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So I caved in and bought Black Ops the other night. And I can atleast say one good thing about it. Its not as rage inducing as past CoD titles.

Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Like for instance I like that Ghost ISN'T a required perk anymore like it was in MW2. I mean kill streaks aren't as much of a rage maker or annoyance as they were in MW2. I don't get really mad or crap like I used to when I hear the enemy has a new kill streak up. Most of them(aside from the Chopper Gunner)are fairly easy to avoid.

Napalm, get indoors(doesn't always seem to work unfortunatly).
Dogs: Get in a good corner. But no one uses Dogs from what I have seen so they arent that annoying.
Bombers and others? Once again get inside or stay away from teh big plane on the radar.
the attack chopper isn't even annoying. Just stay on the side its rear roter is facing and your good since it doesn't have the whole 360 gun it used to have.
The only one that really makes me mad is the Chopper Gunner. Only cause it has the ability to kill you before the killcam goes off your screen.

And it doesn't always work but getting inside still protects you from bombers and the like a lot better then it did in MW2 were you could be in the bottom story of a 2 story building and still get killed by an airstrike 8 times out of 10.

I also love how they finally removed that annoying as fuck Stopping Power Perk. That thing alone has made me rage so much more then anything ever out of any MP game I have ever played.
I just wished that DICE would have learned and atleast taken Magnum Ammo out of Vietnam since even CoD doesn't use a perk like that anymore.



I agree with all your points (except the B-52. Indoors/underground won't save you, if it flies over you you're dead!)

The other things you've mentioned make it my favorite (modern) CoD so far...



I think I am one of very few still has not played BO.

STILL in shrink wrap.


Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

StormEye wrote:I think I am one of very few still has not played BO.

STILL in shrink wrap.


Nor have I, man.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

You shuold atleast try it Stormy. I mean I have been playing it religiously since Friday night. And I have always been the guy who hated CoD with a deep, loathing fiery passion. The only series I hate more then CoD is Halo. But I could actually find any Halo title fun even when playing against friends.

But every CoD has always made me rage, even when doing Private matches with friends.

Try it though man. Its still makes you rage time to time, but not like past titles.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Now that I think of it, I did play the Campaign a bit. Wasn't impressed.

It felt like a MW2 add-on, man.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I kinda agree. Its kinda boring and still has that annoying AI constant spawning crap.

Plus their.....what are they called. Scripted Moments? I think? that the series campaigns are most known for are getting lamer and lamer.

Both in cheesiness and how they were designed and how they look.
For something the series has always been known for, they are starting to look half-assed.
I mean I was more impressed by the scripted moments in the 1st level of BC2's Campaign then anything in this one. And the campaign in BC2 sucked.

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2011-01-05, 11:39; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : for spoilers)

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


As if...

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2011-01-05, 11:39; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : for spoilers)

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Metalzoic wrote:I agree with all your points (except the B-52. Indoors/underground won't save you, if it flies over you you're dead!)

The other things you've mentioned make it my favorite (modern) CoD so far...
I know of 2 safe spots in Nuketown from the B-52, even if it flies directly above you...roughly 2/3 of the way up the interior stairs in both buildings.



I know I need to play it, since I put my flippin money into it.

It just flies over my head every time, even though I should be able to blatantly see it as I am looking at a general direction of my TV, since I left it right there just as a reminder.




I haven't tried BO's or BC2's single player yet... and I fixed your spoilers.

:Bama Psycho with terrible knowledge wrote:I know of 2 safe spots in Nuketown from the B-52, even if it flies directly above you...roughly 2/3 of the way up the interior stairs in both buildings.

Good to know. Bummer, that's my favorite map to B-52 the shit out of too.



Ya know i got the game, beat the SP played some zombies. Now i'm a level 40something and i still just havent liked the way COD has gone. It was fun back in the WW2 days and the first MW. But it's slipped on "MY" scale of entertainment drastically.

I think i just get too much enjoyment out of the depth that BC2 has for its MP game! Don't get me wrong the SP is borderline garbage but the MP is just spot on... FOR ME anyway.

I can play Blops and do well but i don't get as much entertainment out of playing it. The instahit bullet travel the drop shotting which still exists. IDK not my cup of tea anymore. I'll play it but the LOLs just aren't there like they are in Battlefield.



I hear ya. I'm really enjoying it simply because so much stuff has been fixed compared to the previous ones.

I rarely see someone trying to dropshot though because it's so slow to do now.
As far as bullet velocity, both BO and BC2 are fucked. BO is instant and in BC2 they travel about 1/3rd the speed they should. It's a wash for me, neither is realistic.

I'll be happy once a game has actual velocity/trajectory based on the actual ammunition/barrel length.



Metalzoic wrote:I'll be happy once a game has actual velocity/trajectory based on the actual ammunition/barrel length.

SPOT ON THERE, brotha! cheers

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The fact that BC2 has any bullet travel at all makes it closer to the truth, man. Even if it still is incorrect.



I can say it makes that defensive sniping headshot at long range on a blackhawk pilot. OH SO SATISFYING!

Just having to lead your target and elevate your sights even slightly makes the kill much prettier.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Not to mention the 'wow' factor when you make an impossible shot, man.

I have gotten a couple of headshots at ridiculous distances a couple of times where I've thought to myself, 'how the fuck did I hit him, man?'



I got a lucky sniper shot on the pilot in this thread! I was amazed when i got it cause i thought i shot the gunner. But the heli just dropped outta the sky like a rock. Made me feel good, man.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Darth Tater wrote:I got a lucky sniper shot on the pilot in this thread! I was amazed when i got it cause i thought i shot the gunner. But the heli just dropped outta the sky like a rock. Made me feel good, man.

Reminds of one time I shot the pilot out of a heli too, man. It then crash landed on a roof in the second base of Isla Innocentes. The gunner then changed to the pilot seat to try and take off, but I gave him a face lift before he could.



Metalzoic wrote:I haven't tried BO's or BC2's single player yet... and I fixed your spoilers.

:Bama Psycho with terrible knowledge wrote:I know of 2 safe spots in Nuketown from the B-52, even if it flies directly above you...roughly 2/3 of the way up the interior stairs in both buildings.

Good to know. Bummer, that's my favorite map to B-52 the shit out of too.

Just had a 30-1 run on Nuketown a bit ago. I still haven't pulled a 30-0 match, but I did get to call in 2 B-52's. The last one got me 6 kills and finished the game. The 2nd place dude only had 600 points and as soon as we hit the lobby everyone quit on me... Sad

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