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ITT: We suggest things that should be fixed/added that ARE NOT related to weapon tweaks and stuff.

Cardboard Fox
Artimise Flare
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
13 posters

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-If you're in a vehicle and I hit Back on a friendly vehicle the "Gimmie a ride" message shouldn't play.

-If you're really far from a friendly vehicle and I hit Back "Gimmie a ride" message shouldn't play.

-If the base switch occurs while your on the UAV at the previous base an ATV should spawn so you don't have to run miles when/if the UAV is destroyed.

-Points for destroying enemy explosives.

There were a couple of more that I can't recall right now.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

If your team has 2 recons sniping, the third one explodes.

If you snipe for 5 minutes without getting a kill, you also explode.

Choppers are slightly damaged by LMGs.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ wise stuff.

i hate always demanding rides when im trying to spot with an HMG/SR so the first and second ones are great.

UAV quad = good idea, or maybe just have a free spawn at your new base that doesnt count as a death.

points for destroying enemy explosives = yes


more ideas:

points to do with smoke grenades - also, pins and insignias for smoke nades

a pin for X amount of tracer plants or X amount of tracer assists in 1 game

points for 'tactical spawning' IE if a squadmate spawns on you while near the objective, you get a small amount of points (+5 maybe?) to encourage tactics.

a bonus for when you obey a team request (someone asks for ammo/health, you give them ammo/heath, you get resupply/heal +20 and +5 team request) to encourage teamwork and PAYING ATTENTION TO THE DAMN TEAM!

a request for motion mine cover from nearby recons maybe?

a recon spec that increases the number of motion mines you can carry?

thats all i can think of so far.


Oh yeah, another thing that I'd like to see add is:

-We should be able to see ticket count before we spawn into a match that we join in progress. Would be helpful in deciding what class to use.

-Minor and more user error, but I hate that the main menu defaults you to the SP start option, I've loaded into SP on accident so many times it's ridiculous lol.


All great ideas KutKu, forgot about the motion mine request and extra MM carry specs.



If someone requests ammo, ride, etc. A message should flash on your screen (not too distracting though) That"Ducksaws is requesting ammo!" and a there should be a big yellow arrow over their head and also on your mini map.


^I thought the game did that already (minus the message flash).

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i would like a stat for distance travelled on foot. im not sure if this is happening but im not aware of any pedometer.

its a shame because i spend most of the games on foot.



I wanna throw c4 like a grenade..

I wanna actually run people over when they hit the front of my vehicle vs them phasing through it...

I want there to be bronze silver gold and platinum stars for the 40mmsl

I want the sound fixed so i can actually hear that an mcom is armed vs taking damage! this hapens sporadically where theres no sound when the mcom is armed.

I want falling trees to actually have weight possibly causing death by tree.



All vehicles and emplacements should have finite ammunition. Vehicle ammo can be resupplied at the default spawn and emplacement ammo can be resupplied by an assault dropping ammo crates next to them.

Smoke grenades should obscure spotting arrows, why they don't already is beyond me.

Grenade spec should give recons double the motion sensors.

This is minor, but using extended mags on the auto-shotguns should give them drum magazines. Also, the pump shotguns should have 8 round tubes by default.

The "request" bonus is a fucking fantastic idea, why is it not in the game? +5 for team, +8 for squad.


I thought smoke grenades removed spots. Grr!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Darth Tater wrote:I want falling trees to actually have weight possibly causing death by tree.

i think frost hates trees enough...



I don't care what frost hates.. Razz

This is my one weapon bitch! the m14 should have the proper amount of ammo, it says 20 rounds in the decription and irl it has 20 rnds yet in the game it's only 10. Who gives a flying rats ass if it'll be OP. FIX IT!!!



Darth Tater wrote:I don't care what frost hates.. Razz

This is my one weapon bitch! the m14 should have the proper amount of ammo, it says 20 rounds in the decription and irl it has 20 rnds yet in the game it's only 10. Who gives a flying rats ass if it'll be OP. FIX IT!!!

Made further lulzy by the fact that the magazine in game is 20 rounds as well.... I guess the soldiers are lazy and only load it half way?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ its the cuts. only allowed half the ammo since they're cutting the deficit.



KutKuSlayer wrote:^ its the cuts. only allowed half the ammo since they're cutting the deficit.

The Vietnam expac is actually a future shooter, taking place after the war in BC2... Someone fucked up the budget on both sides and now they're broke!



DEFICIT MAH ASSS!! if you wanna cut something how bout the combat knife!!!

small lol

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ability to disarm your own or enemy AT mines as an engineer. (Honestly I don't know why this was ever removed)

deaths caused by grenades or other explosives will leave you in a state were you can't be revived, nor can you be revived if shot in the head.

the biologists need to find a way to make it so that trees are not made of double reinforced titanium alloy that can stop even a .50 BMG round if shot through it.

