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What was the last patch about?

Ars Diaboli
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1What was the last patch about? Empty What was the last patch about? 2011-05-08, 14:19

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I downloaded one yesterday when I played, a 3 MB one. Anyone knows what were the updates about?



Hmm,dunno.Haven't heard of a new patch since the Vietnam one....You sure your cache just was full and you had to download the patch for each new game you play?



Just checked dev twitters and the official Battlefield blog. Nothing about a patch.



i had an update too a while back. everyone looked at me funny when i mentioned it



Your cache filled and you had to download an old patch again. It happens a lot if you switch games often.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

The last patch/update was giant because of it contained the rest of the patches/updates that were released. It basically made the rest of the patches/updates obsolete. As to why it happens to appear sometimes for people who have already downloaded it, I'm not sure.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Ah, must have been the cache thing. I hadn't played BC2 in ages.

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