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13th meu Match 12/10(friday) at 9pm est

Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
Epyk MD
17 posters

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is this still going down, I'd be able to get on in around 10-15 if that's the case.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

it was mass confusion for a while, then everyone quit out of the lobby, so i took a few guys for some pub matches.

we got some invites later, but i was ready to call it a night.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

yes there has to be better communication between groups next time. we should also shoot for something that isn't only 48 hours away. it's just not enough time to plan accordingly



The second it got tough for them all that shit went out the window.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

TheGM wrote:The second it got tough for them all that shit went out the window.

how so? do you mean the rules?



Yeah the no stealing thing when they were attacking.
and on offense I guess they were camping a AA-Gun 1 base back.(It got the whoever was in the Apache)

Last edited by TheGM on 2010-12-11, 00:14; edited 1 time in total



We started moppin, and they started camping in ther spawn.



xsilentshooterx wrote:We started moppin, and they started camping in ther spawn.

I sure hope you did, what exactly happen? Did a game ever really get set up?



hotdamnitssam wrote:
xsilentshooterx wrote:We started moppin, and they started camping in ther spawn.

I sure hope you did, what exactly happen? Did a game ever really get set up?
We played 4 full games and they just become little bitches camping in their spawn with optics and 12x scopes with magnum ammo.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

fun but easy....^~^

Last edited by delicious camel on 2010-12-11, 15:07; edited 1 time in total



Hmmm, how many of them actually showed up?

And tom, i think I was playing with you yesterday at about 8:10 Central time in a public match. When were you actually playing the private match?



Had a long drawn out comlaint about your guys sportsmanship but i deleted it.




I thought they were good, and they told me they had some "inner conflict" going on so...



Should we try and reorganize a rematch for next week?



I understand there may have been issues but certain members here need to understand this is for fun.

the bs comments need to be kept to themselves!

I'd be up for trying again! i wish we could have made last night work, instead us old fogeys played some public matches.


whoa calm down with the complaining we admit we had two mishaps...1 of our guys grab ya chopper but we made him jump out 2nd a guy grabbed ya tank also jumped out and camped our spawn? The mcoms were the spawn.. Please don't forget we won the laguna pers? With a defense on the hill conquest we got murdered.



Ya im not complaining cause i never saw yall steal our vehicals, i just saw two choppers up at one point and was like wait they cant do that, then it was shoot down so i didnt care. and i didnt know our guys were stealing vehicals.



So both teams broke the rules..

Oh well shit happens then. My point is we don't need childish responses when its all in fun. the offenders know who they are!

Last thing anyone wants is to argue about a game. lets continue on in a good manor and have more epic matches in the future!



Ya i want a rematch, but we need more time to prepare and all



So next friday, same time? I think Saturday would actually work better.


understood on behalf of the 13th I apologize me myself I had a great time playing yall it's probably the funest I've had on this game and at the request of majority of the guys who played would like a rematch


What's the deal with no stealing vehicles? Why is that even a rule in the first place?



Good! this is the shit i wanna hear!

We'll see about getting another match set up next week maybe.. Same time same happy place?!

It was a rule because what if wheneve the next spawn becomes available the opposing team that's hiding in the spawn can just run up and take teh vehicle. Understandibly 2 helicopters is a pain in the ass.

Maybe we'll revisit this rule and just say no spawn camping? but hijacking vehicles is fine? majority vote?


weeks aint to good for us our best nights are tuesdays thursdays round 10pm est which is probably not to good for yall huh?



well those will be fine next week and for 2 weeks since i get out for christmas break


godscouchpotato wrote:Good! this is the shit i wanna hear!

We'll see about getting another match set up next week maybe.. Same time same happy place?!

It was a rule because what if wheneve the next spawn becomes available the opposing team that's hiding in the spawn can just run up and take teh vehicle. Understandibly 2 helicopters is a pain in the ass.

Maybe we'll revisit this rule and just say no spawn camping? but hijacking vehicles is fine? majority vote?

The less rule, the lesser the likelihood of misunderstandings occurring.

I think vehicle hijacking is legit anyways.



Most users here are actually on pretty late it seems. So i don't see 10pm est being a problem.. but that's just me!



i agree with dooms. its a fact of life if you get ur vehicle stolen.

great matches. where can i buy the mw2 commando you used on me nero? lol jk. we need more organization though like 1 planning party and 2 parties for each team

tues thurs i can get 1-4 games in


lemme give the guys over on my side a visit n I'll hit you back up

we guys over in the 13th we aint bad guys hell most of us our military me myself a Marine along with 2 others you played yesterday



maybe we should limit the rules to like what we originally did in the old matches on GFQ's

ONLY RULE no c4 uav or c4ing at mining objectives.


