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playing against you guys is rage inducing

Dropped Da Soap
Epyk MD
12 posters

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i am up for the challenge, but FrOst, No2, Eypk, Rage77, and a bunch of others I can't remeber, ya'll kicked my butt. I tried, I really did, I watched khult knife my whole squad on cold war, everytime I turned around I was getting shot, knifed or blown up. I needed get off before I blew a fuse. Maybe I'll get on later. /Rant/



Poor Big Fox. Don't you just hate those guys? I hate those guys. Especially Fr0st-ibuns and Epyk, always one shot killing me with the same damn gun.

I find that if Khult is on the other team (and now Epyk x_x) it's always best to check your ass and check it often. So I do random 180s when either of them is on the other team.

Hows Little Fox? We need new pictures.



I know what you mean...

Stupid Khult got 10, yes 10 of my tags today in only 2 or 3 games. Mad



Tell me about it! My KDR takes a huge nose dive when I play with all the big boys. I get on tonight and join a Rush game and I'm on their team, well most of them, but it's the same old story because I end up getting maybe one kill and five deaths every match. No spank you! I bail out and do SDM and I'm getting 2.3 and 3.0 KDR...ahhhhhhh. So nice to kill in peace.
One thing they have taught me well though is what Sheep said...CHECK YOUR SIX ALWAYS!

One comment though: I don't rage at all with SeC...just laugh at my failure.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I'm sorry about that fox, I had ran out of ammo and was in kamikaze mode.

I thought you held your own, especialy against 10 sec'ers



When did you get thrown on the other team? I noticed you pop into my squad on Valdez and then a few matches later I remember mowing you down with the T88. As a matter of fact I think you gave me the plat for it.

But yeah, if I get stuck on the opposing end of the SeC, I usually just leave and wait for a spot to open.



I hate it when they all join in on the other side when my team already lost the last round.

And when they bullshit me, I got a hit marker for running Khult over with the CAV, he stuck C4 to it and when he blew it up he apparently survived with 59% health. And it was a full-speed ram too.

oh and my team was insanely terrible that whole round through, I don't think a spot disappeared from my forehead for the entire game since they had a productive wookie team shot squad. Every two seconds you heard a 'pshooooow' because they were so far away yet still taking pot-shots.

Got run over a bit too trying to run from flag to flag because my squadmates were worthless dumbasses hiding around D the entire game.



I was just getting frustrated, I don't know a lot of people who like to lose, I statred out on your team in a squad with ante, but I booted mid match, had restart my xbox, join again, and was on the other team x_x. I was getting frusrtated more than anything, and my family came home a few mintes after I got off. I will just have to keep playing, get better, and next time ot happens, I will hold my own a little btter.



Don't worry I knifed all of them. Very Happy



T-800 wrote:Don't worry I knifed all of them. Very Happy

Thank you Tom Very Happy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Your knife on me was BS though tom. You were atleast 4 feet away from me and I unloaded over half of my Grach bullets into you, then you knife lunnged me from the same 4 feet away and killed me. Then on the kill cam it said you had zero up left.



T-800 wrote:Don't worry I knifed all of them. Very Happy

I don't think you got me tom. I rarely get knifed by SeC'ers and make a point to hunt down anyone who gets my tags, especially someone from here lol.



I wish they would make the Knifing not take tags in Vietnam. Maybe then some people would actually PLAY THE GAME FOR ONCE! Knifing makes the game very boring, i learned that from Khult. I really don't see the fun in it. It is the same thing as C4ing everything. Twisted Evil I agree with Dropped, everytime i seen, Tom, I would shoot him like a normal person would play the game. He would run all the way over and lunge at me from 5ft away and knife me. These halo knife kills have got to go with this get the tags with the knife thing.

But, msbegotngirl-bear, i don't use the same gun.
Sad But, at least its not with the knife 24/7.



