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BC2 PC Second Impressions

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1BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 02:18



Whelp, my gold subscription ran out a few days ago and it's gonna be a little bit before I renew it. Still desiring my BC2 fix I fired up the PC copy I bought off Steam a long time ago. Man oh man, what a different beast it is... That's a good thing and a bad thing, but mostly a bad thing imo.

The only really good thing about the PC version is 32 players. Holy -shit- do some battles get intense, especially on smaller maps. It's crazy, you're almost always near an enemy. I also like that the FOV is muuuuch wider on PC. I don't feel like I'm wearing blinders and can actually see things in my peripheral vision.

Now for the bad...
The worst thing is the hit detection. Guys, we thought we had it bad on the consoles... ugh. I plan on frapsing some gameplay tomorrow or something and maybe I'll show you guys just how lulzy it can get.

Hackers. Every server I entered had atleast one guy with an aimbot. These are stupidly obvious too. You get killed from some random direction and on the killcam you see some sniper snapping back and forth instantly firing every time the bolt cycles.

Player skill. Yes, the PC does have a higher "skill cap," but there's a whole slew of people who put our (360) worst players to shame. They always seemed to end up on my team too...

Finally, something that's not good/bad, but just and observation. Snipers have sway on the PC, and the headshot hitbox is noticeably smaller. I can't snipe for shit with a mouse.

I don't even know why I posted this... Oh wait, because I want LIVE back so I can play the BC2 I know and love, thumbsticks in hand.


Also, the advantage higher level players have over low level ones is ridiculous. It was rough with nothing but my AEK with irons, M9 and lightweight...

/whine again

2BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 14:03



I heard about PC mixed servers, with HC/C settings?

Confirm or deny?

And have you tried the GOL yet? Apparently the accuracy stat on bolt actions determines sway...

3BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 14:21



Yeah servers can have some funky rules in them. Makes it pretty interesting.

Negative on the GOL, I've only been able to use the M24 and T88.

OH, the knife is SO MUCH BETTER on the PC. It feels like it draws so much faster and I haven't RKS'd once on a moving target.

4BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 15:15



The only thing Im missing is 32 players on a single map.

Im just praying for that in Battlefield 3.

5BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 15:17



Hold on, the average PC BC2 player is worse than 360 player?

WTF, my old community! You can't lose to consolers!

6BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 15:18



Yeah i actually think that the skill level would be pretty similar.

7BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 15:20



Most Nam(og) servers I played on had it so if you stood on the helipad longer then 3 seconds.........You died.

Yeah the football helmet vision is something I could never get over on the consoles. And I love when people cry about me not seeing shit in my blind zones.

8BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 15:26



TheGM wrote:Most Nam(og) servers I played on had it so if you stood on the helipad longer then 3 seconds.........You died.

Yeah the football helmet vision is something I could never get over on the consoles. And I love when people cry about me not seeing shit in my blind zones.

Most servers had what?

9BC2 PC Second Impressions Empty Re: BC2 PC Second Impressions 2011-01-01, 15:30



Invisble barbwire or pungee sticks man.

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