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Snipers are useless.

10 posters

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1Snipers are useless. Empty Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 02:47



I can not believe what treyarch did to them. There is so much sway and the fact you have to wait 4 seconds before even shooting makes them the worst class of weapons in the game compared to everything else.

2Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 02:49



Yeah Over nerfing is a real Problem

3Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 02:53



Treyarch had too much scare from the community crying about snipers it seems.

4Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 03:03



Well i usually dont mind Over nerfing because what they Nerf is usually what Craptastic people use to think theyre Pro's

However if they OVernerfed something that didnt Need a Nerf at all then i usually get pissed like BC2 did for its first patch

5Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 03:31


The sway hasn't changed, it's just the sight time. Otherwise they are stopping power snipers that don't need the perk, so they're technically better. Plus the L96A1 has an extra one shot hitbox that other CoD snipers didn't have, so what else do you need? If anything I think the rate of fire is too low.

6Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 14:29



I think that the snipers are fine. However, most good sniping spots, like understairs and such, are usually blocked off, and the maps aren't really designed for sniping at all. The rifles are fine, but the maps are just too small, too much cover, or there's not enough places to hide properly.

7Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 14:32



Meh I don't use the sniper rifles so it dosn;t bother me. There are some spots though and the games I played last night I saw some pretty good snipers. There's a few good spots in launch.

I don't think that all the maps are too small but there are some like nuketown where you might as well forget it.

8Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 14:35



Once actually is experienced, commonly used spots will be known and useless though. I'd say just to lay down randomly somewhere in the grass and snipe is probably going to be the best chance of doing something.

9Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 14:38



They have some weapons they can use that I am suprised that I havn't seen. Camera spike, motion sensors. O well like I said I'm not a sniper, and I don;t think CoD had ever been a good game for snipers.

10Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 14:41



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:They have some weapons they can use that I am suprised that I havn't seen. Camera spike, motion sensors. O well like I said I'm not a sniper, and I don;t think CoD had ever been a good game for snipers.

Sniper doesn't exist in CoD, they're known as shotguns.

11Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-11, 14:44



I sniped just fine in WaW and CoD4; there were lots of spots to hide. Even in MW2; but then again, as Luigi said, snipers were really shotguns, and all the other weapons could snipe better than a sniper, lol.

12Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-13, 16:17



People said sniping would be impossible in MW2, but they found a way. They will find a way again in Black Ops.

13Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-13, 16:21



Sniping was really easy in MW2 for the maps and how good the sniper rifles were, but the other weapons sniped better than they did, lol.

In this game, the snipers are finally balanced, and forced to work how they should, but the maps are not tuned for sniping at all. There's only one or two spots to snipe from that are any good on every map, and they're fairly obvious.

14Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-13, 16:23



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Sniping was really easy in MW2 for the maps and how good the sniper rifles were, but the other weapons sniped better than they did, lol.

In this game, the snipers are finally balanced, and forced to work how they should, but the maps are not tuned for sniping at all. There's only one or two spots to snipe from that are any good on every map, and they're fairly obvious.

I can't really comment because I hadn't tired them much and yes the sniping spots are kinda bad so far, but my biggest complain it how it takes me two shots to kill someone. Do you have to aim for the upper chest or head for OSK now?

15Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 16:09



Sniping was only too easy in CoD1 and 2. In every game beyond that it's been lacking since other guns are so much more accurate and powerful now.

Why they thought it was necessary at all to nerf them is beyond me, they were still garbage weapons in MW2, you could use any assault rifle and kill long-range easier.

16Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 16:29



Because of all the SuPeRxX1337XxPrOxXsNiPeZXx in MW2 was annoying, that's why they changed it.

17Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 16:35



I have actually found out how to use snipers but I still think they are a bit underpowered.

18Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 16:39



I think they appear underpowered because of the maps. There really arnt any good sniping maps. The ones that are somewhat good to snipe on are way to easy to flank those positions so short range weapons can own you.

19Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 16:42



It was annoying to see half your team using an Intervention with SoH Pro/SP missing every shot but it still wasn't good.

All the horrible little kids twitter-bombing Josh have a really fucked up sense of priorities. Everything they don't use is overpowered, everything they do is fair-game so that's why assault rifles, the knife and kill streaks went unchanged.

god damn.

20Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 16:46


That Bolt-action+ACOG is lots of fun. I think snipers just don't work for the maps really. It's not that they're bad, it's just since you can't super duper quickscope they're not as useful on the small maps.

21Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 17:01



JDM_Jev wrote:It was annoying to see half your team using an Intervention with SoH Pro/SP missing every shot but it still wasn't good.

All the horrible little kids twitter-bombing Josh have a really fucked up sense of priorities. Everything they don't use is overpowered, everything they do is fair-game so that's why assault rifles, the knife and kill streaks went unchanged.

god damn.

Killstreaks went unchanged? They're much more difficult to get, compared to the last game, as well as actually making sense as to how much effort it takes to get them. Not to mention the fact that the air support is extremely easy to shoot down this time if you actually make the effort.

Assault rifles should be toned down just a hair more, and they'd be fine. However, how good a weapon works at each range is still better than CoD4/WaW/MW2. CoD4, the SMG's could be AR's, and the AR's could be SMG's, easily. This game, they feel significantly more defined.

22Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 17:04



In CoD4 an assault rifle was easier to kill with long-range than an SMG.

Assault rifles had sway which gave them a slight accuracy disadvantage but they still had less recoil and higher power at range, unless of course we're talking about the M4/G36c in which case who actually used them.

And that's not my beef with kill streaks, it's that they aren't rewarded for playing game modes properly outside of TDM/FFA. Seriously, any other play list apart from Search is full of kill-whoring scrubs who don't touch down near the objective at any point during the game.

23Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 17:06



JDM_Jev wrote:In CoD4 an assault rifle was easier to kill with long-range than an SMG.

Assault rifles had sway which gave them a slight accuracy disadvantage but they still had less recoil and higher power at range, unless of course we're talking about the M4/G36c in which case who actually used them.

And that's not my beef with kill streaks, it's that they aren't rewarded for playing game modes properly outside of TDM/FFA. Seriously, any other play list apart from Search is full of kill-whoring scrubs who don't touch down near the objective at any point during the game.

The AR's still could beat SMGs up close, and vice versa (especially the MP5/AK-74).

That's actually a good point, but unfortunately, I don't ever think that will be fixed, because it is a killstreak, but in Domination, for example, maybe it should be given away for capping flags/defending or per score amount?

24Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 17:11



Yeah in a hip-spray down the AK47/M16 weren't exactly disadvantaged in CoD4, then again no 40 damage weapon was. It's just that the MP5 was so much better at it, like SMGs should be.

And I really liked the idea of the momentum system pitched during MW2's life that was spammed repeatedly at Josh but never implemented.

A meter at the top of the screen fills as you make score, when full you can either use a kill streak or 'bank' it to go for a higher kill streak.

Capturing objectives and planting bombs fill the meter faster than just-kills, as do Savior/Avenger kills. Going without score for a while gradually decreases the meter, and a single death drains the meter slightly while consecutive deaths with no score drains it much faster.

25Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 17:13



So, it would be like War + Game mode? I like that idea, actuallly. A lot! Very Happy

Plus, I miss War. Sad

26Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 17:15



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:So, it would be like War + Game mode? I like that idea, actuallly. A lot! Very Happy

Plus, I miss War. Sad
I know war was awesome but the maps the maps suck for it.

27Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 17:16



It's weird, because everybody said that they liked War, but nobody ever was hardly was playing it on the playlist, and Treyarch got rid of it. Sad

28Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 18:06



Can't you guys debate the merits and faults of a game without it degenerating into ridiculous accusations and butthurt feelings? It's just a game. Don't take offense at other peoples' opinions. It's not like we're discussing euthanasia, here.

29Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 18:09



I take it as a personal insult to dislike something that I like.

30Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 18:11



The Cramtron wrote:Can't you guys debate the merits and faults of a game without it degenerating into ridiculous accusations and butthurt feelings? It's just a game. Don't take offense at other peoples' opinions. It's not like we're discussing euthanasia, here.

We COULD discuss euthanasia, I got a A+ in a debate about it o.o
But it's a sensitive topic and it wouldn't benefit this topic anymore.

31Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 18:21




32Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 18:51



I posted that last message in the wrong topic. Whoops.

33Snipers are useless. Empty Re: Snipers are useless. 2010-11-14, 18:52



The Cramtron wrote:I posted that last message in the wrong topic. Whoops.

it's just good to see you posting and not-lurking

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