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1Debate Empty Debate 2010-12-14, 21:53



Anyone else enjoy debating with People?

I like doing it but when your dealing with someone who "knows" their right but is presenting something stupid I start getting angry. When they dont think rationally about the situation and dont care at all what the other says.

Not speaking about anyone on here...its some guy I know.

2Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:05



No because after a while it usually ends with the person I am fighting with saying something under their breath and walking away.

3Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:11



I would hit you in the face Thomas.

4Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:12



MEGA MILK wrote:I would hit you in the face Thomas.
I feel like most people I know want to actually.....

5Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:14



zk50 x erk wrote:Anyone else enjoy debating with People?

I like doing it but when your dealing with someone who "knows" their right but is presenting something stupid I start getting angry. When they dont think rationally about the situation and dont care at all what the other says.

Not speaking about anyone on here...its some guy I know.

I have the opposite problem, where I like debating with people, but people that cannot bring up any sort of facts to bring strength to their argument, and think that they should even stand a chance, drives me crazy.

6Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:14



No, unless you're in a competitive and regulated debate environment, in which no-one cares about the topic and is just trying to win the debate. Debating with human beings is like trying to shoot the air: no matter how powerful your argument is, the other person is not going to give up until you do.

7Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:30


I absolutely love debating. So much so that I usually make people want to kill me because I try too hard to win. I hate people who refuse to admit they're wrong, or just bring up facts that have no relevance to anything. I make sure to do research in debates and admit when I am wrong, you can't just pretend you're always right.

8Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:32



Not really. I like to argue my point if it's something I think is worth convincing other people of, but I don't debate just for the sake of the argument.
Actually, I prefer not to argue, I just like what arguments usually serve to do, and that is to bring two people to an understanding. So I like it when I can get someone to see something from my perspective, or when they can get me to understand theirs. But I cannot stand it when an argument will not end because one person can't admit that they're wrong, or when one person won't drop the subject even though both people clearly can't seem to agree, and further argument would prove pointless.
It's people like that that think having the last word entitles you to being "right." They drive me crazy... which makes me want to argue with them more.
Thus why I take the troll bait, every. damn. time.

9Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 22:35


The Cramtron wrote:Not really. I like to argue my point if it's something I think is worth convincing other people of, but I don't debate just for the sake of the argument.
Actually, I prefer not to argue, I just like what arguments usually serve to do, and that is to bring two people to an understanding. So I like it when I can get someone to see something from my perspective, or when they can get me to understand theirs. But I cannot stand it when an argument will not end because one person can't admit that they're wrong, or when one person won't drop the subject even though both people clearly can't seem to agree, and further argument would prove pointless.
It's people like that that think having the last word entitles you to being "right." They drive me crazy... which makes me want to argue with them more.
Thus why I take the troll bait, every. damn. time.

I agree with this. Those arguments piss me off too, but I will admit I'm at fault. No point in arguing if you're wrong.

10Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 23:03



I love arguing. But I hate rules to it. I had to argue pro capital punishment in 9th grade.

"It's not racist against minorities because in 1978 more white people than minorities were executed"

"Actually it is cause in 1993 more minorities than white people were executed"

Rules say that the other person's point wins because it's from a later date. Common sense says that the points cancel each other out and it can only be decided if you get a large pool of data. But I couldn't say that because of the way debate is "organized". Stupid.

11Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-14, 23:07



I like to debate sometimes but a lot of times they never go anywhere. I find that for most controversial subjects there are conflicting studies that prove both points.

12Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-15, 01:03



Sorry I fell asleep so I missed all the posts.

But I was speaking more about arguing with people than a debate class.

Cram, Im normally one of those people that continues lol. I cant stand having an argument unfinished.

One "debate" I almost always have is about police officers using their sirens and not using their sirens, or going through redlights and such. Im on the side with the police officers having a reason to do so and the fact that you dont know what their doing. Even if you have a scanner in your car you still wont know the reason hes doing it and more than likely he has a legitimate reason.

I had one of those arguments with a kid and he ended up getting pissed off and stopped talking after all his friends are telling him that he cant win this lol.

Then with the same kid he asked me why I am going Infantry when I could do "Army black ops" and Im like

I tried telling him how it isnt even called "black ops" (he was talking about special forces....might be considered black ops in a way but thats not what you call it) Yet he was sure that because his dad was in the army during the 70s he know everything there is to know about the military.

13Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-15, 01:28


i cant remember the last time i had a real debate; they usually turn into arguments when they go on long enough, which i stop taking seriously and start spouting nonsense, which only makes the other person madder, then hurt feelings for everyone.

just yesterday i was discussing reporting sales tax on your state returns with someone in my car club and this guy just started making stuff up, so i would let him finish and respond 'everything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant' then laugh hysterically.

14Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-15, 01:41



Lol thats awesome I need to use that.

I pissed someone else off, a few days ago, really bad because he was taking everything seriously while I was messing with him. All the other people around could tell I was messing around but I guess he couldnt see that.

15Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-15, 01:42



'everything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant' then laugh hysterically.

I chuckled.

16Debate Empty Re: Debate 2010-12-15, 08:47

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Debating can be interesting sometimes...

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