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Your Call of Duty: Black Ops experience

11 posters

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post ur overall reaction to the game and rate it 1 to 10
put spoilers in code



Multiplayer is great sans a few flaws. Shotguns are WORTHLESS. Second Chance is overpowered. SMGs are overpowered. 8/10.

Have not played campaign yet.



ante87 wrote:Multiplayer is great sans a few flaws. Shotguns are WORTHLESS. Second Chance is overpowered. SMGs are overpowered. 8/10.

Have not played campaign yet.

Explain how shotgun = worthless? Because you can't snipe/longshot now?

SMGs are overpowered, close rage/partial medium. They are also quicker than assault rifles..



Aren't SMGs supposed to dominate close range? Assault Rifles are medium range weapons, typically.



Shotguns are too weak and have too little range, I stopped by my cousin's house this morning (he's skipping to play this game Neutral) to drop off a couple letters and I played for a few rounds.

Shotguns are always worthless in Call of Duty games, except for CoD2. MW2 had them right, they were just secondaries. They're held back by their lack of versatility more than anything - an SMG is more reliable and can kill at any range with relative ease.

Haven't tried any semis yet, then again I just got home around an hour ago. I should go out and pick up that game later though.



So far it's been good, haven't noticed any glitches yet, MP seems like MW2. Graphics seem a bit better , and movement flows a bit better. SP is MUCH better from what I've played, I was actually surprised by how good it was. Overall I'd give it a 9.



blackholedreams wrote:Aren't SMGs supposed to dominate close range? Assault Rifles are medium range weapons, typically.

Everyone always says SMGs should dominate close range, but it should be shotguns. You have to be so close for a OHK you might as well just knife.



ranges should be closest to longest
machine gun (could be anywhere really)




I dunno man.....The Spas looks like it does some work.



Yeah, the SPAS-12 looks similar to the M1014. Might be the only decent one to use - the Olympia sucks since I get nothing but hit markers and it's a fucking double-barrel. I shouldn't be reloading in a fire-fight because I just got two wounds.



I kinda like the shotguns and really like the game from the one match I played



So does the spread decrease when you aim with a shotgun now?



Bla125 wrote:So does the spread decrease when you aim with a shotgun now?

Nope it's still glitched.

Why would you be aiming down with a shotgun anyway o_O



You're still better off hip firing from my experience with the Ithaca.



JDM_Jev wrote:
Bla125 wrote:So does the spread decrease when you aim with a shotgun now?

Nope it's still glitched.

Why would you be aiming down with a shotgun anyway o_O



I do it for the lulz.


(editor's note: My Clan tag was sXe for this very reason)



Bla125 wrote:
JDM_Jev wrote:
Bla125 wrote:So does the spread decrease when you aim with a shotgun now?

Nope it's still glitched.

Why would you be aiming down with a shotgun anyway o_O

It fires a pellet spray. Aiming down wouldn't change that even if it didn't erroneously increase the spread.

Unless we're talking about a game that doesn't use the same style buckshot spread.



TheGM86 wrote:I do it for the lulz.


(editor's note: My Clan tag was sXe for this very reason)

That was the best part of MW:2, the hate mail I got for being good at it.



I don't know why you guys think the shotguns suck. Sure, the Olympia sucks, but the Stakeout is amazing. Just stay in the close quarters areas of the map and you get tons of easy kills.



Shotguns suck because they're bad and other close-range weapons are superior and more-versatile.

As in you're not fucked beyond 15 feet because buck shot disappears into thin air.



Shotguns still beat anything in close quarters, and if you know what you're doing, you aren't going be fighting someone who is 15 feet away from you.



Really? I've found that the knife is the best CQB weapon, people don't even bother trying to shoot me anymore.



The knife is too unreliable, and the range is way shorter than shotguns.



Okay so I've had quite a bit of hands-on time so this is what I think.

I dunno, maybe the engine's just getting stale or maybe it's the fact that IW makes the game and then Treyarch makes the mod pack but this game is really bad.

Same shit, same knife (except people don't even bother shooting a gun at close-quarters now without stopping power), same terrible fucking spawns and the same stupid fucking guns.

I don't know about you but when I see Treyarch say 'hey lets make a cold war game but keep all the assault rifles that were in MW2 in-game because they were super-secret prototypes man' it sort of pisses me off. I'm debating on selling this game to my friend for 10% off or taking it in for store credit and getting Golden Sun at the end of the month.

