart apparently and will likely be playing again tomorrow. I just hope DICE is paying attention, because this is the same crap that happened on BF3's launch as well as the early days of BFBC2.
This is my first BF launch on PC so I'm not too sure how things are supposed to go.



Man Hydra this is semi normal believe it or not!

Its pretty depressing. After the awesome beta I was super excited they were finally gonna have a smooth launch .

For being a PC centric company they sure dont know how to optimize for PC

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:Man Hydra this is semi normal believe it or not!

Its pretty depressing. After the awesome beta I was super excited they were finally gonna have a smooth launch .

For being a PC centric company they sure dont know how to optimize for PC
Well I'm sure having to develop for this gen, next gen and PC all at the same time didn't help them any.

That's a pretty tall order...What like 6 platforms?



Yea 360, PS4, PC, PS3 and X1

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Is it on the Wii U?



HydrasBreath wrote:
Sym wrote:Man Hydra this is semi normal believe it or not!

Its pretty depressing. After the awesome beta I was super excited they were finally gonna have a smooth launch .

For being a PC centric company they sure dont know how to optimize for PC
Well I'm sure having to develop for this gen, next gen and PC all at the same time didn't help them any.

That's a pretty tall order...What like 6 platforms?
It is highly likely MS has paid them, whether directly paying them or giving some massive benefit, to prioritize optimization only for its consoles.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I wouldn't doubt that sadly. The optimization for PC is pretty horrific. Almost as bad as it was during beta it seems at times

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