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The new maps are great! :D

8 posters

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1The new maps are great! :D Empty The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 01:20



I actually got to try them, and I would have to say that they are better than any of the old maps. Even Oasis, with attack choppers, feels right. The maps are HUGE! Absolutely gigantic. You can actually flank people and use strategy to win, not be forced through a bunch of chokepoints and hoping that you make it. Maybe they should just bring back all the old original BC maps, and ditch all the new ones, except for a couple? Lol.

2The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 01:34



I love these maps too. I really like all of them, they all have great individual features. I hate Atacama, but Heavy Metal is big enough with enough AA opportunities that I haven't seen baserape happening even with 4 helicopters on the map.
I love how close-quarters Oasis Conquest is. Makes shotguns so fun to use. Currently biased on my opinion of Oasis Rush, only two matches I played we stomped them defending the first base and the next I flew the Apache almost the entire game. xD

3The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 02:28



I played some SDM on Oasis and Harvest. Oasis went pretty quick and was FILLED with snipers. I swear it was only me and one other guy not sniping.

Harvest Day was ridiculously HUGE. The round took quite a while, which was nice, but it was so hard to find some enemies. And waaaay too many dead ends. I don't like getting cornered.

Over all? I'm happy.

4The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 02:29



I know they are awesome. Very Happy

5The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 03:43


It took me a while to realize Oasis was the map from the Bad Company 1 demo, then I recognized everything immediately.

6The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 04:16



Oasis on conquest is my lover. It's easily my favorite map on both modes, though. Harvest Day is pretty baller too. Heavy Metal is kinda meh unless you're either in a helicopter or in a tank with V-optics. Cold War is a Gustav dick waving contest.

7The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 04:19


I never saw anyone use a gustav on cold war. It was just a lot of buffshot USAS spam. I got about 30 frag kills today including a 4 (or maybe it was 5) for 1 grenade into an alley where everyone was cluster-fucking each other.

8The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-02, 04:22



I couldn't move 2 feet in any direction without getting my face blown out of my ass the two times I played it attacking. When I was defending though they all just camped up in the mountains and fed us points. I was like scratch

9The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-03, 23:09



I have to agree, the new update is freaking awesome. The maps feel absolutely perfect! There huge, and like Bob said, its harder/more strategic. I had more fun in two new games than I had in a while....

10The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-04, 00:18



I agree that they are great. I still haven't tried cold war though.

11The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-04, 00:26



Word- cold war is the only one I dont love

12The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-04, 00:34

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Not big on rush, so Iv yet to try cold war, but harvest is great for knife spree s

13The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-04, 03:09



When I was playing with Epyk he was the Stormshadow to Khult's Snake eyes......He Was all Stab Stab Stab Boom Stab Boom Boom.

14The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-04, 03:20

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

After you left, I knifed 5 guys and usa12'd 3 more in 20 sec. Gilgamesh and that awesome randy about shit themselves.

15The new maps are great! :D Empty Re: The new maps are great! :D 2010-12-04, 03:25



Hell I even got in on the Shotie Fun. Saiga is the only Shotgun I don't have a Gold on.....Time to change that.

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