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turtle beaches x11.

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1turtle beaches x11. Empty turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 04:56



I was wondering if anyone here uses turtle beaches. If you do could you please tell me what kind and do you think they were worth it. Also if anyone was wondering the the ones in question are $40.

2turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 09:27



T-800 wrote:I was wondering if anyone here uses turtle beaches. If you do could you please tell me what kind and do you think they were worth it. Also if anyone was wondering the the ones in question are $40.

Well I CURRENTLY am using the Turtle Beach X11. It's good and comfortable, doesn't require battery power (USB input). It only works on SD unless you're willing to pay the few extra bucks for a little thing that will convert it to work with HD. I use them because sound in headphones > sound in TV. The mic work on the PC and the Xbox so i'd say it's worth it.

3turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 14:32



Turtle Beachs are amazing. The X11's (I think the lowest costing ones they have, the ones that plug in), have just a little too much bass (sounds good with explosions and such/makes the game more fun, but sometimes makes it hard to hear little things, not that much), and the cords are a pain in the ass, because there's so many. Once you get use it, they're fine though. They'll allow you to hear people MUCH, MUCH better, pinpoint where people are at a lot easier, and they're really good for the cost. Best buy I've ever made, I'd have to say.

4turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 14:33



I'm really interested in some high end surround headphones. Anybody use those?

5turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 14:42



That's pretty much what TB and Astro headphones are Metal. xD

I'd recommend X11's mainly, unless you're really willing to splurge and spend $100 on a pair that recharges and goes of the same type of RF signal your controller does, so it doesn't interfere with anything really. Also, they have slightly better sound quality than the X11's, along with much less bass, even with bass boost. This isn't as fun; however, you can hear people at a ridiculous distance walking, even just a tiny bit in some bushes. I tried them at my friends, it's ridiculous.

6turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 16:33



X11's aren't surround. They're stereo.
They must be true 5.1 to 7.1 surround but I don't think I'd want to spend more than $250

The X41's seem to have pretty good reviews though.

7turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 17:04



That is my issue are the x11's. How many cords are there, does it look really freaky, and does it interfere with playing games?

8turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 17:12



T-800 wrote:That is my issue are the x11's. How many cords are there, does it look really freaky, and does it interfere with playing games?

Okay, so you get the headset, one wire comes from it to a square thingy with two parts to turn the volume up and down on the ingame chat of people and actual game sound, also on and off button. Then another wire goes out of it to the output part, which splits into four outputs. THe pink jack (3.55MM I think which works for microphone on the computer only) the green input for sound on the xbox and pc. And the USB for the power.

Other things are, the microphone adapter for the Xbox 360 where you place one part into the sqaure thingy for sound and turning on and off the headset and then the other part fits in to where you'd normally fit a wired mic. You get another thing to which has two inputs for the red and white sound cables. which has then goes into one wire as a green input where you put your green output in. (Kind of confusing for me to explain).

The only thing i'd say is annoying is having two wires maybe getting tangled when playing using yourm icrophone in game. if you use a Plug 'n' Play thing you'll hear a buzzing noise, otherwise it's just white noise because it's high powered for a headset.

9turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 17:19



Barnold wrote:
T-800 wrote:That is my issue are the x11's. How many cords are there, does it look really freaky, and does it interfere with playing games?

Okay, so you get the headset, one wire comes from it to a square thingy with two parts to turn the volume up and down on the ingame chat of people and actual game sound, also on and off button. Then another wire goes out of it to the output part, which splits into four outputs. THe pink jack (3.55MM I think which works for microphone on the computer only) the green input for sound on the xbox and pc. And the USB for the power.

Other things are, the microphone adapter for the Xbox 360 where you place one part into the sqaure thingy for sound and turning on and off the headset and then the other part fits in to where you'd normally fit a wired mic. You get another thing to which has two inputs for the red and white sound cables. which has then goes into one wire as a green input where you put your green output in. (Kind of confusing for me to explain).

The only thing i'd say is annoying is having two wires maybe getting tangled when playing using yourm icrophone in game. if you use a Plug 'n' Play thing you'll hear a buzzing noise, otherwise it's just white noise because it's high powered for a headset.
So how much is the hd adapter?

10turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 17:33



The X41s were about $150 on Amazon and totally worth it. The surround sound is excellent, especially in a game like Bad Company 2.

11turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 17:42



T-800 wrote:
Barnold wrote:
T-800 wrote:That is my issue are the x11's. How many cords are there, does it look really freaky, and does it interfere with playing games?

Okay, so you get the headset, one wire comes from it to a square thingy with two parts to turn the volume up and down on the ingame chat of people and actual game sound, also on and off button. Then another wire goes out of it to the output part, which splits into four outputs. THe pink jack (3.55MM I think which works for microphone on the computer only) the green input for sound on the xbox and pc. And the USB for the power.

Other things are, the microphone adapter for the Xbox 360 where you place one part into the sqaure thingy for sound and turning on and off the headset and then the other part fits in to where you'd normally fit a wired mic. You get another thing to which has two inputs for the red and white sound cables. which has then goes into one wire as a green input where you put your green output in. (Kind of confusing for me to explain).

The only thing i'd say is annoying is having two wires maybe getting tangled when playing using yourm icrophone in game. if you use a Plug 'n' Play thing you'll hear a buzzing noise, otherwise it's just white noise because it's high powered for a headset.
So how much is the hd adapter?

Not much at all. unsure though

blackholedreams wrote:The X41s were about $150 on Amazon and totally worth it. The surround sound is excellent, especially in a game like Bad Company 2.

$150? wat The surround sound is great in the x11, but 150 dollars is too much for ONE headset >.<

12turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 17:46



The x11s don't have surround sound. It's just enhanced stereo. The x41 is wireless, and supports up to 7.1 surround sound.

13turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 17:50



blackholedreams wrote:The x11s don't have surround sound. It's just enhanced stereo. The x41 is wireless, and supports up to 7.1 surround sound.

The X1 was wireless I thought, plus not having to charge is fun. I swear the X11 had surround sound o_O

14turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 18:05



Ok so with the adapter it would come to $45. Now that bad thing about this is that I will not be able to get black ops until Christmas. (I can still rent it though.)

15turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 18:21



Blackholedreams making it sound like he ones them wrote:The X41s were about $150 on Amazon and totally worth it. The surround sound is excellent, especially in a game like Bad Company 2.

Do you own your own pair, or have you just had a chance to try them out? If you've been using them for awhile then that's a pretty good endorsement. I was afraid of the quality of a wireless surround signal, but on the other hand wired will not work for me. $150 would be a good price.

Mama Luigi wrote:The surround sound is great in the x11, but 150 dollars is too much for ONE headset >.<

The X11's are just stereo. Like I said I'm willing to go up to $250 if the quality is there... wouldn't be the most expensive headphones I've owned. You're talking to a guy that owned a $12,000 Martin Logan/Sunfire home theatre once... and I should never have fucking sold it! Mad

16turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 18:31



I own them. The only problems with them are that the ear cups are a tad too small for me, and there is occasionally some crackle/popping. The ear cups aren't a problem unless I'm playing for a looong time. The crackle/popping is intermittent, but is probably due to my Xbox, router, and the base unit for the headset being within inches of each other.

Also, I would suggest getting some rechargeable AAAs for them, as they go through batteries fairly fast.

17turtle beaches x11. Empty Re: turtle beaches x11. 2010-10-23, 18:43



Cool. Sounds pretty good then. Thanks man! Very Happy

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