Didn't the latest patch nerf crate bashing? If so I don't even see the need to prohibit that?

Call me old fashion, but I say everything should be fair game (with the exception of possibly C4/UAV and honestly I don't even mind that). I'm sure I'm in the minority though.


mw2 commando? Lol I'm confused?. And how bout thursday 9pm no rules cept c4ing mcoms...everything else gos..that first 4 vs. 4 was fun though too



I can try but i could only do 2 maybe 3



Nero012 wrote:whoa calm down with the complaining we admit we had two mishaps...1 of our guys grab ya chopper but we made him jump out 2nd a guy grabbed ya tank also jumped out and camped our spawn? The mcoms were the spawn.. Please don't forget we won the laguna pers? With a defense on the hill conquest we got murdered.
I got spawned knifed and killed multiple times attacking.

13th MEU

Damn tominator, what's up with the attitude? This is purely for fun. You don't have to play with us if you think we are bitches. You're giving a bad name to the SeC



13th MEU wrote:Damn tominator, what's up with the attitude? This is purely for fun. You don't have to play with us if you think we are bitches. You're giving a bad name to the SeC
I am just saying it how it was. You did break the rules more than once but here you were saying how it was an "accident". And I call anyone that snipes with a 12x scope/magnum ammo and tank snipes the entire round that.

13th MEU

T-800 wrote:
13th MEU wrote:Damn tominator, what's up with the attitude? This is purely for fun. You don't have to play with us if you think we are bitches. You're giving a bad name to the SeC
I am just saying it how it was. You did break the rules more than once but here you were saying how it was an "accident". And I call anyone that snipes with a 12x scope/magnum ammo and tank snipes the entire round that.

WOAH where did *I* ever say it was an accident? I haven't even said anything about the topic because i wasn't even there for anything after the Laguna Presa game, except for like, half of that arica harbor conquest match. I had a pretty pleasant experience during the games I played last night and I'm pretty sure your guys did too, during the games I was in.

Nice try, trying to call me out and shit. Again, if you don't want to play us, we can take our gaming elsewhere.

- Primalfury97



Perhaps, Tom, you are mixing up the MUE's?

Either way, quit with the pissing contest guys. It's just dumb. Shit happens, get over it.



13th MEU wrote:
T-800 wrote:
13th MEU wrote:Damn tominator, what's up with the attitude? This is purely for fun. You don't have to play with us if you think we are bitches. You're giving a bad name to the SeC
I am just saying it how it was. You did break the rules more than once but here you were saying how it was an "accident". And I call anyone that snipes with a 12x scope/magnum ammo and tank snipes the entire round that.

WOAH where did *I* ever say it was an accident? I haven't even said anything about the topic because i wasn't even there for anything after the Laguna Presa game, except for like, half of that arica harbor conquest match. I had a pretty pleasant experience during the games I played last night and I'm pretty sure your guys did too, during the games I was in.

Nice try, trying to call me out and shit. Again, if you don't want to play us, we can take our gaming elsewhere.

- Primalfury97
I only played 4 rush games and I thought I read that somewhere I do not know.only having 4 hours of sleep and being up for 15+ hours really screws with your head.

Last edited by T-800 on 2010-12-11, 23:46; edited 2 times in total

13th MEU

word. i just want to play some friendly matches and get better.


yea same here..we live we learn ya know



Don't let one of our posters ruin the fun fellas. Let's do this again. I got in too late to play with you all. You started early as hell.



I am sorry I missed this. Hope it happens again in the future I wouldn;t mind playing some new blood.

From what little bit I am seeing in this thread I would also just say not having any rules, or very few like no c4 UAV. If we suck so bad that we are getting spawn camped, or all our vehicals get stolen then thats our fault. If you get on a UAV stand wellll your goina get knifed at some point. Just my thoughts.



Completely agree with you DRGN.


DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:I am sorry I missed this. Hope it happens again in the future I wouldn;t mind playing some new blood.

From what little bit I am seeing in this thread I would also just say not having any rules, or very few like no c4 UAV. If we suck so bad that we are getting spawn camped, or all our vehicals get stolen then thats our fault. If you get on a UAV stand wellll your goina get knifed at some point. Just my thoughts.

Word. K.I.S.S.



So....whens the next match up? I think I want in on this.



CROMBIE wrote:So....whens the next match up? I think I want in on this.

I agree.

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