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In the pursuit of happyness & hatemail!

Epyk MD
10 posters

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In the probability that i'll be playing BC2 tonight, i'm looking to achieve atleast a few hatemail messages.

Either from smoke launching people or tea bagging the OVER EXCESSIVE helicopter users!!!

Stay tuned for the mystical adventures of Derp....



Stick with me Derp I seem to attract the hatemail lately.



It's been months since i got any hatemail... even with all the smoke launching kills i get....

I'm feeling neglected when i don't recieve these messages!

The last random messages i got was when i flew as a passenger in a apache and the guy crashed! he apologized atleast... most people don't.

Either way i wanna play tonight. ONE STIPULATION!!! we have company.... the person that sucks away our internet... so we'll see if i can even get on tonight!!


get over yourselves

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Valukar wrote:get over yourselves




Yeah...grouchy today?



Somebody's bringing the cranky...



Is that guy telling me to get over myself???????


Looks again......


Get on my league kid.


I don't think I want to. I mean, last time I played you I was busy teabagging your boyfriend kluht and then you charged at me with an autoshotgun and got turned on by my fucking M9. Then you came here and made a post bitching about lag. oh man you're in a league of your own bro. But of course, you do okay one game, get a message from someone and immediately make a topic about getting "hate mail". I could make a silver account and send you a message, wait a couple minutes and then come here to find another topic about it.



Damn, what the fuck happened here?!



Geez thrikker douching it up everywhere. What gives man?



Man, the maturity level dropped it seems. At least in this and the other topic.


Maturity has nothing to do with it. This place was made as an escape from gamefaqs, but it's becoming even more elitist and exclusive than gamefaqs ever was. The second someone stops going with the flow everyone jumps to attack them without even thinking about whether they're right or wrong.



I wouldn't say that, but I also don't pay attention much. I just think most of us don't like douchey comments and such. I know that's how I feel. But I'm not taking "sides".



Everyone else gets along.....and we disagree without being hostile. Thats the difference.


xsilentshooterx wrote:I wouldn't say that, but I also don't pay attention much. I just think most of us don't like douchey comments and such. I know that's how I feel. But I'm not taking "sides".
Yeah, I know I'm being a dick, but I can guarantee if someone else said the
exact same thing as me, nobody would be getting this upset over it.

Sure there are a few "disagreements" if you can call it that, but it always ends up with people shunning anyone who doesn't agree with the majority. Or it's treated like a joke and nothing is accomplished. No offense, but now I understand why so many people have stopped coming here. Sure you can use the typical "well if you don't like it here then leave" response, but eventually there won't be anyone left to tell that to.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Valukar wrote:
xsilentshooterx wrote:I wouldn't say that, but I also don't pay attention much. I just think most of us don't like douchey comments and such. I know that's how I feel. But I'm not taking "sides".
Yeah, I know I'm being a dick, but I can guarantee if someone else said the
exact same thing as me, nobody would be getting this upset over it.

Sure there are a few "disagreements" if you can call it that, but it always ends up with people shunning anyone who doesn't agree with the majority. Or it's treated like a joke and nothing is accomplished. No offense, but now I understand why so many people have stopped coming here. Sure you can use the typical "well if you don't like it here then leave" response, but eventually there won't be anyone left to tell that to.

Aside from Bla(who I still love and adore btw), and Fox. I have not seen that happen at all. And I know that both Bla and Fox did not leave for the reasons you mentioned. Cause neither of them were shunned at all.


Even so, there was someone here a while back whose name I am forgetting, that left because he felt he couldn't speak his mind. But I guess he was just too immature to agree with everyone. ;]

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I disagree with nearly everyone here at one point or another, so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

Infact ask any of the regular BC2 players here on my feelings and beliefs about Mag ammo. A topic I have heavily debated with many here on many occasions. And they will surely tell you I am not going to change my mind and start agreeing with them.

but I have been here nearly since the start of the site, and have not seen any of what you are talking about.



