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[FONV] LoL. Decent weapon skill makes huge difference.

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Did not know what the hell I was doing in the first (well, first legitimate) play through and did not know where to obtain different weapons and was using Guns while my spec was towards Energy (finished the main story using Marksman Carbine that was dropped around the area using manual aim, felt like playing BC2 with horrible hit detection. LoL!!!!). And made my way through most situations in Speech. Also, since I rushed myself to finish the game to start anew, I missed so many things now that I know them.

Now I am going guns first, and probably adding points to Energy as well (probably maxing / almost maxing both). Did not realize how much point allocation in guns made a difference.

Anyway, I just realized that my character's development scheme is Gordon Freeman.

Though, Gordon Freeman NEVER talks, my character is quite a talker.



Yep. Makes a huge difference.



Did you max out both too, D??


Guns is at 75
Energy and Explosives are 62 each lol.



I really don't know whether I want to allocate any points in Explosives, besides of Rei advising me to get to 90(?) to get pyromaniac perk for additional lulz in fire based weapons, which I do not use. I use it for lulz, but cannot see myself investing in that while I have not put in anything in Energy and sneaking (this one just maybe).

Or maybe I should just go guns blazing anyways, if I cannot sneak around... which I am doing mostly (well, not in any human owned bases. I use battle of attrition on those. LoL).



You don't get enough skill points in this game to effectively use more than two classes of weapons. Even with intelligence maxed, you'll still have a lot less points to spend compared to FO:3. I like that about New Vegas; you're not nearly as powerful in this game, so you have to plan your build more carefully.

I like to pick just ONE offensive skill, master it, and spend the rest of my points on speech, medicine, science, lockpick, sneak, repair, and barter.

If there's points left over, then maybe I'll spend the rest on another offensive skill.
Also, don't forget about strength requirements for weapons, either.


Here's the thing for me:

In these types of games I usually never finish them, or at least don't until I've put in at least a couple of hundred hours or so, so I like to make sure I have a few different skills so I can change up my playstyle and not be limited in the combat options.



I gave up barter completely (its at 7 LoL!!!). Medicine is also given up, though I started out pretty high, and sneak is also at a no point allocated status.

So I definitely have room for two weapon sets. Explosive or sneak will get rest of the points that are not allocated to anything else.

Just can't decide which one at the moment, though sneak probably is a smarter choice.

But I really do not sneak anywhere. Either they love me or they shoot me. And I respond accordingly.




Kenneth wrote:Here's the thing for me:

In these types of games I usually never finish them, or at least don't until I've put in at least a couple of hundred hours or so, so I like to make sure I have a few different skills so I can change up my playstyle and not be limited in the combat options.
Technically you can still free hand explosives right? I use them just like playing regular FPS from time to time, and it works pretty well, though the throw distance if laughable at best (compared to other FPS games, I know this is RPG but meh).



Yep, once you get Guns to 100, scopes are amazing fun. Very Happy



High sneak+high luck=KING OF CRITICALS.

But there are many different ways to play. In no way am I talking trash about your builds. Just saying how I see it. I just HAVE to have maxed lockpick and science ASAP, so one class of weapons suits me just fine. Less gear to lug around, and more money in the pocket.



I like trying out weapons to the full potential.

I realized that I cannot just go with one, with my playstyle of sample everything in my arsenal method of play.

Still have not decided which I prefer.

So I will decide for one on a later playthrough probably.

BTW I'm lurking 10 INT, a tweak of my first playthrough. And, yes, I know I could have gotten 9 and ran to new vegas for implant, but I do not want to put myself in a strain, when I'm playing for fun.


StormEye wrote:
Kenneth wrote:Here's the thing for me:

In these types of games I usually never finish them, or at least don't until I've put in at least a couple of hundred hours or so, so I like to make sure I have a few different skills so I can change up my playstyle and not be limited in the combat options.
Technically you can still free hand explosives right? I use them just like playing regular FPS from time to time, and it works pretty well, though the throw distance if laughable at best (compared to other FPS games, I know this is RPG but meh).

Yeah you can freehand them, Heave, Ho perk increases your throw distance also.



I have 9 INT on my main character. I've also never touched a Casino, and have every heavy weapon/implant I can get, and have 39,000 caps. I love scavenging. xD


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Yep, once you get Guns to 100, scopes are amazing fun. Very Happy

75 works just as well. As long as you reach the skill requirement for the gun.

I imagine there are a couple that have a 100 Guns skill req.

High sneak+high luck=KING OF CRITICALS.

But there are many different ways to play. In no way am I talking trash about your builds. Just saying how I see it. I just HAVE to have maxed lockpick and science ASAP, so one class of weapons suits me just fine. Less gear to lug around, and more money in the pocket.

