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BattlefieldBadCompany2: SeC Rush Delicious Camel JadedDirtyDuck Bolt msbegotngirl Fr0sT(X360)(HD)

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These are the games i like. Smile



wahhhhhhhh I WANNA be in these again!!


OH goody i always enjoy watching my fellow secers kick ass on youtube. ESPECIALLY Fr0sts channel!!!



[cries] My phone won't let me watch it!

I was so happy that I was able to get back, kinda, into the groove so quickly. Went from .33 to 1.15 from one game to the next. And then a 2.0 which is always nice.

I did get scared a lot though lol. Everything was moving so quickly!


I just played for the first time in almost two months yesterday. Didn't do too bad played a couple rounds with comrade.

And someone teabagged me! So i got a triple kill on him and his two other team mates grouped together with my MG36 :p.



Yea, i wish i could have gotten us talking. I forgot to put my voice to both instead of just through headset.

I will be recording a lot in the next weeks to put footage into the video.



It took me a minute to figure out that i couldn't hear us chatting.. Well, Bolt chatting and me crying cause I was scared.

Haha, showed the video to my pops. Told him: and here I am running up to C4 this tank..



I provide the drunken rambling for background noise! It's almost
like background singing except it's mostly nonsense!



Lol! Yea! begotngirl, me and you were in the right places at the right time. I shot the tank and then here you come. RAWR take that tank! The guy probably had no idea what happened. So, i seen and followed you afterwords. Razz

It was a fun game. Wish you would get on more, Sheep.



I wish I could get on more. But I'm always busy now, and have apparently been elected feeder of everyone.

I really wish men would learn to take care of themselves. Evil or Very Mad

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm gonna play some tonight so hopefully I will see some of you on.

Frost, Your capture card looks great! even on my shitty computer.



sheep wrote:I wish I could get on more. But I'm always busy now, and have apparently been elected feeder of everyone.

I really wish men would learn to take care of themselves. Evil or Very Mad

Sounds like its time to put that foot down, begotngirl-bear. If someone cannot take care of themself, its time for them to go. Twisted Evil

Thanks, Terry. I love my capture card. Was worth the money i paid for it. The quality is put in a way for any computer to view the video. You can choose from 360, 480, 720p and 1080p to view. Which a computer with a crappy video card or on onboard video can watch 360 or 480. Which a high end PC like mine can view any of them i choose. Smile

I would record a lot more. But, everytime we get people to play with. