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Why so much hatred towards snipers in BC2?

Ron Swanson
Epyk MD
11 posters

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I don't only mean just by players either. I never noticed this until today, but in BC2, there's NO special callout for ANY other class but the sniper, which is pretty biased. There's no "Enemy shock troopers incoming", "Guy with a rocket launcher, head's up vehicles" or even "Hey, take out that medic! He's patching guys up?" Nope, just normal enemy call outs when they're spotted, but for snipers, it's "HEY! THERE'S A FUCKING SNIPER! TAKE HIM OUT!" "LOOK OUT FOR THAT FUCKING SNIPER!" "Enemy sniper" "Keep your heads down, enemy sniper over there". Maybe DICE knew that everybody would hate snipers/Recon players (somewhat unfairly, some of the time, tbqh) way ahead of time?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I rage abit at the 3+ mildot exhibition shooters, but hey that's why we play conquest (sdm) now.



But conquest has Apaches/Havocs galore Sad Also, I'm kinda also talking just about the actual game in-general too. I find it very odd that there are no callouts for any other troop, except for Recon players.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Lately SeC has been the whores in the chopper. Also we have zillah and khult manned on at4s.

As far as ingame, maybe its just to reflect real life fear of snipers.



Oh, nice. I HATE chopper whores, so if I end up playing again, I'll gladly play if you have Khult and Zillah on our team to kill the enemy choppers.

Yeah, that kinda makes sense I guess. I kinda of thought about that, but wouldn't a guy in a tank be more worried about a guy with a rocket launcher, than a guy with a rifle designed for taking out infantry? Oh well, guess I'm just nitpicking now. Razz Maybe they'll add those callouts in BF3.



Because 90% of them dont do jack shit besides sit 40 miles away from any action. Its a cowardly approach(especially in objective based games), and takes little to no skill most of the time. Plus the majority think of themselves as leet snipez which is pretty pathetic.



Symbolic wrote:Because 90% of them dont do jack shit besides sit 40 miles away from any action. Its a cowardly approach(especially in objective based games), and takes little to no skill most of the time. Plus the majority think of themselves as leet snipez which is pretty pathetic.

You mean like my favourite players that use the M95 with 12x and Magnum Ammo going for 500 Marksmen bonus? xD

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

this one time I sniped khult on harbor right before he was going to knife the new guy.
I was on port valdez. With a red dot.
Got myself a 750 Mmb.

Im a badass.



I hate snipers because they sit back being useless and annoying the people trying to play the game properly



Snipers are very important to watching your back though, in addition to getting rid of the enemy team's snipers. Trust me, you don't notice that they're gone until they aren't there anymore, then you realize how annoying it is without a good one on your team to get rid of theirs. I can't count how many times I used to save you guys from people coming up behind you to knife you with my SVU or my GOL, and you would never even know it. Smile



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Snipers are very important to watching your back though, in addition to getting rid of the enemy team's snipers. Trust me, you don't notice that they're gone until they aren't there anymore, then you realize how annoying it is without a good one on your team to get rid of theirs. I can't count how many times I used to save you guys from people coming up behind you to knife you with my SVU or my GOL, and you would never even know it. Smile

Yet if the game had no snipers at all it would be great

Also the problem with Snipers on either team is they usually dont aim at other snipers

Also can you imagine if a Gun that could handle this was in BF3?



Frostbyrn wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Snipers are very important to watching your back though, in addition to getting rid of the enemy team's snipers. Trust me, you don't notice that they're gone until they aren't there anymore, then you realize how annoying it is without a good one on your team to get rid of theirs. I can't count how many times I used to save you guys from people coming up behind you to knife you with my SVU or my GOL, and you would never even know it. Smile

Yet if the game had no snipers at all it would be great

Also the problem with Snipers on either team is they usually dont aim at other snipers

Also can you imagine if a Gun that could handle this was in BF3?


Lol, I remember seeing that a few years ago. Isn't that a ridiculous cartridge? But anyways, without snipers, the game would be a little boring at times, because taking out people from long range, off of machine gun turrets (bar engineer), and people camping in windows would be a lot harder. Snipers are great as long as there's only 2-3 of them on your team; it only gets stupid when 1/2+ of your team or more is all sniping, and the objective isn't being captured. Having too many of any type of teammate usually sucks a lot. I would be great if there was always 3 of each class on the battlefield (except for special occasions, like vehicle heavy maps)



This is the rifle that Fires it lol



Frostbyrn wrote:This is the rifle that Fires it lol

Very ridiculous and impractical, but very, very cool. xD




Thats Sissy talk!