If there's any shades of gray I'm just-not seeing it. I guess I've played too many shooter games in my time, because seeing a knife win in a 1v1 just makes me fucking puke.

Probably a 1/3 of my deaths are to that, another 1/3 from bad spawns and the rest from connection battles. I see the entire meta-game being based around high-power weapons since they basically disregard the lack of stopping power.

And I don't like how the unlock system works - you should have guns avaliable for purchase by default and then guns you can unlock from leveling, not 'reach x level and then buy this fucking gun'. Really? They beat the currency system to death.

Also the knife is far from unreliable. It should never work on an enemy that's engaged in shooting you, I dunno maybe that's just the Battlefield/CS in me talking.



As for kill streaks they should be rewarded differently - like a momentum system or something. A simple meter at the top of your screen that fills faster from capping points/flags/planting bombs/defusing than from kills, and a savior/avenger kill would reward more than a normal kill.

If you die it goes down slightly, and if you go an extended period of time without making any sort of score then it goes down at a gradual rate. I don't know, as is the game's community is so focused on being the lone wolf waiting at a choke-point because kill streaks reward you for playing selfishly and the game suffers because of them.

I like them because they give CoD a slight identity but I'm shocked that they weren't re-worked even slightly in this game. Okay, so a kill streak doesn't tally towards another kill streak.

In the grand scheme of things that's not even what I hate the most about them.

oh and the pistols are too weak, which would be good if the knife wasn't the best CQC weapon in the game as it'd highlight disadvantages of using some guns over others - SMGs rock at close-range for the most part while sucking slightly at mid-long while using burst-fire rifles, LMGs that aren't the M60 or snipers gives you an edge at mid-long.

But unfortunately in the end connection-battles and the knife beat everything, as do most auto-assault rifles (again) this time around since they're without any disadvantage. Whatever, take my advice and don't buy it.

Unless you enjoy shitty games.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Haven't played SP but I played an hour of MP at a friends house this morning. Safe to say that the oly way Activision or Treyarch will ever make me buy a CoD game again is if they go back to the gameplay of CoD3, my favorite CoD.

But all I saw was the same classic CoD staple. Overpowered unbalanced weapons and perks, same crappy spawning, major lack of reciol, etc etc.

Now the last one might seem like I am grasping for straws at complaints. But for me, I always want reciol in my shooters. Feels more immersive to me.



I haven't experienced your problems with the knife. I think you are over exaggerating and hate the game just to hate the game. I don't think a momentum meter would work. This isn't a team based game like Battlefield. It's an arcade shooter. Also, the killstreaks and money system is fine. Guns aren't the only thing you buy. Having to unlock them is a good thing. You can buy all the perks and attachments from the start without having to unlock them.

They had a few guns from MW2 in here because they were around in the Cold War era. MW2 didn't invent the guns, and over half of the guns in this game are new.



There's plenty of recoil. Also, I haven't noticed any over powered guns. What guns are you guys talking about?



The M60 LMG is fucking excessive, as is the Galil.

Basically any high-power gun is too good, because all the weaker guns suck because of the lack of stopping power. The guns that aren't high-power and are still too good are the ones with pretty much no recoil and moderate power like the AUG and FAMAS.

Haven't run into any AKs but that probably be on the list too.

the only thing about this game so far that I like is that burst-fire rifles don't shit on everything. But being useless at close-range is kind of over-kill.

Also I've played every Call of Duty game, a ton...15+ days on CoD4, around 9+ on WaW and 6 or 7 on MW2. Hate for the franchise doesn't cause that. I genuinely enjoyed them. Probably 15+ between CoD1 and 2, too.

I was hesitant to throw money at this game because it's more of the same, except even worse than I remember. Now I wholly regret it.

Also if you read what I posted you'd see that I hate the idea of prototypes being in-game weapons. Stick with the time-frame or don't, don't retro-tech a bunch of stupid shit and completely defeat the purpose of any honesty to the era this game is supposedly set in.


I haven't played it yet, but it sounds like you're being a little nitpicky Jev. To me it sounds like you're expecting a Call of Duty game to play like BC2. Of course the knife is OP compared to BC2's. It seems to me, although I still haven't played it, that Treyarch fixed most of the things that were wrong with MW2. No more SP, no more nuke boosting campers, no more super duper leet quick scopes. Hopefully it'll get rid of some of the idiots in the community, although that's way too much to hope for.



This game is way better than MW2.



Higurashi wrote:This game is way better than MW2.
not saying too much there...

better than waw? bc2?