HMG emplacements should have their own iron sights in Hardcore mode.



Ability to throw AT mines like a discuss.

Small transport helicopters. (like atv's except they fly, 1 or 2 per attacker's base)

Revenge kills +50 like payback kills in CoD(Avenger kills and savior kills are BS. who actually goes for those?!)

Hurry up and fix the Huey

Show how many tickets you have in the spawn screen.

Sever browsing, with specs on the match ( i hate being put in games 10 seconds before you lose )

I like a lot of the ideas already posted on here, points for destroying enemy equipment, Smoke grenade stars, spots disappearing in smoke, FIXING ROAD KILLS etc. Road kills really need to be fixed.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Improved driving physics.
Multiplayer tutorial.
Animations for boarding/exiting vehicles.



short range stinger turrets that lock on around a spawn to eliminate spawn camping

short range stinger misslle that only has one ammo 2 with ex ammo upgrade. and a REALLY long resupply, takes two missles to kill and is stricly air vechiles

unlimited lock on range for the uav too

tracer gun that shoots a 3 round clip OR a really fast dart

emp/incindiery grende that does more damage to vehicles on assault class

c4 atachment on any assault gun

game kicks you at -100 score

engineer rifle similar to the railway rifle from fallout 3
that damages vehicles

rope ladder on transport choppers

a scilenced assault m4 carbine for the recon class

score streak allows a body armor purchase (one life), ammo drop with spe, mg turret drop. or a carpet bomb

preset special classes that are extremes of that class, like a really fast recon class with no knife, only a scilenced pistol, motion sensr built into him that has smaller range and no beep, 2x motion sensors and the abiltiy to have out two at once (smaller radius)

assault with built in body armor xtra, a heavy mg, moves slower always appears spotted on radar, moves slowly, and HES THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH

Medic class syringe is slower loading but insta heals anyone as well as revives
2nd syringe is an adrenalin hit that a medic only has one of
seconday is a dart that heals 1/4 health to any friendly it hits
medics of this class can only use all kits but the spot on them dissapears quicker

engie class has a tracer dart that can hack a vehicle after a period of time, only gets one per life and can be taken off by repairing it off, they can opt to have a dual rpg in place of all of their weapons - the dart. it has a slower relaod and remembles a pre-patch rpg



Cardboard Fox wrote:
Animations for boarding/exiting vehicles.

Damage modifiers need to go. Magnum ammo, body armor, and explosive Mk.2. Thankfully, according to DICE they will never be putting these in a Battlefield game ever again.

ALL guns should have bullet drop, not just bolt actions. This just strikes me as unbelievably lazy on the developers part not to include it on all guns.
Longest to shortest range should be...
-Bolt action rifles
-LMGs/Semi-auto rifles
-Slugged shotguns
-Machine pistols/pistols



- I want HALO drops, like in Snake Eater
- No all kit weapons, give Engineers Shotguns and bring back the Spec-Ops class for SMGs
- Buff the Thompson, goddamn
- More class-oriented specs
- Can't revive people who've been head-shot'd, ran-over, explode'd, knife'd/defib'd/drilled, or D2.0'd
- Weapon unlocks based on rank, and don't stop at friggin rank 22
- Prone
- Limited sprint

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Milk, what exactly is wrong with the Thompson? I do just fine with it, it's an all kit weapon, so I can see why it shouldn't beat kit weapons.

I do agree that a return to some of the older class setups need to come around, or do the whole class tree thing like in BF2142.



MEGA MILK wrote:- I want HALO drops, like in Snake Eater
- No all kit weapons, give Engineers Shotguns and bring back the Spec-Ops class for SMGs
- Buff the Thompson, goddamn
- More class-oriented specs
- Can't revive people who've been head-shot'd, ran-over, explode'd, knife'd/defib'd/drilled, or D2.0'd
- Weapon unlocks based on rank, and don't stop at friggin rank 22
- Prone
- Limited sprint

Limited sprint would be annoying as hell on such huge maps.



All kit and helicopters are the only things keeping me in Vietnam.

Get rid of those fucking shotguns and we'll be good Vanilla. And the G3.



No love for shotguns lead? What about the 870?

And i agree with what ante said about gun drop, except for the shotgun part. Drop on slugs would make them really annoying



Hotdamnitssam wrote:No love for shotguns lead? What about the 870?

And i agree with what ante said about gun drop, except for the shotgun part. Drop on slugs would make them really annoying

Shotgun slugs should be a mid range alternative to buckshot, not an infinite range alternative. This is coming from someone who loves counter-sniping 12x bush wookies with a slugged SPAS-12.



