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wow. the Gamefaqs reach board needs to be nuked. literally nuked. it must DIE.

Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
7 posters

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The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

its not even trolling anymore, its just being some form of absolute super-****.
it actually makes me hate humanity Mad



It GFQ man.....

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, but at least the RDR and BC2 boards have limits ¬_¬



Well Halo plus GFQ folks..... thats just an ugly combo

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

eugh. im not going to interact with them much. bunch of ****s.

ive only met 1 FL-able player on halo.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Black Ops board is pretty depressing shit too.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, but not taking the piss out of RTA victims. they just moan about their butthurt.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Thats what the deleted thread was?

My god that's pathetic, even for gfaqs.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeha. the C16 guy said he was involved in a RTA which screwed his wrist up.

then the ****ing ****hole of a ****bag made a topic with a link to a guy getting hit at at least 50kmph by a car.

good to know the mods are on their toes, i flagged the shit of of the posts.

edit: he's suspended. im sure its an alt account but at least its a suspended alt account.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wait what happened?



Someone got hit by a car snapping their wirst which made their Reflexes bad ergo bad at twitch shooters like Halo

Some idiot then made a Topic showing a guy getting hit over and over again by a car

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Why nuke the GameFAQS boards?

They're too damn funny!



Wow. I would punch that car insulting person in the face. I can't even... wow. Just what the hell.

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

It's scientifically proven that there is not enough Preparation-H in the world to fix the amount of butthurt the Reach boards are plagued with.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wow. That guy sounds like a douche.

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