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[FONV] Upcomming patch might make some happy, and some sad

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Hope this is not an old news. I lost the page for the other two links for the source, but I have one for Energy Weapon.

They are introducing BUILT IN bypass to DT for all Energy Ammo.

So, finally there is a reason to use Gatling Laser on a human target that has some armor (like Legionnaires). I always thought it was pretty stupid that the Gatling Laser, which was built as an Anti-personnel weapon was useless as an Anti-personnel weapon, LoL.

Also, those of you who loved your 100% crit with Sniper/Gobi, they are bringing down the crit multiplier from 5 to something lower.

I will try to find other links.

EDIT: Forgot to mention about Boone nerf, even though I indicated there are three changes (one listed with link, and said two without link but I only mentioned Sniper Rifle. LoL)

Boone is going to get a little shafting in his terminator skills. Apparently the reason why he is so Godly is because he suffers almost zero penalty while on any type of movement, and his Gun skill actually goes beyond 100 (maybe 100% increase, meaning 200 gun skill). This explains why he scores headshots constantly on the move, and is able to deal extreme damages.



I just want to be able to get back into the strip on my hardcore character....the hat trick didnt work...


Cool, so they're balancing a single player game where it doesn't matter, are they actually fixing any glitches this time?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What g3 said



Symbolic47 wrote:I just want to be able to get back into the strip on my hardcore character....the hat trick didnt work...
Forgot to mention, I think I have seen that being addressed.

They finally gotten around to fixing that.



StormEye wrote:
Symbolic47 wrote:I just want to be able to get back into the strip on my hardcore character....the hat trick didnt work...
Forgot to mention, I think I have seen that being addressed.

They finally gotten around to fixing that.
BTW did you wear it before entering the strip?

Just by having it in your inventory does not work. You have to be wearing it and enter the strip.



StormEye wrote:
StormEye wrote:
Symbolic47 wrote:I just want to be able to get back into the strip on my hardcore character....the hat trick didnt work...
Forgot to mention, I think I have seen that being addressed.

They finally gotten around to fixing that.
BTW did you wear it before entering the strip?

Just by having it in your inventory does not work. You have to be wearing it and enter the strip.

Oh yea im wearing it. Tried two different ones actually.RAGE! Damn you Obsidian.



i dont see the reason for bitching on the glitching (had to rhyme lol)
it helps in msot cases, and is nowhere near the fallout 3 sky deathclaw with super orbital attack.

or maybe i havent seen the worst yet



The Super Orbital Attack from the Deathclaws and Yao Guai was hilarious.



You havent seen the worst of it man. I put in 80 hours on my three different characters before having a gamebreaking glitch.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Sky deatchlaw orbital attack?

All I imagined was Spaceball 1 aiming a giant gun at the earth, firing it, and seeing a Deathclaw flying straight at the Earth thousands of MPH with his claws out streched. Then I pictured him flying into Earths orbit and seeing a giant explostion from space.



Ja. Unfortunately Symbolic and I experienced a glitch that disables the game entirely. Though, I had some luck, or maybe symbolic had no luck, in getting around the problem, but it is a major game breaking glitch that is a little shameful in the parts to the developer.



it was a glitch that a deathclaws physics would throw it into the sun, and most of the time it would come down and quick claw your ballsack for the death.

like what symbolic?



I could always resume with my non hardcore character...but this bug pissed me off so im gonna play other games for awhile. Ill pick new vegas back up once the dlc comes out.



Like not being able to enter the strip anymore. Every time you do, the screen goes black, xbox totallt freezes and your save gets corrupted. It happened to stormeye as well. Its a known glitch.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What causes that glitch?

I know the other night when I was doing the Come Fly Away with me quest, that after I bought the needed items from Old Lady Gibson and fast-traveled to the Repco launch place that my system froze up and went black after the loading screen.

But I just had to restart my system, and now its just fine.



Not sure what is the cause, I don't think anyone knows tbqh, caz I thought (along with many others) that it involves McCaffrey with Debt Collector quest, if you kill him the glitch occurs, but apparently there are people who have done so and never witnessed it. So it is probably many different small glitches causing a massive butterfly effect. LoL

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