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Kdr argument of doom...

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51Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-15, 23:29



You fail to realize that 2 million people who die 1 time in multiplayer and quit still count as 2 million kills. Also dashboarding is a problem yet their true K/D is still a 1.0. Yea..sure you can get a 5.0 by dashboarding if you get under that...but who gives a shit? They dashboarded so their essentially modifying the game in a way it wasnt meant to or "cheating".

Now just about every one of your arguments were just stupid.
1) Ive played every single COD game and half the MOH series. Yet you dont see me with an amazingly high KD. You also dont see me dashboarding or complaining when I drop by .04 on my KD (wtf you really watch that, that closely?)
2) your listening to people on gamefaqs? really? its just a bunch of 10 yearolds. You can have a more intelligent conversation with a rock that hasnt seen the light of day in 4.3 billion years.
3)Maybe if you spent less time looking at your KD you would get more kills which means less complaining
4)Who says you need 1.3 higher ratio since you dont have a job? So the homeless dude down the street should therefor have a 1.3 K/D right?

Kitsune man I respect you sometimes but other times you make no fucking sense. You are blind to how well you actually do in games.

Honestly I think you have K/D ratio and spread mixed up. Man if you cant realize the average ratio is not 5+ I think you need to find something other than video games to do in your free time. Maybe pickup a math book from a library or something.

52Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-15, 23:37



I watch it that closely, because it needs to be monitored, to make sure I know what it's at, because falling too much will mean I'm not paying attention. I started having fun a few days ago, and I was laughing, then I noticed my K/D had fallen, and realized that having fun apparenlty was too much of a priviledge for me to handle, and I was not being efficient enough.

GameFAQs is where I was for the last 3 years; I have no other choice than to trust what they say, like I trust the words of most. I have taught myself that my opinion is garbage and means nothing; what others have taught/told me must be true, because I have been wrong before, and I cannot allow that again, so I let the minds of others decide for me. Half of the reason why I quit chess long ago, is because people told me it was stupid, a nerd's game, and only losers played it, so I stopped. The other half being because I only won 2/5 games at a tournament, and I decided it was time to stop, because every time before that, I had won 3/5-4/5 games.

I say I need a + 1.3 higher ratio because I don't have a job; it's the same protocol I invented for everything. Getting less than a 90% on a test back in high school was punished with 24 hours of ration withdrawal, to further teach myself that mistakes are unacceptable.

I would read more often, but as said before, I have been told that it was both stupid and a waste of time, so I stopped, not to mention I have read through 2 school libraries worth of books, and every last one of my own.

53Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-15, 23:43


I can't even pull off a 5.0 K/D when playing against bots on combat training on recruit level, dunno how you plan on doing it online.

54Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-15, 23:59



u want a 5+ k/d fine. just dont say we are bad for not living to your expectations. bottom line. dont cross it. i say standard is .9 due to suicides if u got near that, u good, u dont, u are having more fun with the game than i am and you are are a good man.

55Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:03



I NEVER said you guys were bad; ugh, I said you all probably HAVE a 5.0+ K/D. >_>

56Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:09



You have implied that all of us suck so horribly that we shouldn't ever play.

57Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:12



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I NEVER said you guys were bad; ugh, I said you all probably HAVE a 5.0+ K/D. >_>

u said all regular players have a k/d of 5+, meaning we were bad players, insulting us. kinda being condesending thats what this was about. until it ended

58Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:15



Yes, I said the average player probably has a 5.0+ K/D, and most people here, and everybody probably did too. >_>

59Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:15



This topic may be one of the more ridiculous things I've ever read in my life.

60Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:19



The Cramtron wrote:This topic may be one of the more ridiculous things I've ever read in my life.

ahh good ol cram. his side or mine? and kitsune if u didnt take the hint...

stop fucking talking ur making ur case worse erase that last post for the good of yourself

61Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

This topic is so full of win my phone started smoking
Wait.....was it win or whine ?

62Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:25



Whine isn't even CLOSE to it...

63Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:29



Awesome MD wrote:This topic is so full of win my phone started smoking
Wait.....was it win or whine ?

this post made up for all the shit that was this topic

i vote an extra awesome cred for it

watch as i flexed my non-existent mod muscles XD

64Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:29



Why? Because the average player probably does have a 5 K/D or higher? See, then you guys deny it; I don't even know what to say...I know you easily have a 5.0 K/D or better, it has to be.

65Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:31



I have been getting a 5.0+ every game lately but my kd isn't a 5.0, it's a 1.3 something. So you are saying that I suck.

66Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:31



Also, you still have not proven that the machinima K/D is below 5, if not a 10 K/D.

NO, I'm saying that everybody's K/D MUST be over 5. It is impossible for it to be lower. There's no way. I refuse to believe it.

67Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:36



How about you look at the leaderboards dumbass.

68Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:36



I did; as I've already said. Go to leaderboards, select "Everyone", then press X; everybody at the top of the leaderboard has a K/D of 3+, an average of 5+

69Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:37



KITSUNE UR WRONG. stop posting

check their fucking livestream they said it was 1. something and they are suppoesed to be the best of the fucking best so fuck off man

70Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:37



Link to said Live Stream?

71Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:38



Look at ours!!! God dammit your pissing me off!!!!!!

72Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:42



I refuse. I haven't played anything other than Zombies, and little bit of Combat Training all day, because I don't even want to touch MP.

73Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:42



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I did; as I've already said. Go to leaderboards, select "Everyone", then press X; everybody at the top of the leaderboard has a K/D of 3+, an average of 5+

the leadder board is the top 500,000 some odd people. someone said it. which could average out to be less than 1 DUE TO SUICIDES IT FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE FOR AVERAGE PLAYERS TO HAVE OVER DUE TO SUICIDES OF PLAYERS

74Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:43



And it could more than that due to dashboarding.

75Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:46



i refuse to link as not to fuel this shitstorm

76Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:46



Then there is no proof that their K/D was less than 10, which is what I think it is.

77Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:47



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:And it could more than that due to dashboarding.

so then its one, equal. or do u promote dashing?

78Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:48



I do not promote dashboarding, but many people do it, and that could easily raise the average above one if enough people did it.

79Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:49



This thread is more rage inducing than the FPS games we play.

80Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:49



oh yea i forgot, it helps my arguement if u say they suck

go waste away here while i down a trexemet (headache drug)

81Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:49



ante87 wrote:This thread is more rage inducing than the FPS games we play.

Why? Because your tiny brain cannot comprehend the difference between good/bad?

82Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:51



ante87 wrote:This thread is more rage inducing than the FPS games we play.

83Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:53



Also, whoever is playing right there, is awful, probably because he mentioned the name OpTic, hint that he's part of it, and OpTic IS bad, as well as a bunch of cheaters (were kicked from a tournament for cheating). Xcal, BT, and Seananners are the only ones worth watching, really.

84Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:55



Fuck you Bob, that is all I have to say.

85Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:57



Why? Because I have made my point and proven it?

86Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 00:58



MY tiny brain? Wow dude, you have some gall calling me stupid. What's your IQ Bob? The difference between good and bad is ENTIRELY relative. Sorry to say, but most people are not part of your "master race" and have realistic expectations of themselves and the people around them. You are such a whiny, butthurt little troll bitch. Remember dude, down the road not across the street.

87Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:00



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Also, whoever is playing right there, is awful, probably because he mentioned the name OpTic, hint that he's part of it, and OpTic IS bad, as well as a bunch of cheaters (were kicked from a tournament for cheating). Xcal, BT, and Seananners are the only ones worth watching, really.

they are above average and they "suck" proving my point

hutch? dr. disrespect? sark? tejbz? are they "bad" too?

that brain comment was just plain wrong


88Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:01



My IQ tested to be 140 when I was 10 years of age, to be exact, and hasn't been tested since. And I'm such a troll, yet you insult me, because I seem to be one of the few people who realize what a good player is and what a bad player is. Being imperfect is unacceptable to me.

And how does the guy NOT suck. 16-37? He's good, right? It would be like being paid to drive a truck, then parking it halfway to the destination, then getting out to take a piss every delivery. I would revoke a contract from somebody who did not win every game.

89Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:04



Such a waste then, since you seem to be doomed to be this depressing pile of goo that just sloshes through life bitching and moaning at anyone, everyone, and everything that isn't your definition of perfect.

90Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:05



Finally somebody gets to the point. Now, tell me to kill myself, please.

91Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:05



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:My IQ tested to be 140 when I was 10 years of age, to be exact, and hasn't been tested since. And I'm such a troll, yet you insult me, because I seem to be one of the few people who realize what a good player is and what a bad player is. Being imperfect is unacceptable to me.

And how does the guy NOT suck. 16-37? He's good, right? It would be like being paid to drive a truck, then parking it halfway to the destination, then getting out to take a piss every delivery. I would revoke a contract from somebody who did not win every game.

Round 26.

oh yea. bitch

we never insulted u. then u pull the kdr shit and the small brain

92Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:07



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Finally somebody gets to the point. Now, tell me to kill myself, please.

You missed the last sentence a few posts back.

93Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:08



Thank you then, you have FINALLY figured out the point of the topic. Self-termination is not an option for me, unless ordered to do so, and I've finally got one of you to tell me. You have given me the right to end my own suffering for the past few years. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

94Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:09



an hero?

95Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:13



I'm afraid that's my job Bob. =]

96Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:15



not sure if serious?

dude if anything. its a game. just go to bed, sleep it over. wake up tommorow. and find an internet job/ or buy a paper.

dont joke about suicide.

stop posting now

97Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:16



Yeah... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to handle your death.

98Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:22



this is very .... doomish, and dosnt bode well(not sure if i spelled/used bode correctly)

99Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:24



im legit scared. fyi.

100Kdr argument of doom... - Page 2 Empty Re: Kdr argument of doom... 2010-11-16, 01:25



I am too...

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