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This patch SHOULD be making it to consoles!

Dropped Da Soap
Epyk MD
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blackholedreams wrote:
StormEye wrote:
blackholedreams wrote:The buckshot changes are necessary. They're way too wonky as it is.

I like the Blackhawk changes. I've always felt the miniguns were underpowered for what they are intended to do (which is infantry annihilation).
Then they should have left the flare recharge time as is. Now it is just up'ing the survival chance on top of killing chance.

The smoke cooldown is fairly long as it is. I think it'll be fine.
I'm just worried that with decent pilot keeping distance from where infantrys with tracers are able to be placed, would just change altitude constantly would be very difficult to trace, unlike those rambo types.

The window of opporunity for tracing can become too small, if they reduce it (not sure how many seconds, so we will have to see). They can just run away for a little bit, and come back, since they know that they were traced, and used up the flare, and have to run away only for a brief moment and can come back for more.



ante87 wrote:
blackholedreams wrote:
StormEye wrote:
blackholedreams wrote:The buckshot changes are necessary. They're way too wonky as it is.

I like the Blackhawk changes. I've always felt the miniguns were underpowered for what they are intended to do (which is infantry annihilation).
Then they should have left the flare recharge time as is. Now it is just up'ing the survival chance on top of killing chance.

The smoke cooldown is fairly long as it is. I think it'll be fine.

The Blackhawk is a flying boat anyways, just freehand it with the Gustav.... bro.

I give props to guys that free hand choppas. I just can;t do it. I gots to use the tracer dart. If you can do it bro awesome!



Its not about whether something can be done by an experienced/skilled player.

Balance should be done on the level of AVERAGE players.


ante87 wrote:
blackholedreams wrote:
StormEye wrote:
blackholedreams wrote:The buckshot changes are necessary. They're way too wonky as it is.

I like the Blackhawk changes. I've always felt the miniguns were underpowered for what they are intended to do (which is infantry annihilation).
Then they should have left the flare recharge time as is. Now it is just up'ing the survival chance on top of killing chance.

The smoke cooldown is fairly long as it is. I think it'll be fine.

The Blackhawk is a flying boat anyways, just freehand it with the Gustav.... bro.

I prefer the term "freeball" over freehand bro.

I adopted it when I was showing Little D the ropes when he was playing Fallout 3.

Freeballing=not using VATS lol.



HAHAH you used the word freeballin playing a game with your youngen! That's funny bro!

Little D getting Black ops?



I'm pretty sure he would bro.

Didn't he abandon you guys before I joined in for the FIRST time to play in GFAQs squad?


Yeah I told the little bro that I'll hook him up if his grades stay brotacular.



Arcot 'Thorny' Ramathorn wrote:Yeah I told the little bro that I'll hook him up if his grades stay brotacular.
That could mean as long as he stays cool, even though his grades are flunky, its all good.

Is it not, bro?




Nice logic penguin bro!

Yea little bro used to play with us and was a cool little dude!

Be nice to play a game or two with little bro again! Big daddy bro should get it an play with us as well!



The only thing that worries me is that this may never come to consoles....

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Don't jynx it Tom



Maybe when they release Vietnam it will include the patch?



Fuck yes. I'm guessing a simultaneous release with Vietnam. Very Happy

Edit: All other patches have hit PC and console so it's coming... Bro

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2010-10-28, 15:45; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited for more broness.)



Choppers ain't going to be OP Bro. Half the Chumps that fly that thing ain't gnarly gunners with boss ace pilots bro.

They lack the radical SeCy pilots bro.

Last edited by TheGM86 on 2010-10-28, 17:30; edited 1 time in total



This is his response for it coming to consoles.

"Showing love to our console players as well and of course we r looking to improve the xperience for #bfbc2 on #xbox and "ps3 as well. no ETA"



I'll agree with GM on this bros. It is rare to find a blackhawk crew that are good enough to stay in the air for long. That thing comes down fast in the games I hav been in bymyself and with SeC. Good point bro.



Thats becuase they gotta run it through the cats at MS and Sony Bro.

Certification is really bummer bro.



Damn fat cats! Whats a bro to do!