Just ignore it soap. I have no idea what hes talking about either, but seems determined to troll this place. Ive said my peace.


Symbolic wrote:Just ignore it soap. I have no idea what hes talking about either, but seems determined to troll this place. Ive said my peace.
This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Symbolic wrote:Just ignore it soap. I have no idea what hes talking about either, but seems determined to troll this place. Ive said my peace.

Agree with oyu there.

But hell, even you could stand witness to me not conforming to everyone elses beliefs like he claims happens. You and me have even duked it out in the past.


Dropped da soap wrote:
Symbolic wrote:Just ignore it soap. I have no idea what hes talking about either, but seems determined to troll this place. Ive said my peace.

Agree with oyu there.

But hell, even you could stand witness to me not conforming to everyone elses beliefs like he claims happens. You and me have even duked it out in the past.
like i claim? umm, it's kind of happening already



So your Upset that you acted like a douchebag and people called you out on it?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Valukar wrote:
Dropped da soap wrote:
Symbolic wrote:Just ignore it soap. I have no idea what hes talking about either, but seems determined to troll this place. Ive said my peace.

Agree with oyu there.

But hell, even you could stand witness to me not conforming to everyone elses beliefs like he claims happens. You and me have even duked it out in the past.
like i claim? umm, it's kind of happening already

What? Happening already in the sense that none of here agree with you on this subject? If so then yes, that is what is happening. Cause that has never happenend from what I have seen since I have been here until now with you.

I have been to countless gaming forums and communities over the years, and been in quite a few clans. And I can say that this site and community, without a doubt, is the most friendly and accepting of them all. So I have no idea what you are talking about.

But your the one who comes in here insulting people, then says shit when they call you on it. That is all that is going on right now.


Frostbyrn wrote:So your Upset that you acted like a douchebag and people called you out on it?
Nah, I don't regret anything that I said because it's true. It kind of
brings me back to the point of everyone immediately ruling out the idea
that somebody that's not part of their little clique could possibly be
right about something.

I've made plenty of valid points and I'm
still dismissed as a troll. So obviously it doesn't matter what is said
nearly as much as who says it. Now THAT sounds kinda like the elitist
douchebag way to go if you ask me.

I guess I'm the first person to ever insult someone here? Oh never mind, I'm just the first person that isn't part of your little elitist group to speak their mind.



You told someone who did absolutely nothing to you for no reason that i can see to Get over themselves


He didn't do anything to me specifically, but he's a dick to my friends and my friends' friends, plus he really is full of himself, so I felt like someone should finally tell him. ;]



If your talking about Lead i can probally assume that DL didnt start it

Lead rubs everybody up the wrong way

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Elitest group? WTF are you on?
Not being able to speak your mind cause your not in the groups? WTF? You get hit on the head or something?

I am not going to waste my time arguing with you. Its just stupid and dumb.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Who likes pineapples?


Dropped da soap wrote:Elitest group? WTF are you on?
Not being able to speak your mind cause your not in the groups? WTF? You get hit on the head or something?

I am not going to waste my time arguing with you. Its just stupid and dumb.
I wouldn't waste my time reading any more of your posts anyways because your arguments consist entirely of "wtf man" and "ur dum lol"



Towelie wrote:Who likes pineapples?

Damn you! Im getting hungry here.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Cause thats all I am seeing. You spouting nonsense and gibberish.


No, that's all you want to see. Come on, I know you're not that stupid.



And your Argument consists of you being a douchebag on the Opinion of your Friends and not even taking into account the other side of the Story

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Man, my munchies are begging for some french toast...


Yeah, I did. I admitted I was being a dick. I also stated that if any of you guys were to say the exact same thing I did, it wouldn't be such a big deal. Nobody has argued against that yet.



Did you mean it as a Joke because im pretty sure you didnt

Its hard to tell over the internet but most of us play together alot so have earned the right to tease each other

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