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Returned Forza and traded in BF4 for the X1

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I decided to make the PS4 version of BF4 my main since I haven't even been able to play the X1 version. I'm also already Rank 98 in the PS4 version which is crazy in so short a time.

Anyway, Gamestop gave me $45 trade-in on it so not to bad!

I also returned Forza simply because I have to many games to play between all 3 systems. So Chunky lover you can give your free DLC Forza code to someone else since I won't be using it. Maybe Grey has the game?

I now have $340.00+ in credit at Gamestop. Damn, I didn't even know I had that much there. That's roughly enough to cover my next 6 brand new games. Ha!

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