Frost and i were..... ummm... "snipers" last night on valparaiso. I had fun popping heads. then it got boring!

When you think about it, even the characters in the game scream out SNIPER when they get shot! no one screams out infantry or engineer or medic. only SNIPER is yelled out. The same can be said for real life combat.

I think it's that fear factor embedded in!! that idea of some guy killing your teammates with 1 shot each from a long distance off.

If i get killed by a sniper in this game, it's no big deal. BUT if i get killed by teh same guy again and he still hasn't relocated. YUP I'm gonna kill that mutha!



It's because in real life, a good sniper is like a God Hand. The fear of not knowing where that next bullet is coming from and knowing that if you're the one to get hit, it's over. I imagine that makes people poop their pants IRL.



Whats worse is being the one that's hit and NOT killed.. You sir have become bait!! and the worst kind, cause your bleeding out and the pain is unbearable.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't hate all snipers, just the ones on my team who are exclusive snipers. There are times and places for sniping.



Snipers can definitely be useless but one or two very skilled ones can be a great help.



The sniper does get out of hand, but I see why. I usually play assault recon and it drives me nuts seeing guys just sit back in our spawn. That goes for all classes, but it is usually snipers.



I don't like seeing snipers sitting back and not doing their job, but it drives me more crazy to see Recon players running into the fray, when their class comes standard with a bolt-action rifle for a reason. The Recons should be at the back, and throw their motion sensors forward, while covering their team, if they're using their rifles for precision. I usually would a semi-auto if on the attacking team, but a bolt-action if we were defending.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

if im not sniping im not recon.

i could use an SVU, wreck shit up and run out of ammo, or use an M14 as assualt and do exactly the same thing and not run out of ammo.

unless im sniping i dont use recon, as assualt does it better for me Very Happy



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I don't like seeing snipers sitting back and not doing their job, but it drives me more crazy to see Recon players running into the fray, when their class comes standard with a bolt-action rifle for a reason. The Recons should be at the back, and throw their motion sensors forward, while covering their team, if they're using their rifles for precision. I usually would a semi-auto if on the attacking team, but a bolt-action if we were defending.

Bolt-actions are amazing at close range combat with magnum ammo, especially the SV98 and M95.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I don't like seeing snipers sitting back and not doing their job, but it drives me more crazy to see Recon players running into the fray, when their class comes standard with a bolt-action rifle for a reason. The Recons should be at the back, and throw their motion sensors forward, while covering their team, if they're using their rifles for precision. I usually would a semi-auto if on the attacking team, but a bolt-action if we were defending.

attacking I use VSS. Using that with C4, and motion mines to flank the other team, the C4 for vehicles. Defending I use M95 (great against UAV's) and stay, within reason, with my team, to make the motion mines useful. On Isle Innocents I use the BA while attacking from a little island between the first set of bases and the spawn, good coverage, close enough for MM's to land by mcoms, good view of the field. I think I'll be playing BC2 soon, I feel the itch.



Ante wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I don't like seeing snipers sitting back and not doing their job, but it drives me more crazy to see Recon players running into the fray, when their class comes standard with a bolt-action rifle for a reason. The Recons should be at the back, and throw their motion sensors forward, while covering their team, if they're using their rifles for precision. I usually would a semi-auto if on the attacking team, but a bolt-action if we were defending.

Bolt-actions are amazing at close range combat with magnum ammo, especially the SV98 and M95.

I <3 SV98 with 4x and Magnum Ammo. I'd rather just use a shotgun, but it's not as much fun as using those two weapons. You have to be pretty close to get within OSK range though.



I feel it's because most snipers on BF:BC2 contribute little if anything toward their team. The more snipers there are on a team, the less that team accomplishes.

But the way the game intended it, I think it's because the Recon kit is dangerously versatile: a weapon that can kill with one bullet at any range, the ability to call in mortar strikes or use C4, and motion sensors.

The other classes have clearly defined purposes, but the Sniper is by the far the most flexible.

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