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[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch

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1[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 20:59



Will have much better options to upgrade. Well it is just a tweak from the old but,

Rey - +25 points of attack damage
Violetta - +50% movement speed boost
Lupa - +20 DT

Now it looks much better to suit the role of tank, not to mention that the HP was glitched for him anyways.

2[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty Re: [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 21:02



Lupa looks to be the best donor for Rex, based off of the list. I think all I have for him right now is Violetta's brain. I need to play FO:NV, but I've been playing so many other games. Sad

3[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty Re: [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 21:03



I couldn't play any other games but FONV.
[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 1008471920-29-45

4[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty Re: [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 21:05



At least it's a great game though. Very Happy When you get your internet back, I'm going to play you "Oh Susanna!" xD Maybe I'll play one game of BC2 to celebrate, or Vietnam. Smile

5[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty Re: [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 21:06



I'll make sure I go and get some kind of sound filtering device to attach it to my optical cable linking my Astro A40 Mixer to filter out that damn maul music.

6[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty Re: [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 21:11



But it's your favourite song. Sad LOL!

I love watching/hearing teammates getting mauled though, my favourite BC2 past time (other than shotgunning chopper pilots). xD

7[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty Re: [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 21:15



Make sure you note them down, and trash it on their grave.



8[FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch Empty Re: [FONV] Rex with 1.02 patch 2010-12-14, 21:17



StormEye wrote:Make sure you note them down, and trash it on their grave.




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