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The Hostel movies

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1The Hostel movies Empty The Hostel movies 2010-11-29, 16:27



Ok im a HUGE horror film buff, and have seen just about any movie in the genre. I have put off watching these films for a long time, but got the chance to watch them back to back the other night. My observations

- Hostel 1- the movie had kinda a twisted, cool plot. In idea at least....the first half may as well be a full on porn. Very uneeded and tasteless imo. The gore in this movie is very over rated! The torture scenes are really not that bad compared to alor of stuff. The second half was pretty good. Overall I would give it 6/10.

Hostel 2- well this movie sucked hard. Let me just get that out now. Story is completw garbage. The violent scenes all have this strange sexual fetish to them, which was pretty gross imo. Especially a scene in the end involving castration, a knife and dogs..... Dont waste your time. Horrible movie and am sad my man tarantino put his name on this garbage.

2The Hostel movies Empty Re: The Hostel movies 2010-11-29, 16:34



yeah, those movies were trash, but Eli Roth is frickin' hot, so he can be forgiven >.>

3The Hostel movies Empty Re: The Hostel movies 2010-11-29, 16:39



The first one was pretty entertaining overall. Not gonna say I minded the boobs Smile but it was over the top for a horror film imo. The second one...well I didnt really like it as said. Theres just a few scenes where Roth obviously tried way to hard for shock value instead of writing a quality script.

4The Hostel movies Empty Re: The Hostel movies 2010-11-29, 16:45



oh ive seen cabin fever. Great movie.

5The Hostel movies Empty Re: The Hostel movies 2010-11-29, 16:47


Nice, yeah Cabin Fever is a classic for sure.

Avoid the sequel unless you can see it for free. Even then, you've paid too much.

6The Hostel movies Empty Re: The Hostel movies 2010-11-29, 17:03



Only thing I didnt like about cabin fever was ryder strong. I couldnt get over mr boy meets world.

7The Hostel movies Empty Re: The Hostel movies 2010-11-29, 20:56

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

"Cabin fever" is an anagram for "beef in vcr".

8The Hostel movies Empty Re: The Hostel movies 2010-11-30, 00:07



I found both movies meh.

They both are those R rated movies trying to be Snuff Flims.

If I wanted to watch a Snuff film.....I'd watch The Passion of The Christ.

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