The Frostbite engine is a work-in-progress and any changes they make to the game require them to re-write much of the source code. Any errors in doing so would take much longer to fix on consoles because any updates have to go through MS/Playstation's certification process, so we'd be stuck with a broken game for around a month.

I'm not surprised that this will land a bit sooner on PCs than on the console.

Back on topic I'm not too enthused about a slug hip accuracy nerf, especially if they're dragging them down to the level of the semi-auto rifles. If anything slugs should be left as-is and the rifles buffed - three shots is a bit too much to ask for with their horrible spread and high recoil. Two might be a bit too good so they should just make them more accurate and see how that plays out.

And a further M60 nerf really doesn't make any sense - if it killed in 5 hits it'd be one of the worst weapons in the game as the PKM already does that but fires faster and does so with superior accuracy. The Gustav is only a problem with Ex. Mk2 as the lethal splash actually doubles (1.8 becomes 3.35). I'm confident that no one has a problem with it sans la explosives spamming specs as it requires an accurate shot.

The AT4 buff is required but I'm surprised that the RPG7 isn't getting anything.

As for the Blackhawk being overpowered I don't know if you've played recently Fox but these things are getting shot down in two seconds because they're such a massive target and most people are completely incapable of using the guns. It'd just be leveling the playing field since it's much harder to keep a Blackhawk alive than a Hind (I used to get 2 or more Wheels of Hazard pins while flying Ing around, he usually went 40+ - 0 on Atacama Desert and we'd usually never lose the bird to the VADS unless it was the third base).



AN-94 reduced to 16.7 is fantastic.
Improvements to the F2000 also great, but I don't understand why they didn't increase it's damage to 14.3... That's what it really needs.
Better AT4 is super awesome, maybe I'll plat it now.
The changes to M-comm damage is welcome, I might be able to stand playing Rush again.

The changes to shotguns make absolute, perfect sense in my opinion. Harder hitting close range buckshot or hard hitting long range slugs.

I would have like a slight spread increase on the M16 and 14.3 damage on the F2000, but this is all still good. Very Happy



Finially the much needed patch. Although with flare fix and reload time decrease and minigun buff, our helo crews might be OP since I'm such a beast with the guns bro. I agree with everything. Especially the VADS nerf.



There's still people disputing the VADS nerf on the EA forums, it's kind of sad.

everything else seems to be agreeable though, I just noticed the lack of spread increase for the M16A2 and no sort of planned nerf for the VSS (although if the hit boxes return to normal size it'll become non-issue).



I just noticed the lack of spread increase for the M16A2

Yeah, this kind of surprised me. Increasing it from 0.35 to 0.4 or 0.45 would probably be all it takes. Not a big deal though.



Well I think they should increase 4x scope accuracy to make it closer to RDS. RDS has very little recoil compared to 4x.

And the VSS maybe a little OP, it's not overused.



Yeah people still don't play recon outside of the bush so it's not that overused, although seeing an intelligent player use the VSS and motion-sensors sparingly is very annoying as it's a pretty huge advantage for one guy - Recon is normally relatively underpowered at close range but it makes up for it with the motion sensors, yet with the VSS it has a super-power low-skill weapon to go with it.



Ya I admit when used, I usually rage at them and bust out the AN94.



I'm not a fan of the AN so I'll usually get back at them with body armor and the MG3. If they're hiding out in a building it's Gustav time.

Although most VSS players run mag anyway, as with 99% of the BF community and the VSS with or without mag is a 4-shot in range - with it just negates the damage loss from body armor.

Hard to counter something like that.



Hey I use MA ha. It just suits my play style better. I shoot more/first more than I'm getting shot. I don't really use the AN much anymore. And I don't often use medic.



I'm a Recon outside of bush, sometimes...





NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!111 Not my Carl! Sad I better try to get platinum with it before the patch...



I shoot more/first more than I'm getting shot.

If you shoot first more often then not then you already have a time-to-kill lead on them. Seems to me that you might be better off using something else besides MA if that's the case...



Explosive spam is getting a tad ridiculous, more often than not when I'm killed by an Engineer its by the Gustav with both explosive specs.