Hey dont hate on the knife. It seems mine, frosts, and khults addiction has spread



Fr0sT wrote:I wish they would make the Knifing not take tags in Vietnam. Maybe then some people would actually PLAY THE GAME FOR ONCE! Knifing makes the game very boring, i learned that from Khult. I really don't see the fun in it. It is the same thing as C4ing everything. Twisted Evil I agree with Dropped, everytime i seen, Tom, I would shoot him like a normal person would play the game. He would run all the way over and lunge at me from 5ft away and knife me. These halo knife kills have got to go with this get the tags with the knife thing.

But, msbegotngirl-bear, i don't use the same gun.
Sad But, at least its not with the knife 24/7.
Did you record it?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

1. you no knifey the epyk
2. knifing is addicting, especially when you just knifed an entire squad and they didnt know you were there.
3. combat lunge is a bit ridiculous



I prefer bullets unless my target isnt moving.



I am the same as Symbolic. I hope you are talking about the other Frost. Cause i have no interest in trying to knife everyone in a game. Its to easy and i paid 60$ to play this game. If i was just going to run around and knife people i would be pretty pissed paying that much for doing the same thing everytime I played that particular game.

No, Tom. I didn't record it. Because when we knew you joined, we knew exactly what you were going to do, it would be a waste of space on my harddrive. I don't record when khult is on the other team or is just running around knifing people. I only record when the players of SeC that play the game like it should be played. I think from now on when people are just going to try and knife the whole time. I am just going to leave and create another game like i did last night, until Tom joined.



Fr0sT wrote:I wish they would make the Knifing not take tags in Vietnam. Maybe then some people would actually PLAY THE GAME FOR ONCE! Knifing makes the game very boring, i learned that from Khult. I really don't see the fun in it. It is the same thing as C4ing everything. Twisted Evil I agree with Dropped, everytime i seen, Tom, I would shoot him like a normal person would play the game. He would run all the way over and lunge at me from 5ft away and knife me. These halo knife kills have got to go with this get the tags with the knife thing.

But, msbegotngirl-bear, i don't use the same gun.
Sad But, at least its not with the knife 24/7.

amen, battlefield would be perfect if dogtags were taken based on nemesis pins. it would be better if the knife wasnt such bs where some one can ballistic knife you out a window, and then not gwt tte kill right behind the guy while both are standing still

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Knife is my most used weapon.
I find it entertaining.

I don't see what's "so easy" about using a limited range weapon.
Yes the recent buff fixed it AND some, but still...
I can understand the knife hate though.

I don't think anyone here goes into a game excluivly knifing. I still play the game, knifing is just a little bonus I get for people not paying attention.



Awesome MD wrote:Knife is my most used weapon.
I find it entertaining.

I don't see what's "so easy" about using a limited range weapon.
Yes the recent buff fixed it AND some, but still...
I can understand the knife hate though.

I don't think anyone here goes into a game excluivly knifing. I still play the game, knifing is just a little bonus I get for people not paying attention.

cough cough frostbyrn

to some extent khult



Then, you missed it last night, Epyk. Tom joined our game and would run at me while i am shooting him. Just so he could knife me. We played for about a hour and i think Tom killed me with his gun one or two times.

It is easy to knife. Especially if it starts lagging and you are using Khults setup. Its not as easy as COD, but still easier than you think. I have tried it in a randoms game and it is easy to me. The lunge is starting to scare me, it is acting just like Halo. Tom was knifing me from 5 ft away last night. That is the way Halo is normally.



Fuck yes frost. Tom had many bs knife kills on me last night. He was lunging mutiple feet through bullets, just like call of duty. I have no idea where this lunge bs came from.



I was going for khult and you were just there. Also I was using my gun a lot of time hell I got first place by myself. Yah the knife does need a little range nerf through.



Have you played with the SeC recently Epyk? Basically any Squad Deathmatch we play devolves into knife-happy grabassery. It's stupid and half the time I feel like shutting the console off, no one gives a shit about winning or kills with a gun anymore.

And this obsession with auto-shotguns is stupid too, miss the 15 foot lunge and one-shot me from 20 feet away. cool, lot of fun guys.

and when you get mad at me for Gustaving you for that shit. lol

Last edited by Lead Based Toys on 2010-12-19, 18:08; edited 1 time in total



Not being able to play with SeC is rage inducing.