If it's better than WaW, it's probably the best CoD IMO.



No, I expect Call of Duty games now to run something different or at least fix the acknowledged, now-realized problems in their entirety.

This is the only game where a melee takes precedence over using a gun. It's a skill-less reflex button that takes all the fun out of close-range. I prefer shooting guns in my shooter games, just me.

If they went back to the system of a gun-stock melee then honestly it'd be perfect. Heavier weapons one-shot, while light-guns take two hits. No lock-on, just skill.

Hell, if you had to equip the fucking knife instead of sliding it out of your sleeve or something I wouldn't even mind.

I've played all of the CoD games a shitload except '3, so I think 'oh you just don't like the game because you decided you don't like the game' is flat-out straw-manning.

By now, I expect something new. And this is just MW2 with weaker explosives, no stopping power and a different secondary system.

Horrible spawns are untouched, as are kill streaks.

Last edited by JDM_Jev on 2010-11-09, 21:20; edited 1 time in total



Higurashi wrote:The knife is too unreliable, and the range is way shorter than shotguns.

a damn good step in the right direction if ya ask me!



His connection must be horrible since I haven't seen the knife fail once.



You are making the knife out to be way worse than it is. I'm starting to think you're trolling. How is the knife in this game (A little better than in CoD 4) worse than in MW2?



JDM_Jev wrote:His connection must be horrible since I haven't seen the knife fail once.

I have a good connection, usually 4 bars.


I can feel you there. They do need some change in CoD, as the past 4 really have been so similar it's getting kind of old.



It's exactly the same as MW2, you just don't have Commando.

Everyone I've spoken with so far in-game agrees. And how am I trolling? I'm providing my opinion of the game and what I feel like would be a better system to make it more enjoyable.

As in innovating the game instead of repackaging it in a different skin. I can't even believe this took 2 years to develop.



Higurashi wrote:
JDM_Jev wrote:His connection must be horrible since I haven't seen the knife fail once.

I have a good connection, usually 4 bars.

That is a indication of absolutely nothing, 4 bars is as much as 100 MS ping.



imo the knife should be close to bc1's mixed with bc2's. the insta trigger rb knife fails more but is quicker to pull. equipped knife is slower to equip but works well with multible slash a bit slower than a fallout 3 knife, the ultimate close range really.



Lead Based Toys wrote:As for kill streaks they should be rewarded differently - like a momentum system or something. A simple meter at the top of your screen that fills faster from capping points/flags/planting bombs/defusing than from kills, and a savior/avenger kill would reward more than a normal kill.

If you die it goes down slightly, and if you go an extended period of time without making any sort of score then it goes down at a gradual rate. I don't know, as is the game's community is so focused on being the lone wolf waiting at a choke-point because kill streaks reward you for playing selfishly and the game suffers because of them.

What's funny about this is that it's kind (sort of) of how Frontlines: Fuel of War worked. I'm hoping Homefront follows this idea too.

Lead Based Toys wrote:Also if you read what I posted you'd see that I hate the idea of prototypes being in-game weapons. Stick with the time-frame or don't, don't retro-tech a bunch of stupid shit and completely defeat the purpose of any honesty to the era this game is supposedly set in.

Well the time period is 60 to about 85 so they all fit within that. I agree with you that it's weird that some are "Prototypes" when the actual production versions were also released within the 60-85 time frame though. Even if they had the normal production versions every ones familiar with, they'd still be sticking to the time period they set.

They probably did it just to make the guns more interesting and also to counteract the fact that most people don't realize how fucking old most modern military weapons really are.

I also think it's weird that they put the Enfield in instead of the newer (and much cooler) SA80 considering it fits in that time period too. Whatever. I already posted a topic about weapons I would have liked to see in it.

So far I like BO a shit load better than Reach though...



Knife lunge is still very much in the game, you just don't teleport anymore. It's fucking annoying, but at least you have a chance to defend against it. I have been lunged at from beyond the stakeout's maximum OHK range too. However, I just unlocked the SPAS-12 and have to say it's not bad.

The game is far from perfect, but it's so much less frustrating than MW2 and I've been having a blast playing it.

Also, just finished the campaign and I have to say that I loved every minute of it.



Having played for about 3 hours last night, I have to say that I had a blast playing, its better than MW2 by a long shot, and it feels right around the area of WaW or CoD 4 quality to me. That's all I have to say about that.



I agree Metal I also like BO a shit load better than reach!

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