Hotdamnitssam wrote:No love for shotguns lead? What about the 870?

And i agree with what ante said about gun drop, except for the shotgun part. Drop on slugs would make them really annoying

There's a difference between buckshot and slugs.



short range stinger turrets that lock on around a spawn to eliminate spawn camping


short range stinger misslle that only has one ammo 2 with ex ammo upgrade. and a REALLY long resupply, takes two missles to kill and is stricly air vechiles

No, portable insta kill anti air would be OP

unlimited lock on range for the uav too
Pretty sure the UAV doesn't lock on in the first place, the glowy square just tells you where the missile is aimed.

c4 atachment on any assault gun
No... the game makes you use all kits because they're weaker when using C4. That would just throw the balance out the window.

rope ladder on transport choppers
I don't see the point

assault with built in body armor xtra, a heavy mg, moves slower always appears spotted on radar, moves slowly, and HES THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH

It's hard enough to keep a fast moving tank alive with lots of armor and without being automatically spotted, this guy would be toast the moment he got half way across the map.

engie class has a tracer dart that can hack a vehicle after a period of time, only gets one per life and can be taken off by repairing it off, they can opt to have a dual rpg in place of all of their weapons - the dart. it has a slower relaod and remembles a pre-patch rpg




Ducksaws critiquing Tallness' suggestions wrote:

This all seems a little sci-fi to me...



"engie class has a tracer dart that can hack a vehicle after a period of time, only gets one per life and can be taken off by repairing it off, they can opt to have a dual rpg in place of all of their weapons - the dart. it has a slower relaod and remembles a pre-patch rpg"

Yeah seriously, the fuck?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The Dark Passenger wrote:

-Minor and more user error, but I hate that the main menu defaults you to the SP start option, I've loaded into SP on accident so many times it's ridiculous lol.

This has happened many times to me too, man.

I fucking hate it...



The AA launcher was actually in 2142. 2 shots to kill, 2 shots per reload, limited range lockon. Considering how the other rockets were either hand guided or a ballistic tank killing AVR round, this was a godsend on air heavy maps. The pilot could counter this with countermeasures at the right time, or simply getting out of range of the lock on.

Worked mainly as a deterrent, to make pilots less annoying and more careful.

Also, shotgun-tracer-dart-all-kit. And a AA tank with a burst cannon with the previously mentioned AA rockets. And finally, the option to upgrade the support tools (besides the medic, they already have them). Faster resupply, faster repair, more frequent spot pulses + longer active time. And stick in class specific buffs on vehicles, such as a tank with an engineer slowly repairing friendly vehicles next to it, or an assault in a light tank that resupplies the heavy tanks.

Or a humvee that zips around as a mobile support station, healing, repairing, resupplying and (in case V-ELECT is removed) motion-sensoring as it goes along.



remShotz wrote:The AA launcher was actually in 2142. 2 shots to kill, 2 shots per reload, limited range lockon. Considering how the other rockets were either hand guided or a ballistic tank killing AVR round, this was a godsend on air heavy maps. The pilot could counter this with countermeasures at the right time, or simply getting out of range of the lock on.

Worked mainly as a deterrent, to make pilots less annoying and more careful.

Also, shotgun-tracer-dart-all-kit. And a AA tank with a burst cannon with the previously mentioned AA rockets. And finally, the option to upgrade the support tools (besides the medic, they already have them). Faster resupply, faster repair, more frequent spot pulses + longer active time. And stick in class specific buffs on vehicles, such as a tank with an engineer slowly repairing friendly vehicles next to it, or an assault in a light tank that resupplies the heavy tanks.

Or a humvee that zips around as a mobile support station, healing, repairing, resupplying and (in case V-ELECT is removed) motion-sensoring as it goes along.

I could see the Stinger being in the next BF, but it would have to be balanced carefully. Limited lock-on range, 1 shot per reload (obviously) with 1 reserve rocket. Aircraft deploying chaff at any time after the rocket is fired should send it flying into the wild blue yonder.

The upgraded classes would be great, put them in the MA/BA slot. Assault+, Engineer+, Medic+, Recon+.

I dunno about vehicles resupplying and repairing each other, seems exploitable. However, a use for the loltruck on Cold War comes to mind. Make one spawn every two minutes at the default spawn loaded with vehicle ammunition. This can be used so you don't always have to drive back to your base to resupply your tank/heli. With all the ammunition on board it's easily destroyed as well, so that's balance.



Yeah if theres a stinger put in, it would have to do 15-20 damage, and make it so that a good pilot can shake it.

Think, if it did any more damage than that, a couple engineers could take it out instantly.


That ARE NOT related to weapon tweaks and stuff.



Ok, then a primary shotgun that fires a spread of tracer darts. You give up offensive power for the ultimate engineer support tool.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Chopper tutorial.