Yes i meant frostbryn.

my take on knifing, i use my gun and knife people that are clueless i am there, then i knife. but if someone makes me angry or they are gold tags(sometimes)then i will still play normally, but i start "tracking" they guy i want and knife if i get the chance. and i admit i will hunt SeC members if i dont have a pair of their tags yet



Fr0st, you killed me in one shot once with that N2000000 or whatever the hell it is. Epyk did it to me too. S'mean. Sad But I forgive you... maybe not Epyk though.

I rarely knife. Sometimes I don't even knife people when they are completely unaware that I'm there. I don't trust my knife, especially since the patch. Never had a problem until the damn patch. Usually I panic knife, like when an enemy and myself come across each other suddenly, or he's charging, I'm shooting and he doesn't die before he gets to me, then I'll panic knife.

Usually doesn't work, panic knifing lol.

I feel kind of... I dunno, like I'm off in left field when everyone is knifing but me. Don't know if I should join in the knife frenzy - which I suck at - or continue hunting and shooting. Sometimes I just end up running around aimlessly.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


I play with khult, terry and sym almost daily
Sure we knife a bit, khults into smoke grenade kills atm though.
But we never deviate from going for the win.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Hey dont hate on the knife. It seems mine, frosts, and khults addiction has spread
Yeah, you guys definitely passed it on to me. I've gotten like 200 knife kills in the last four days or so. >___>




Awesome MD wrote:Lead.

I play with khult, terry and sym almost daily
Sure we knife a bit, khults into smoke grenade kills atm though.
But we never deviate from going for the win.

When we're outside of SDM maybe, though Khult never seems to be doing anything other than trying to chase me down in any CQ/Rush match we play.



Shaymojack wrote:
xsilentshooterx wrote:Hey dont hate on the knife. It seems mine, frosts, and khults addiction has spread
Yeah, you guys definitely passed it on to me. I've gotten like 200 knife kills in the last four days or so. >___>


Gtfo! Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad God that pissed me off!

Once the stats sights start working again ill be able to see how many of your tags im up to now. I think its like 9.



Just secretly cast spell on others. The effect might not come soon, maybe not until 10 years, or even 40, but it will come.



Yeah this whole SeC knife-hunting thing is just douchebag-ish. I don't get why fellow SeC members joing the other team specifically to ruin the fun of the ones who want to work together to win. I mean, didn't we start playing this together for the reason of teaming up and rolling noobs? It makes me fuming mad knowing there's someone on my friends list trying only to piss me off and nothing else.

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Dogtags don't do anything.
Knifing is ALWAYS a gamble. Why not give the guy a pat on the back for winning a bet? Even though the reward is inconsequential to anything in the game.
Honestly, I'd rather be knifed by someone here than anyone else. At least be can both get a laugh out of it.



Liquid N02 wrote:Dogtags don't do anything.
Knifing is ALWAYS a gamble. Why not give the guy a pat on the back for winning a bet? Even though the reward is inconsequential to anything in the game.
Honestly, I'd rather be knifed by someone here than anyone else. At least be can both get a laugh out of it.

I don't give a shit about my dogtags, it's the fact that the person is hunting me down because I'm me. It's such a prickish thing to do.



Tonight I got put on the enemy team of a bunch of SeC people. My team was getting destroyed, and i didnt really have much hope in winning.

In times like these, i usually just try and get behind the enemy team and go on a killing/knifing spree. Its awesome to know that all the enemies backs are turned to you, and you can pretty much just mow them down.
But as a rule, i try my best to stay on the right team.



Other than that one round with zillah tonight, I never purposely get on the enemy team. But if I do, I'll usually end up going for some tags.



Yah that sdm we played on nelson bay made me sad but being a useless wookie on harvest day made it worth it. Very Happy



Liquid N02 wrote:Dogtags don't do anything.
Knifing is ALWAYS a gamble. Why not give the guy a pat on the back for winning a bet? Even though the reward is inconsequential to anything in the game.
Honestly, I'd rather be knifed by someone here than anyone else. At least be can both get a laugh out of it.

