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Patch News.

Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
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1Patch News. Empty Patch News. 2011-03-23, 07:18



I see Certification once again slows the process down.

2Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-23, 09:28



What amazes me are all the comments about the server issues being the biggest fail int he gaming industry! LOL these people have not played many vid games it seems!

Biggest fail in video games....... Rob the Robot for the NES........ I imagine 95% of the folks here are not even old enough to remember that.

3Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-23, 09:53



I wanted to play that game, it looked really cool.

Oh, crap, I just showed my age.

4Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-23, 10:40

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I remember R.O.B. what a joke. I wanted it as a kid....... I was such a fool

5Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-23, 10:43



Yes ROB was an Epically Epic Fail! The NES was awesome however!

6Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-23, 15:41



I was a lil guy when R.O.B came out......What a joke.

We all know the BC2 tales of horror from launch. BF3 is going to have them too.

I just hope the sucker gets put on the express lane through certification.

7Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-23, 15:54



I'm too lazy to click your link of doom...

Whens the patch come out....? whats teh projected date after microfuck peeks at it.

8Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-23, 17:11

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I havent played or read anything on this game since its release. What is wrong with it?

9Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-24, 02:59

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

there are a couple things.

It will connect you to a server a LONG ways away from you I.E lag
you CANNOT play with friends, at least not more than one
sometimes you can't find a match at all

that pretty well covers it.

10Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-24, 03:01

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Awesome Terry! wrote:there are a couple things.

It will connect you to a server a LONG ways away from you I.E lag
you CANNOT play with friends, at least not more than one
sometimes you can't find a match at all

that pretty well covers it.
don't forget the drone bugs! or getting shot through walls by magic bullets or your xbox freezing

11Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-24, 03:08



Havent Experienced the Drone glitchs though i dont use them too much and ive only used the Wolverine once

Getting shot through walls is either a lag thing or things like Chainlink Fences look solid but you bullets actually go through them

Also i went 14 and 1 today with my only weapon being the parrot Drone Very Happy

Also they said they are fixing the freezing thing

12Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-24, 11:28



I love flying the parrot inside a building full of enemies while marking them. I'm like a bat that got in the house, so hilarious to me!

13Patch News. Empty Re: Patch News. 2011-03-24, 15:23

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Is it just me, but from watching console gameplay, it seems a bit tamer when compared to the computer version, as if it's a lot easier to get kills. By the way Texas, lmao at your avatar pic xD

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