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Why the fuck do people have to constantly imitate me?

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Really now. I like shotgun sniping, next fucking month, everybody does it. I like the AEK now, and everybody fucking uses it. Why imitate me?


DrBob276 wrote:Really now. I like shotgun sniping, next fucking month, everybody does it. I like the AEK now, and everybody fucking uses it. Why imitate me?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.



I was using the AEK alot before i RROD'd




Yeah, really flattering. >_>

Also, yet another reason I don't play with SeC'ers. When I play on your team, you do nothing but spawn kill in conquest half of the time; might as well be an enemy so I don't get in your way on your team (at least it makes sense as an enemy) and I help the retards out.



Spawn camping is Bad unless the Enemy team are being really Gay



Yeah, and all I EVER see is everyone doing it. That's like kicking someone in the balls in a boxing match, then saying you're better. Really guys...c'mon.


DrBob276 wrote:Yeah, and all I EVER see is everyone doing it. That's like kicking someone in the balls in a boxing match, then saying you're better. Really guys...c'mon.

That always happens to me when I play with my friends. I usually switch sides because a)I want kills and b)It's not even fun



Its not our Fault the Enemy's are complete retards who wont Leave their spawn so they force us to go and get them



We should all be playing against each other, instead of teaming up to fight randoms. Really, that shit's just not fair. A spawn-trap is inevitable in that kind of situation.



Nah fighting only each other all the time would be boring



the solution is fair matches. but to be fair, in conquest u move up. the spawn happens to be the end of the road so thats where thay camp
ur actually lucky to have people imitate u dude. no one listens to my ideas
u dont even have to try to gett people to follow u. thats a luxury



Rush usually ends up being sort of Fair because of the Crappy Map design creating Chokepoints and such

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

spawn camping is going to happen, there is no two ways about it. if my team has all the flags and I'm sitting in a base for more than 2 minutes your goddamn straight I'm going forward to get at my enemy



Its the enemy's fault they get spawned camped 90% of the time



Well we should at least aim to balance teams.
A full team of SeC/GFQ vs. randoms is just ridiculous. We steamroll them all the time.
Think if you had a bunch of randoms on both teams, but each team had a squad of four SeC/GFQ players. That would make it a lot more interesting.
Anyway, I have no problem squadding up and beating the shit out of some randoms. But when you've got more than four, it gets to be a headache, and everyone's just competing for kills and it's too easy.

As for people copying you Bob, if you think about it, you're probably just looking at it all skewed. You've probably noticed people shotty sniping or using the AEK simply because that's what you're doing. There's no way of telling they weren't doing that in the first place. If you had been using the T-88 S, you might think the same about that weapon, for example (I'm always surprised when someone kills me with one).
Also, people have been playing this game for quite some time. You moved onto the AEK because you felt like trying a new weapon, right? I'm finally using the AUG because I got tired of using the Abakan.
It's all put in the game by the devs, and there's a limited number of combinations for a kit, so you shouldn't be surprised when someone might be using a weapon and kit similar to yours. There's no way that anyone out there is using a unique kit (besides those devs w/ 4x scoped M14s).
I don't know; I think there's all sorts of logical explanations for it, but people copying you is just the wrong conclusion to jump to.

TL;DR - Don't worry about it, buddy. Why the fuck do people have to constantly imitate me? Icon_smile



People were using the AEK because it was brought upand sonedecided they wanted sone kills with it cause it's cool.



Or we should just install a Policy of only having a Single squad of GFQers in each game

We dont need GFQers on the enemy team a single Squad on one team per game would be better



I don't see what difference it makes. We like playing together on a team. That's the point of this game: teamwork. If the other team is so bad they can't even get flags then it sucks to be them.



We've been beaten before. Now sure if there's more than 4 of us on a team we really don't lose but, I'm not giving up playing with multiple people becuase we're steaming rolling.

Keeping with Bob's TT: There are limited amounts of kits out there bob, plus your youtube vid's being up people say "HEY i wanna try that". Also it was only a matter of time before people started using what will dominate. Hence the carl g users the m60 mag users the an94 fags, and the LMG squads. Theres millions of gamers or at any time 30,000 plus people on BC2 and theres only a couple hundred weapon combos.... sooooo.

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