Well, that goes in hand with the multiplayer tutorial. Just let it be a giant playground with vehicles and crap to kill. First time I piloted chopper, I backflipped into a mountain. Needless to say, my team didn't think it was funny.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

A suggestion to help with the chopper whores. Helicopters take a long time to repair with just the repair tool, much like the tank, a single engineer must make two complete cooldowns to fully repair an attack chopper. To expedite this process, helicopters must return to their home base and land, yes land, not hover, on their helipads, this will in turn activate an automatic self repair and will Take about half the time normally required to repair the helicopter to full. Furthermore, all vehicles will have a set amount of ammunition for their main weapons, secondaries included. For the helicopters they must once again return to base and reload and land. This was how it was in the original bf games like bf2 with the exception that you had to actually land your aircraft.

It's obvious that a good pilot is almost impossible to shoot down, by making it really hard to repair them so rapidly in the field, it may help with the problem a little, along with the limited amount of ammunition they'd be allowed to carry.

Damage modifiers need to go, vehicle armor, magnum ammo, body armor, and improved explosives all need to go. They add nothing to he game, and makes most other specs obsolete, what's he point of using anyhing else when health regenerates?

Health bars need to return and HP regeneration needs to go, this will bring more emphasis on he medical role of well...he medic. The support class needs to come back as the primary ammo giver as well as a medic class that is well balanced with assault players. Perhaps make it so medics get unsuppressed smg's? Or perhaps they are a sub class of assault and can use some of their rifles, however without the benefit of grenade launchers and the like.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

^This. So much. I'm not sure about the last part, about health bars and the modification of classes, but the rest is just perfect.



Ars Diaboli wrote:^This. So much. I'm not sure about the last part, about health bars and the modification of classes, but the rest is just perfect.

Not to shoot down his ideas since maybe he missed my posts, but he basically reiterated everything I said a while ago lol.

Medics should get carbines, with a range in between and SMG and an AR. For optics, they should be restricted to red dot sights to help highlight their role as a support class and not as a long range killer. Assaults should be able to choose either the standard AR + underbarrel + ammo box, or they can pick an LMG and forgo the underbarrel and ammo box.



I think health should regenerate, but maybe slower than in BC2. You can't rely on medics realistically.



Yeah as it is, finding a medic while you're hurt is really more of a convenience than a necessity.



unlimted lock on range for the uav means that the uav can be targeted by a stnger from a longer range

ya, with the portable one, maybe 4 hit kill, but you only have 2 with ex ammo but keep in mind if a tank rolls up he couldnt do shit to it and the stinger has a range like the turret one, it could also be slow so a black hawk gunner could shoot the missle out of the sky

or you only get one and can be ressuplied like an rpg and a 3 hit kill,

the concept would work it would just need experimenting

nothing more annoying than a vehicle that has no purpose due to it being underpowered (ie the vietnam huey and vanilla pbr). the stinger is meant to keep it where its at but lower how much of a powerhouse it is when the guy is a lvl 50 whore, this would need to be coupled with a tutorial becasue

the last 4 idea were just ideas that would change up the game a little dont get ur panties in a wad



Speaking of Unlimited Lock on range for the UAV, the UAV should be able to spot from much further away, and have no Spot overheat.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ah my bad ante lol, that stuff just popped into my head that night and I wanted to share before I had forgotten. Guess great minds think alike?

Needless to say, right now the helicopters are too hard to effectively damage with a good pilot in them and far too easy to repair at present time. I like the idea of hand held stingers, perhaps make it so that all helicopters regardless of spec chosen get countermeasures. Hell, while were at it why don't we just say we want DICE to return to their original formula that they used in 2142 and BF2.



Ars Diaboli wrote:Chopper tutorial.

Well, that goes in hand with the multiplayer tutorial. Just let it be a giant playground with vehicles and crap to kill. First time I piloted chopper, I backflipped into a mountain. Needless to say, my team didn't think it was funny.

if you dont backflip the 1st time youre hacking, the general rule is to flip back into the valparaiso trees or port valdez mountains



Hell yeah Artimise!

On the topic of the UAV, give it a medium sized box reticule and anything inside of it is automatically spotted. To better illustrate...

ITT: We suggest things that should be fixed/added that ARE NOT related to weapon tweaks and stuff. 87da1310

I see the UAV already has the reticule I'm talking about, but any enemy infantry/vehicle inside that blue box I highlighted should be auto-spotted until they move outside the box. This should have a limited range on the X-Y plane, but not the Z plane. V-Optic should increase this range.

EDIT: And you know what? For good measure add a small PiP camera in the top right corner. Have it mounted on top of the UAV station facing so a player can see if someone's coming up to knife them. This will make the UAV usable in conquest.

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