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I have returned!

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1I have returned! Empty I have returned! 2012-04-22, 01:44



From a week or so unannounced hiatus. Why you ask? Well, midterm marks come out next week, and they will decide whether or not I get a new PC or not. So, I've been busting my ass super hard this week, pretty much not going on the computer and only going on the xbox for short amounts of time. I asked my Math teacher what my midterm mark would be on Friday, and I'm getting a 96%, which is the highest mark I've ever gotten in my life. So, safe to say it paid off Very Happy New PC in May/June for sure now Smile

2I have returned! Empty Re: I have returned! 2012-04-23, 10:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Congrats man! Thats some good shit right there. I've never had a 96% in any class, not even gym >_>

as far as the PC goes I would just get back on Live and play some BF3 with me. But I will leave that one up to you lol

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