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51Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 04:48



Except when I die and if something hasn't changed then all I will know is that it's still the same and since I'm dead that's all that I will be able to know. It's not like I'm going to be frozen and become resurrected somehow just so someone can tell me something has changed.

52Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 04:50



That's the mystery that awaits us all, regardless of what you believe, or what happens, you will die eventually. There's a good chance that it will change though; the probability is stacked in it's favour, and I would not be suprised if at some time, homosexuals will have the right to marry.

53Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 04:53



Same thing with slavery...People from multiple generations have lived their lives knowing nothing different. Sure they may have wanted slavery to end but things like that take time. The whole country cant change the way it acts over night.

54Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 04:56



Well that just makes it sound like there's no point to life, just live until you die. It sounds like it gives little hope to people and that people can't really even change anything as long as they aren't in power. It just depends on what a few people think is right.

55Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 04:59



Bla125 wrote:Well that just makes it sound like there's no point to life, just live until you die. It sounds like it gives little hope to people and that people can't really even change anything as long as they aren't in power. It just depends on what a few people think is right.

I think that the goal in life, is just live life how you think you should, be as happy as you can, and live to an old age, dying at peace with yourself and your decisions. Other people may be able to prevent you from doing some things, but you just have to find other things that you enjoy.

56Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 05:03



I don't really enjoy anything anymore, but that's not the point. It seems like the government is kind of corrupt by religion/bias views on things, not on what is best for everyone and their happiness.

57Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 05:05



Bla125 wrote:I don't really enjoy anything anymore, but that's not the point. It seems like the government is kind of corrupt by religion/bias views on things, not on what is best for everyone and their happiness.

The government will always be corrupt; as long as there is one human being left on Earth, the seeds of corruption will be sown in some way, eventually, it seems. There's got to be something you enjoy; do like to play music or anything?

58Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 05:14



I just want to see the government less corrupt than it is.

And the only thing I really enjoy doing is listening to music, I used to play the guitar but I just stopped because I didn't have any motivation to keep playing. But whenever I listen to music I usually get even more depressed.

59Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 05:26



Bla125 wrote:I just want to see the government less corrupt than it is.

And the only thing I really enjoy doing is listening to music, I used to play the guitar but I just stopped because I didn't have any motivation to keep playing. But whenever I listen to music I usually get even more depressed.

You may want to listen to music that has a much more positive sound to it then, for a bit. I tried that, and I felt much better. That, and maybe you should try your guitar again; playing an instrument helps relieve a lot of stress and emotional pain, trust me. Smile

60Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 05:32



Is this positive enough?

I don't exactly know what you mean by positive, and I have been wanting to play the guitar again for quite some time but I just don't really have any motivation too.

61Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 08:43

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Bla125 wrote:
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"


62Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 09:48



Bla we all know nothing can be changed quickly, there are so many people that it WON'T change over night or a few weeks. Plus those that rebel against the government are dealt with..Either disappear or are somehow told to be going against the law.

I hate the government and always have in England, it's like they are manipulating us and using some religion against us sometimes. The government doesn't even appear to give a crap unless they themselves benefit from it.

I haven't been to court yet so I am not sure if we have to talk about promising in the eyes of "God". Gay Marriage should be allowed but the government are probably scared that everyone will become homosexual in the country and the population will begin to die.

And Greg, if you said that.. Wouldn't that just be a definite loss?

63Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 10:53

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Boxxy wrote:

And Greg, if you said that.. Wouldn't that just be a definite loss?

I don't know. I've jut always wondered what would happen if someone answered in such a manner. Probably a fast ticket to being held in contempt.

64Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 11:26



I served on jury duty a few months ago. The judge omitted the last part of the phrase with the word "god" in it.

65Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 16:36



If they ever ask me to say that I'm definitely going to argue with them about it.

66Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 16:39



If listening to the musics makes you feel better, then yes, it is positive enough. Smile

Do like drawing, fishing, running, or anything? What's a type of activity that you really used to enjoy when you were younger/now?

67Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 16:43



I fish a lot during the summer, and I didn't really enjoy anything when I was younger either.

68Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 20:57



Bla125 wrote:I fish a lot during the summer, and I didn't really enjoy anything when I was younger either.

You act joyful, how about coming over and go some place with meh? I like company but I never find anyone fun to talk to or be withhhhh. Your random and stoof and will probably like randomness upon randomness shit.

69Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 21:13



Well, at least you've got fishing, that's always fun. Smile I LOVE fishing.

You've got to like something else; think of something else you enjoy doing. Smile

70Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 21:36



I honestly can't think of anything.

71Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 21:38



There has to be something. Do you like any other outdoor activities, or are you more of an indoors person?

72Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 21:46



I like the outdoors and indoors the same, and there isn't really anything else other than fishing that I do outside.

73Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 21:48



Other than video games or TV, what do you like about being indoors? Do you ever work out with weights, or go to a gym? Do you like drawing, painting, molding clay, and other art type things? Do like graphic design type projects, or writing stories? You said you used to play the guitar, but lacked motivation; did you not want to play it, or you did, but just kinda gave up?

74Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 21:52



I workout, but not on like a scheduled type thing, Just whenever I feel like it. And I don't really do anything the involves art, but I never really tried. And I guess I kind of did just give up on playing the guitar.

75Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 21:57



Well, then my advice is to try to find things that you like doing. Maybe try something artist and see if you like it; it wouldn't hurt to try. If you don't like doing it, then you don't have to keep going. Did you enjoy playing guitar? If you did, I would highly recommend trying again. Smile

76Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 22:06



I didn't really enjoy playing the guitar that much, it was kind of fun but it's not really anything that I want to do at the moment. And I don't really know what type of artistic things that I could do.

77Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 22:11



What did you feel like doing instead of playing the guitar then, in your spare time?

78Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 22:15



Play video games and watch tv.

79Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 22:17



Do you enjoy that a lot, or do you have a callling for something else?

80Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 22:30



I love playing video games but I don't really enjoy them, I'm not really sure how to explain it. And I don't think I have a calling for anything.

81Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 22:53



Everybody has a calling/joy for something, you just haven't found it yet. Smile I know what you mean about video games, I'm the same way. Just keep looking, and you will eventually.

82Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 23:07



I guess I'll just keep looking then.

83Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 23:09



That's what you just have to do. Smile Just think of something you kinda of like, then pursue it, and see if makes you happier, if iti doesn't try something else until it does. Smile Good luck! Very Happy

84Court - Page 2 Empty Re: Court 2010-12-04, 23:10



Thanks =]

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