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Seriously, I don't get the hate for Bioshock 2.

Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Dropped Da Soap
7 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

If anything the only thing the game has a large failure on is its story did not match the awesomeness of the original. Which come on, the original was amazing, few games could match its story.

But while its plot was not as great as the 1st, I felt the games various endings were far more emotionally gripping than the 1st games. I know it sounds weird, but the good ending actually tugged at my heart strings. Few games manage to do that with me. I mean even though Delta was a silent Protaginist, I still was attached to him at the end. Same with Elanoer(sp?). Which was far more then I could say for Jack Ryan in the first game. I liked him don't get me wrong, but Delta just struck a more emotional chord with me.

Then on top of that, the gameplay is phenomenal. they managed to take the fun, and addictive Plasma and gunplay of the first game, and majorly upgrade it.
The ability to not only switch between Plasmids and guns was amazing. But the ability to use both at once?? Or hell, combine plasmids? That was awesome in its own right.

So I don't get all the hate on BS2. The only thing I can see is that its story was nothing compared to the original. But it managed to capture many other aspects that made it equally as memorable. Not to mention that Ken Levinne had nothing to do with the game, and it still game out as great as it did is astounding. If a game without the main creative force behind BS1 could do as well as it did, I can't wait to see Infinite with him back behind the reigns.

Oh, and the moment where you played as a Little Sister?!???
One of the best moments in gaming of the past few years right there.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I personally liked the second one. I did have a lot of fun with it, but like you said, the story was a bit lacking.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't have the first but I do have the second one, and I LOVE it. the gameplay is great, the atmosphere is creepy and gripping, and the endings are both very good. I got nothing but love for BIoshock 2



I think just because it wasn't made by the same company and wasn't very different from the first. I only played a little of it, but I agree that 2 was just as good and doesn't deserve the hate.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I liked it, when it wasn't freezing and glitching out on me after hours of unsaved progress.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That sucks Greg. I have never had any problems like that, or heard of it really happening. Maybe you just got a shitty disk??

But, now that your heere. I got Mortal Kombat.....>_>>>>



I liked it. It was a good game. Just not no where near the first. The whole mystery of Rapture and being terrified of the ocean is what made Bioshock 1 so amazing to me. In 2 all those elements are gone. You even walk around the ocean floor as the big daddy for gods sake. Just not the same. All in all still a good SP experience. I think most people like it, but it just doesnt have the magic of the 1st.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Dropped da Soap wrote:That sucks Greg. I have never had any problems like that, or heard of it really happening. Maybe you just got a shitty disk??

But, now that your heere. I got Mortal Kombat.....>_>>>>

I noticed. But beware. I sometimes play cheap as I don't believe in "spamming".

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Oh, so you Zone? Like a pro?



I quit playing MK online on PS3 as all I fought were Scorpion clones. And as you say, fucking projectile spammers. Learn to get good!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

There not projectile spammers!! In the words of the GFAQs X360 MK board, they are "Zoners" and therfore are "PRO".



Dropped da Soap wrote:There not projectile spammers!! In the words of the GFAQs X360 MK board, they are "Zoners" and therfore are "PRO".

And I bet those dudes only use Scorpion, Lui Kang or Kung Lao. In other words projectile whores! I main Kabal, and hes got 2 projectiles, but I only use them to keep my distance when Im in trouble.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't get the entire "Pro" population of that board.
In their minds the game is like this;

Spamming the same move over and over at close range = Spamming, and your a noob.

Spamming a projectile move over and over from across the screen = Zoning, and your a pro.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

There are ways around it. Adapt.

Well, whatever...

If you can get through my zoning/spamming I'll show you just how good I am at clearing close quarters with physical attacks.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I don't hate it, it just didn't hook me like Bioshock 1 did. But then again, Bioshock 1 is fucking amazing.

But now that you mention it, I have to finish Bioshock 2. I just can't find the will to go ahead and do it.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

You really should. Honestly, like I said, the ending to it is so out there, and emotional, that it really shook me.

The ending was far better then I ever saw coming. Plus, like I said, playing as a Little Sister in the end was AMAZING. Not going to spoil anything about it for you, but you should really at least experience that part.

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