Coming from the biggest Goose whore here Rolling Eyes

like 60% of my kills with it are on vehicles anyway so as long as they don't lower the base damage, slow it down or increase the drop it'll still be the best Engineer gadget. I hope they don't lower the lethal splash to something stupid like 1.2 or something.

It's more of a problem on the PC anyway since they lack shame completely over there, it makes the gunship whores on the 360 look pretty damn good since you can at least avoid them by playing other maps.

But every damn game over there you see a ton of M60s, ex. mk2 frags/tubes/rockets everywhere and of course tons of AN94s, campers and aim bots and whatnot.



Zh1nt0 on devblog wrote: Here is the complete fix-list for the patch

- Improved Hit registration made through several fixes and some of the hitboxes themselves have been changed. This will increase the accuracy of guns.

Fuck, now I can't rely on my enemy being an idiot. Does this mean SPRAY accuracy, or an actual hit detection improvement?

- The 2 second immunity when spawning/being revived will now be immediately removed either by firing, zooming, or any movement (move, crouch, jump). A Spawning Player can still orient passively in the Game World..

Crud, now I can't take advantage of my BC2 install.

- Slightly increased the AT4's damage vs armor to emphasize its anti vehicle role while keeping it balanced vs armor.

Hell. Fucking. Yes.

- Increased the AT4’s top speed and acceleration so users spend less time exposed when firing.

Hell. Fucking. Yes.

- Increased the AT4's splash damage so it competes with other AT weapons vs infantry. The AT4 still has the least splash damage of all AT weapons.

And again. Hell. Fucking. Yes. Now only if you could control the speed your crosshair moves WHILE IN ZOOM, so we can get PC level usage of this thing.

- Increased the 1 shot kill range of the M95 body shot to counter its lower rate of fire.

Meh, all my enemy wookies are campers or good rushers. Not going to see this as much as I will use it.

- Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50%.

Well, I'll be. Now all those people complaining (reasonably) about Rush will be happy, and all the M-com C4/ATM whores can complain about the nerf of their cheap shit.

- Lowered the close range damage of the AN94 to highlight its long range role.

Good. For the game. But for me, not so good (only registered user of bare AN-94).

- Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR.

HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL yes. Increase the zoom-movement speed and you have a comparable gun.

- Increased the close range damage of the shotguns to give them a greater advantage vs slugs.

Ok, I understand this, seeing as slugs can kill buck at a close enough range not to use buck. Pretty good idea.

- Slightly lowered the damage of the M60 to balance its accuracy advantage vs other LMG's.

Yay! But its gonna be 1 hit or so... Maybe tweak the stability reset time as well?

- Slightly lowered the damage of the MG3 at close range to balance it with other high rate of fire weapons.


My opinions in italics.



What it means by improved accuracy, is the fact that hitboxes will be fixed. In other words, no stupid, fucking bullshit where I shoot an enemy in the face, blood sprays everywhere, and then he knifes me with 100% health remaining (which is awesome, because the game never should've been released until that was fixed, IMO, they released a broken game, which is a no-no, much like MW2)

The MG3 is OP, and yes, it does need a nerf.



Increase the zoom-movement speed and you have a comparable gun.

It's hard to tell exactly what they mean by "Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR.".
I think they're just reducing the Zmov spread to lower than 0.70 (maybe to 0.33?).

Who knows...

The MG3 is OP, and yes, it does need a nerf.

Which is funny because it used to be underpowered before the buff. Are they returning it to the underpowered version or did they actually find a way to balance it?



Nah, they're just nerfing damage up close a little, so it doesn't completely assrape people even worse than the M60, lol.



That's my point. It's at 12.5 right now. The next step down in damage is 11.2 which is what I thought it used to be at.
If it originally was at 10.00 (not 11.2) then it should be fine. That would give it a TTK of 0.4800... exactly the same as the Xm8 and g36.



It'll still be better because of the sheer number of bullets it spits out, and it'll still be rape-tastic at a range, even if it's down to 10.0 damage per bullet up close.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!!!

I might play Rush more often then I do now too! WOOT!

Last edited by Cookie Monster on 2010-10-29, 05:26; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Rush comment)

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