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Soundwhores (I.E. Turtle Beach users and whatnot)

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When you play an FPS without your ultra-headphones, how much different is your experience?



I might as well play with Heavy Metal music blasting in the background, if I am not using my headset. Soundplay becomes almost moot.



I'm pretty damn good at hearing things now. Get me one of those and I bet I become Daredevil!



My TV has only the baseline sound system so the audio quality is pretty terrible.

If I'm on any other TV in the house its not that huge of an adjustment, I can still hear well since I have my TB volume very low most of the time (it goes extremely loud)



I'm so unwilling to cave in and drop the cash on a good headset.
But I wonder how much my game would improve if I wasn't listening to flat television sound.



If you desire to enhance your gaming performance, having a good quality sound system (whether it be surround sound or headset, I'm not going to argue which is better since this falls under personal preference) would bring you up to the next level.

If you are just looking for better sound quality to enjoy the gaming experience, then it is not worth it.



I just like hearing it close up and stoof. and it sounds better to the ears since it's more concentrated. Sadly my stoopid headset wire ripped because the wires twisted and are fragile like poop.



StormEye wrote:If you desire to enhance your gaming performance, having a good quality sound system (whether it be surround sound or headset, I'm not going to argue which is better since this falls under personal preference) would bring you up to the next level.

If you are just looking for better sound quality to enjoy the gaming experience, then it is not worth it.
It is if you get the x11's


I can't see any reason for getting headsets unless I was a super-duper, pro MLG guy or something. I just play casually and somewhat competitively so I just don't even care. As long as it's fun I'm happy.



I picked up some Turtle Beach X41's a couple weeks ago and I really like them. Since they patched the sound I can hear people coming easily and pinpoint where sounds and gunfire are coming from pretty exactly.

It's basically like having my surround sound up really loud but with no outside distractions. Good stuff.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that the sound difference between the stereo TB's and the surround sound ones like I got is night and fucking day! The positional audio from these X41's is impressive. Much better than I was expecting.


The sound quality on my new tv isn't the greatest, so I will probably get a headset soon.



I have a 1000 wat RCA suround sound hooked up to my main tv. I love the damn thing!! It does suck at night when I can;t really use it because the kids are in bed and I have thought about getting a headset. I'm a sound guy though! For me what makes BC2 such a great game is the sound is fucking awesome when I am using my home theater!!!!



That's really why I got my headset, so I could play loud at night (and during the day).

You should try out some X41's or some of the other surround-sound headphones DL. The positional audio is great. As good as my Yamaha system, but I can play louder and without outside distractions.

I went with the X41's instead of Astro's because the X41's strengthe is better range and bass. The actual bass leveling is damn near perfect with the games I've tried so far.



I'll have to check them out. Might be an xmas present maybe. I'm just not a fan of having anything on my ears though. THe original xbox headset is ok since it it light tho I need something new as my mic is duct taped to the side of it and its on its last leg.



still cant hear footsteps with my X1s even after the patch in BO...



Crunchy wrote:still cant hear footsteps with my X1s even after the patch in BO...
Yes you can it is just really faint.



I don't sit still long enough in BO to worry about footsteps. In BC2 though I love being able to hear footsteps!



In BC2 the loud foot-steps are the only things saving me from getting knifed by Khult.

Well I thwart a lot of attempts but he still gets me Sad



Crunchy wrote:still cant hear footsteps with my X1s even after the patch in BO...

Really? They seem decently loud to me (as long as I'm not moving or using ninja). If there isn't a lot of explosions or gunfire going on around me I can hear them from far enough away that I can wait and ambush them.

If they reload, pop a grenade etc... and their within a couple rooms of me I could point to where they are. I've shot a few people through walls just because I heard where they were.



Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wrote:
Crunchy wrote:still cant hear footsteps with my X1s even after the patch in BO...

Really? They seem decently loud to me (as long as I'm not moving or using ninja). If there isn't a lot of explosions or gunfire going on around me I can hear them from far enough away that I can wait and ambush them.

If they reload, pop a grenade etc... and their within a couple rooms of me I could point to where they are. I've shot a few people through walls just because I heard where they were.
Well I can hear all of that pretty clear, but I cant hear footsteps unless they are up my ass.



I thought BC2 footsteps were stupidly quiet, then Black Ops came out, and it infuriate me how quiet they are in that game; it makes footsteps in BC2 sound like a stampede of elephants. CoD4 had it right, IMO.


Riiiiight, because someone casually walking down the street should definitely make more noise than machine gun fire.



People sprinting right behind you through fresh snow should make noise, and machine gun fire is still much louder than footsteps, as it should be. Soundwhoring adds another strategy to the game; by removing it, it allows people to sprint around willy-nilly with zero penalty.



Cramtron™ and crunchy. Watch my killstreak vid and you'll see a few times where I just stop and wait for a bit then ambush somebody.

Those are the times I heard someone coming.


DrBob276 wrote:People sprinting right behind you through fresh snow should make noise, and machine gun fire is still much louder than footsteps, as it should be. Soundwhoring adds another strategy to the game; by removing it, it allows people to sprint around willy-nilly with zero penalty.
You make me want to punch a baby in the face every time you post. Even if you couldn't hear people (I have no problem hearing them WITHOUT a $100+ headset) dead silence and its clones in recent games does exactly what you just said, only without giving anyone a choice other than to use it. At least with this game's more realistic noise level it is useful without being an absolute requirement.



Headsets are for pinpointing direction, more than just hearing. Not every game has the option to be completely quiet, only MW2 and Black Ops having lower quality sound/ability to be completely silent when running. Soundwhoring SHOULD be available always.


Yeah except even with my tv speakers I can hear where people are coming from. And honestly it's not a huge advantage to be completely silent as opposed to being somewhat quiet because there are other perk 3s that are worth using.



I only have one cable plug in on my TV, so I only can hear the left side of the sound, so in order to pinpoint people, I have to either turn in place, until the sound is loudest, meaning that they're on my left. Until I got headphones, I had to blast my TV speakers and do that.

Like Hacker? I actually don't even have Ninja in MP, because I enjoy using Hacker Pro so much.


More like marathon pro but hacker is okay too.



I don't usually use marathon unless I'm using a shotgun or an LMG (seems contradictory, but being able to move more than 2 feet, before your Twinkie laden character gets tired is nice, lol)

Hacker Pro is hilarious to use, that's the main reason I use it. Booby trapping care packages is probably the most fun thing to do on this game.



When I got my headset, I also preordered Medal of Honor...When I got home hooked up my headset, started the beta for MoH and joined a game and nearly shit my pants...

As soon as I spawn on combat mission, 2 A10 warthogs fly right over head and turn off in different directions and it was amazing. black ops the sound is pretty bad in the first place so with the headset its not much better.

Its a lot easier to tell direction and its nice having the ability to change volumes of the game vs chat. Like zombies I play with gameplay all the way down almost...and when playing with annoying friends I turn the chat volume down.

BC2 it is nice to have...however when you have a bunch of people talking in party chat plus explosions going everywhere it kind of drains out the sounds you need to be listening to.

Also I set up the headset where its not just the Xbox sound playing but everything from the TV. So if Im watching a movie Ill put on the headset and makes for nice surround sound. Just be sure to mute your TV lol.



I think i figured out why I cant hear footsteps. In the options under audio, there is an option that asks if you listen to it in Quiet or Loud. Ive always had mine on quiet since it was default, but now I put it too loud and can actually hear people.



Really? I was under the impression that "loud" increased the dynamic range, which should actually make the quieter noises more quiet relative to the loud noises. I never really played with it though.

I'll change mine and check it out.

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