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looking to start warewolf forum game this monday

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Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm at work now...and for how ever long I'm here who knows... So I can't post the rules, if somone would google warewolf/mafia and post an instructional URL that would be great.

There will be slight modifications to our version (ill go into later)
Biggest is that ours will only be a week long each game.

To play you must bet 2 awesome cred, and roles will be given randomly. The wolf wins one AC for each killing and the "pot" if they kill all the townspeople. If the wolf is caught the remaining towns people share the pot.

*side note* even though I haven't gotten the ads up, I'm debating about having the first game auction on november 15th and having each auction on the 15th proceeding that, I just have to find a reliable medium to exchange the game.

Iv yet to find other suitable forum games to use for AC betting, but if any of you guys know one let me know.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled dead ass weekend



Looking forward to it, Epyk.

Though I might not be able to fully participate until November 1st, since my mom is leaving on the last day of October.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Np, I'm sure the first few games will be rough at best. But I want to set a way that regulars could accumulate AC quicker than someone that hasn't posted once, but could still be in the running for the auction just by the daily accumulative AC.

Especially when I start throwing free software at you guys



I looked up a few of the rules on wikipedia. Sorry its kind of long

One person is the game's Narrator - they moderate the game, rather than participating. Everyone else is dealt a card that gives them their secret role as a player.


* Townspeople (The innocents)
* Mafia (Who win by killing off the innocents)
* Sheriff (An innocent who can detect mafia members)
* Nurse (An innocent who can protect other innocents from attack)


The Narrator tells everyone to close their eyes ("It is now nighttime and all the villagers are asleep..."). The night phase can optionally be accompanied by all players tapping gently to mask any giveaway sounds of player movement.

Each night, the Narrator tells the Mafia to open their eyes and acknowledge their fellow members. They kill off one of the other players by silently gesturing to indicate their target and to show unanimity. Then the Narrator instructs the mafia members to "sleep" (close their eyes again).

Now the Sheriff will open his or her eyes and point at a suspect; if that player is in the mafia, the narrator nods. Then the Narrator instructs the Sheriff to "sleep" and the Nurse to open his or her eyes; he or she points at someone to protect, then goes back to sleep.


The Narrator tells everyone to wake up. Unless the nurse and the mafia selected the same target a murder is announced, sometimes with a little narrative detail. For example, "The police chief said, 'Bob was shot seven times, stabbed three times, and drowned in the river. This is the worst case of suicide I've ever seen.'" This player is "dead" and may no longer participate in the game in any way.

During the daytime phase, the players deliberate over which suspected Mafia member they wish to nominate for execution. Once nominations are made, the narrator administrates an election between the nominees, in which all players vote - whoever receives the most votes is lynched; they are "dead" and flip their card up (revealing their true alignment).

Because players have less information and more freedom to deliberate, during the day, the day phase tends to be longer than the night phase. The day phase either has a set time limit, or continues until a lynch has been performed.

Win condition

The game ends either when the last Mafia member is killed (Innocent victory) or the Mafia members outnumber or equal the Innocents during the day (Mafia victory).

Online play

The standard human-moderated games require one or two moderators: a sign up thread is created announcing the game, and once the game has sufficient players, play can begin. It usually starts in the night phase with mafiosi communicating via email before submitting their kill (to the moderator). The moderator then writes the appropriate death scene for those that were eliminated, and posts a dawn scene.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Thanks zk50

Our rules will be a bit different.

There will be a visual aid (think checkerboard with pieces spread out around it) and a limit to the wolfs kill range. Depending on the size of the group

Our sheriff and nurse will be the same person, but they alternate between saving someone and inquiring the wolfs identity.

If we go a week and the wolf isn't found (if a large group there will be 2+) the wolves win and split the pot.

Wolves can kill each other, they will not know the others identity. The first to pm the mod with their kill will have the kill if two wolfs attack each other.

One cycle will be 24 hours day starts 12pm EST and night starts 12am EST

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Forgot to add, at the start of the day cycle you may move 2 spots on the board. You must pm the mod of this after the previous day cycle but before the night cycle ends. Not pming a move (board will be grid numbered) will forfeit your move that cycle.

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