Because they never do it at anything other than the expense of the game and in turn your enjoyment; ie they will drop absolutely everything at hand for that one knife kill, and they won't get over it after they die once. I seriously have had around 5 instances where Khult was on the other team before the knife buff where I'd Nemesis him like twice in a round because he didn't cap a flag or do anything other than rush in a bid for my tags.

And ever since the update the knife is bullshit >_> I think I lost my tags like 7-8 times total to SeC people before it happened, now its not even worth commending people for.

it's right up there with congratulating someone for a shotgun kill, basically all you do is get close enough to lunge 15 feet and boom instant dog-tags.



Friends' dogtags are really just for bragging rights.

Plain and simple.



Lead Based Toys wrote:
Liquid N02 wrote:Dogtags don't do anything.
Knifing is ALWAYS a gamble. Why not give the guy a pat on the back for winning a bet? Even though the reward is inconsequential to anything in the game.
Honestly, I'd rather be knifed by someone here than anyone else. At least be can both get a laugh out of it.

Because they never do it at anything other than the expense of the game and in turn your enjoyment; ie they will drop absolutely everything at hand for that one knife kill, and they won't get over it after they die once. I seriously have had around 5 instances where Khult was on the other team before the knife buff where I'd Nemesis him like twice in a round because he didn't cap a flag or do anything other than rush in a bid for my tags.

And ever since the update the knife is bullshit >_> I think I lost my tags like 7-8 times total to SeC people before it happened, now its not even worth commending people for.

it's right up there with congratulating someone for a shotgun kill, basically all you do is get close enough to lunge 15 feet and boom instant dog-tags.

Yup, I had just finished putting the third shell in my SPAS after killing 3 people in succession (one of which was a nice jumpshot through 2 windows), reload canceled as I came around the corner and blasted zillah square in the chest. I got the big blood spatter when you really rail someone with buckshot and all the pellets hit and he just lunged straight through it all. It looked absolutely ridiculous too, his body just glided across the floor without moving. I knew then that I had to leave before I blew someone's eardrum out with my raging. On that note, I apologize to anyone in the party who heard that, it just really really pissed me off.



Hahahaha, sorry about that.....

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wow. My whole post about Tom knifing me and everyone else was a joke. Sure all that I said happened was true, but I wasn't angry I was just joking around. But my whole joke post was not intended to start two and a half pages over arguing about the knife.



It's not even really your fault, just this game's garbage hit detection that never seems to work in my favor. Although after I freehanded your apache on valdez it seemed like you were hunting me, and me only.



ante87 wrote:It's not even really your fault, just this game's garbage hit detection that never seems to work in my favor. Although after I freehanded your apache on valdez it seemed like you were hunting me, and me only.

Damn you! I almost had to turn my xbox off after that... i had just taken off, and there were like 4 guys i was about to blast, and then BOOM. im dead.

Its really just by chance that i started getting your tags after that to be honest.



I don't think anyone is really mad there Soap, at least I hope not. Silly thing to be mad over.

Well... Frost-ibuns might actually be mad, but that's because he hasn't gotten to play with sheep as much as he'd like.

And Lead might actually be mad, but that's because he Canadian. So don't worry yourself none. =P



Hotdamnitssam wrote:
ante87 wrote:It's not even really your fault, just this game's garbage hit detection that never seems to work in my favor. Although after I freehanded your apache on valdez it seemed like you were hunting me, and me only.

Damn you! I almost had to turn my xbox off after that... i had just taken off, and there were like 4 guys i was about to blast, and then BOOM. im dead.

Its really just by chance that i started getting your tags after that to be honest.

Yeah I figure as much I just start getting all butthurt after someone kills me more than once consecutively even though I know in the back of my head that every time that person kills me they're probably thinking "oh that guy again? damn, he has some bad luck..."

And yeah Sheep, I was pretty mad when I first posted earlier... I've cooled off since then though. I hate my temper, but that's genetics for you.

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