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It is currently not safe for me to play Call of Duty.

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Just tried to play a game of Ground War on Cracked.
I figure, it's a bunch of idiots in this game mode, they'll be easy to kill, so I can get some of these perk challenges done...

But the idiots were on my team. I'm about to light up this guy hiding in a downstairs building, as I creep around the corner, but no... fucking moron teammate runs up to where I am, starts shooting at the guy just as I'm about to get my crosshair on him. He kills both of us.

I can't remember what else happened, except that teammates kept getting in my way and screwing me up royally. I eventually just screamed and hurled my controller across the room.

I don't typically rage, so I'm thinking it would be best to avoid this game altogether until I'm over these withdrawal symptoms.

On another note, I can't wait until the more casual gamers get tired and frustrated with BO and stop playing; or better yet stick with it and improve. I'm not against them playing this game--I'm just hoping that they get better or gtfo soon.

Had some noob on my team go 6-17, and he was playing split-screen with a friend, who went 4-17. Not cool, kiddies.


You know what, I shouldn't even care. I'm just really on edge.



Ground war is not even fun because of how much a 4 bar connection has over you in that game mode.



It's probably because of how angry I've been, I'm sorry Cramtron. Sad

I don't know how I didn't even rage yesterday; lost a Domination match, with 3 caps, 3 defends, and I barely had 2.0, because I had to constantly defend myself as I spawned from 2+ people at a time.

2 of my teammates were completely worthless: 0-14, 0-12, and only had one cap, from the beginning of the match, then I had my next teammate 5-12, with 1 cap and 1 defend, then a 7-12 teammate, same caps/defends, then me, 22-11, with 3 caps, and 3 defends, then another teammates, something like, 24-16, with 4 caps, and 2 defends. Only two of us did anything. I just leave those lobbies now.

On one of the matches I'm going to put on YouTube, I die twice because my idiot teammates run in front of me while I'm shooting an enemy. Evil or Very Mad



Bob, it's a lack of cigs that is making me so crazy. Today while driving, I almost crashed because I was too busy raging to pay attention, screaming my throat to shreds, because this car in front of me took such a long time making a right hand turn.



Shit Cram everything's been grinding my ass lately. I can't think of anything to keep me from going off-the-handle and shooting my mouth off in rage.



Be strong Cramtron; try what I've been doing.

Drink some tea, meditate on how you want to feel, and smile. It seems to be helping me not rage, but then again, my problem is mental, not drug-induced.


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