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Kaos made some tweaks and adjustments!

Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
9 posters

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Homefront Community,

As many of you noticed, over the last 36 hours we rolled out global server-side changes to make slight tuning adjustments to the Playlists and Gameplay Balance. Many of these modifications came straight from the Community, thank you for your feedback and continued support of Homefront.

The details on the changes are as follows:

Playlist Changes
· Changed map randomization
· Min player adjustment to 4 in 16 max, 4 in 24 max, and 8 in 32 max Playlists
· 360 – Added Culdesac and Suburb to GC playlist
· PS3 – Added Culdesac to GC playlist

Gameplay Balance Changes
· Resupply ability cost increased to 300
· Blastwave and Boomer Abilities received a slight reduction to their effectiveness
· The M200 has received some buffs to its fire-rate, ammo capacity, sway and look speed
· The M110 had its fire rate, recoil and ammo capacity slightly adjusted
· The Airburst grenade launcher now carries a max of 2 grenades and does slightly less damage





Damn it! Why make my ammo cost more!!!!!!!!! I use ammo resupply on prety much every kit!

Nice to see they made an adjustment to the fire rate of the M110

Aways nice to see more maps added to the playlist as well!



· 360 – Added Culdesac and Suburb to GC playlist

These are already playable in GC...



Ground control or BC ground Control?



Ahhhh I didn't think of that. I always play battle commander.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah they used to only be BC CG Smile

and the ammo resupply increase is to reduce spamming of AB/GLs



I just spam the trigger on my AR!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

WHY!!!! why would they nerf my airburst!! my boomer/blastwave airburst class is ruined!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i only ever get use resupply when i really need the ammo or extra grenades.

it sucks spending those BP and getting killed 10 seconds later Razz



WOnder why they put a nerf on the airburst.... I really have not seen many people even use it much.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:WOnder why they put a nerf on the airburst.... I really have not seen many people even use it much.

when entire stacked teams use it its easy to spawn trap.
especially with boomer/blastwave, ammo and thermal goggles.



Never ran into that thank god!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

.... they were a little rediculous. I shot airbursts into buildings and around corners and over roofs and gotten random kills. LOTS of them. sometimes I didn't even know there was someone there I just fired and got lucky


Yea i think the nerf to air burst was good. I dont ever need to go through another COD MW2 this life time...

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't think it was THAT bad, but I'm sure if I encountered it I would hate someone who spams the thing.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Awesome Terry! wrote:I don't think it was THAT bad, but I'm sure if I encountered it I would hate someone who spams the thing.

one person with it is fine, but loads of people with it is ridiculous Razz

imagine everyone using it on suburbs or cul de sac... shit would get crazy lol!


It is crazy lol i played a game with the s8k guys on top of the leader boards and thats what 4 of them did on suburbs. Trust it gets pretty ugly


I really like that they added the smaller maps to regular ground control.

As far as the sniper tweaks, the adjustments to the M110 doesn't really bother me at all but I would like to know if the tweaks to the M200 make it a little more usable. I would like to get the 10 kill steak to unlock the dragon skins with that gun some time haha.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah the M200 is a lot better.

dont know the exact details but its a lot smoother and the hit detection seems to be better (headshots actually count, and the bullets go where the crosshairs are).

i got a 4 streak in the first game i used it in Very Happy not much but its a start.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I love the adjustments to the sniper rifles. The M200 was pointless before, and the M110 could be spammed at close range because of it's rediculous RoF. Nothing angers me more than sneaking up on a sniper only to have him turn and hipfire his M110 and kill me. It shot almost as fast as the M16!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i love stealing M110 kills with the M200.

when they shoot a guy, i shoot just after (thermals ftw) and get the kill. its so douchey but so fun Very Happy

plus you can cycle the round while still aiming (i like that) so its easy to track where enemies go Razz


I'll admit I've taken out several people at close range with the M110 b4 this adjustment but I hated how several people would run around with it like it was an assault rifle because of the fast fire rate.

Also not sure if boomer + rpg is a 1 hit kill on humvees anymore since I haven't been able to come across one yet. Anyone happen to know if it's still 1 hit kill or not? Don't wanna get into a game and stand in the open with a humvee heading for me thinking I can still kill it with one hit only to find out that's not the case anymore lol.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was wondering that too phantom. I will find out tonight thats for sure, but hopefully my face isn't imprinted on a bumper when I find out.

It's funny this patch did several thing that I really wnated (M110 nerf), but it also robbed me of my favorite class. being boomer/blastwave M4/airburst just doesn't do it for me after the patch



Played a couple of games with Terry tonight (well, 2am for me!), which was cool! There was some odd stuff happening since these changes though.....

I found it very hard to join the same game, and at first all my stats were reset. After backing out of the Live menu and in again, this resolved itself - but I had to rebuild all my classes.....

Then I got randomly removed from one game. Another time, the level loading screen was one from the single player campaign, and another time I had two audio tracks playing over each other in the Live menu Shocked

I did enjoy the games that did work, though - especially that first one where we completely cleaned up the scoreboard Twisted Evil (although how we actually lost the game I have no idea! Laughing )

Was trying out the proximity launcher for the first time - seems pretty effective against helicopters (especially little birds), but is it weaker than the rpg, or is it down to the adjustments Kaos made?

Is there any reason to choose the rpg over the proximity launcher after it's unlocked?


The proximity launcher is indeed weaker than the rpg. Before the adjustments I noticed that with boomer, it still required 2 hits to take down a humvee while the rpg required 1. In my opinion, the rpg is basically used to take down ground vehicles while the main purpose of the proximity is to take down air vehicles.



Ok cool, that makes sense. Thanks!



on the m200, they nerf everthing but the damage? what crap is that, that's the only thing I wanted patched, at least they gave us faster reload and ADS, thats a start.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Enigmatic wrote:on the m200, they nerf everthing but the damage? what crap is that, that's the only thing I wanted patched, at least they gave us faster reload and ADS, thats a start.

its tricky doing anything with the sniper rifles. there so much room for things to go so wrong.
2 shot body kill and one headshot kill is fine, all that should be changed is recoil, ADS time, accuracy and reload speed.

im fine with it as it is, the latest patch has made the M110 less spammable for sure.



can anyone tell me how affected the m110 was in the patch, like, what is the new ammo capacity, how much recoil is there, how much slower does it fire?


There doesn't seem to be too much of a change from what I've noticed. You can't fire multiple times rapidly like you can the M16 but it is still a very effective gun. Just don't expect to run around with it like it was a regular rifle anymore.

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Well, I might get this game now.

I was going to get Brink, but since everyone seems on the fence about it and my favorite gaming site, Giantbomb gave it lackluster reviews, I think HF will have to hold me over for a while.

Heck, I could this and DMC4 again since this is only $40!

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