That's how my FO3 character was. I dumped mad points into Lockpick and Science until both were maxed asap.

This time around I'm going a different way. I figure get them to 80 and magazines, apparel and chems can do that rest.



I want to use AM rifle which requires 100.

Sniper rifle stops at 75 though.



AM rifle and the Minigun have a requirement of 100, and trust me, it's worth it. There's nothing like watching somebody backflip when you shoot them just right with the AM rifle froms so far away they're barely visible in the scope. xD


StormEye wrote:I want to use AM rifle which requires 100.

Sniper rifle stops at 75 though.

Ahh, ok. I've seen the AM rifle, but haven't bought it.

Sniper with suppressor with carbon parts is all I need.


Kitsune no Kaji wrote:AM rifle and the Minigun have a requirement of 100, and trust me, it's worth it. There's nothing like watching somebody backflip when you shoot them just right with the AM rifle froms so far away they're barely visible in the scope. xD

Does AM rifle have more zoom than Sniper? If so then I may be game.



I got eh suppressor, but what is carbon parts?



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:AM rifle and the Minigun have a requirement of 100, and trust me, it's worth it. There's nothing like watching somebody backflip when you shoot them just right with the AM rifle froms so far away they're barely visible in the scope. xD
I'm also going to get Gauss Rifle, and unique one near Howitz Farm(?) or something. It probably has better damage than the AM rifle. And it is a Guass rifle, it probably would send enemy FLYING away.


Sniper Rifle Carbon Fiber Parts Reduces weight by 5



Kenneth wrote:Sniper Rifle Carbon Fiber Parts Reduces weight by 5

Where did you even purchase it?

BTW, since I already finished the game in HC, I'm just going through the game in standard mode right now, which alleviates me of ammo weight, which that 5 reduction is not much, but I still want it!



You could always get the Gobi Campaign Rifle. It's pretty neat.


Can be purchased from the Gun Runners store through random rotation of their stock. Adds a texture to the rifle similar to that of carbon fiber used on high performance vehicles.

It's so sexy lookin!



Damn those random rotation crap!



I heard the carbon fiber parts were glitched, and didn't actually do anything to the weight of the gun. Not certain about that, though.

YCS 186 is the unique Gauss Rifle you're talking about, and it is BAD ASS. The only problem is that it uses 4 MF cells per shot. That's still less than a regular Gauss Rifle, but you still blow through ammo quickly.

Another problem with energy weapons is there are only three types of ammo. It's great that you can use Veronica/a workbench to convert them all to whatever you need, but still... using a Gauss Rifle takes a lot out of your ammo stock. I stopped playing my Energy Weps character because I couldn't decide which weapons to keep and which to scrap.

With Guns, I can have eight+ different weapons, all using different types of ammo.



I've picked up Gauss Rifles in the BoS steel bunker. The only things I didn't like about it was, like Cramtron said how fast it goes through ammo and having to reload every shot, and I don't really care for the scope. Other than that, the thing is awesome.


I used Gauss Rifle alot in FO3 and while it's a good weapon I don't like the way it looks. Im shallow like that lol.



Damn, I guess I'm the only one really looking forward to using it?

Also, did anyone get Jury Rigging perk?

I'm looking forward to repairing AM rifle with Varmint rifle, and Gauss with regular plasma rifle. At the moment, I like to fix up hunting rifle with varmint and sell it for caps.




Yes! I LOVE Jury Rigging! It's not only useful for keeping your weapons repaired, but like you said, it can make you A LOT of caps.



I currently have a repair skill of 75 (took Hand Loader), so I'll probably pick up Jury Rigging, if no better perks are available upon leveling up.



Handloader is awesome too, you can make some really good rounds with it (.50 MG Matchload and .308 JSP come to mind)


I'm looking forward to Jury Rigger, not sure if I'll be able to get it though.



Repair 90 is requirement.


Hmm. I may not be able to swing that.



Its really great though.

Fixing Power Armour with Metal Armour which seems plenty enough while killing fiends near Vegas.

BTW enemies do respawn right?


Yes enemies respawn after a few days I believe.



[FONV] LoL. Decent weapon skill makes huge difference. Aoaaaa14-1



Don't forget you can repair combat helmets with nearly any hat too. Very Happy



Power Armour helmet seems to only work with metal ones just like the Power Armour.

Which combat helmet are you talking about? I don't think I was able to repair Combat helmet reinforced with any hat. Or maybe I was trying it with metal helmet thats why. I should try regular hats.



The dearth of perks pretty much makes it a requirement to focus on only one weapon this time around. Kinda sucks. Well, only if you're a min/maxxer, like me.

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