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Do any of you guys cook?

7 posters

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1Do any of you guys cook? Empty Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 16:14


I don't as much as I should, but I'm going to start again.

Tonight I'm making a Pork Loin with stuffing. Not sure if there is going to be a vegetable yet.

2Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 16:15



That sounds good, I'm awful at cooking.

I just clean up after my GF is done making me stuff, lol.

3Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 16:16



I cook a lot of Pastas, some Asian food, and a lot of generic cooking.

4Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 16:21

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I cook as well, nothing extremely fancy, but I enjoying mixing stuff up.

Nothing as good as Chili Con Carne in Arabian pies with freshly cut veggies and cheese.

5Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 16:25


I'm not that great at cooking but I can do simple stuff.

6Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 16:28

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I can actually cook really good, but most of the time I just whip something up quickly. I mostly just cook for myself, so no reason to go overboard. I usually end up eating the same things a couple of day in a row.

7Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 17:02


Yeah same here. I only usually cook when the kids are over. I'm all about speed when I make stuff. I don't like spending a great deal of time in the kitchen prepping and making stuff so I go for the easy stuff like Spaghetti, tacos, hamburgers, stuff like that.

I do want to get into making more in-depth stuff but I need a better/bigger kitchen for that.

8Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 17:19



Fried Rice = Storm's Lazy cooking

9Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 21:06



i cook small meals like pasta, but mainly cook cakes and other tasty stuff.
i cook alot of my own meals

10Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 21:08



I can cook brownies, cookies, eggs, and that's about it.

11Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-29, 21:18



As long as i follow the Recipe i can usually cook most things its getting ingredients thats the problem

12Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 05:40

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

13Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:01



Greg you actual cook Space Cookies lol

14Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:03

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The same guys had a really cool video on making honey oil, but it seems to have been removed, unfortunately. Oh well, honey oil is easy anyway.

15Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:05



I tried cooking with Cocoa butter once...With sexy results

16Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:09

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Honey oil, you can smoke that shit in public and nobody's the wiser. No smell.

Now, that's good cooking.

17Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:10



I suppose anythings better than Doing Spots off the Stove lol

18Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:11

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Well, I don't know what you do in your spare time buddio...

19Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:12



Not me i used to go to my Friends house every morning and his brother used to do them

Maybe they arent called Spots were you live

You know the Weed Oil you get from the Male Weed plant?

20Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:22

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Yeah. I was talking about the actual process of extracting oil from the plant via boiling of alcohol.

21Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:23



I have no idea what your Talking about Mr WeedXpert Very Happy

22Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:30

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Alright, screw this. The thread topic is now officially hats.

23Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:31



I have a Fedora Very Happy

24Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:32

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Shit, now I'm lost.

Something needs to be done, immediately!

25Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:33



You know who i ask when i dont know which way to go?

26Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:34

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


27Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:36



Just what the Chick needs...The Munchies

And dude if your still lost this should help

28Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:38

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Nope, still lost...

29Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:40



Well i know of no other Possessed Items as powerful as that one that could help you

30Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:41

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm helpless...

"Let me get high and I'll remember..."

31Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 06:43



Weed Powers Activate

32Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 07:01

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

That's the sound of Funky Town!!!

33Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 09:33



I try not to let the wife know tooooo much about my cooing LOL I'll have to do it more if she does.

I grill a lot!

I also make a mean jambalya!

34Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 09:35

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:I also make a mean jambalya!

You, my man, are of great tastes.

35Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 10:15



HAHA People at work are always begging me to bring in a pot.

I have a few diferent heat levels that I will make and only once did I bring in the high heat. People where sweating as they where eating it. The ladies asked me to not bring this version in any more HAHA. Some of the guys as they where sweating and looking like they where about to die got excited and said to bring this version all the time HAHA

36Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 10:38

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I have only one heat level regarding jumbo, high. My mom makes a good tasty pot on the light side though.

37Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 10:40



Yes I like mine as spicy and hot as I can get it. I use a lot of Habanero peppers. I have recently learned of the ghost chile that is hotter the the hab and I am looking to get some for my next batch.

38Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 10:44

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Some Cajun spice and a shitload of tabasco always helps.

39Do any of you guys cook? Empty Re: Do any of you guys cook? 2010-08-30, 10:48



tabasco is good. I am a fan of Texas Pete hotsauce!

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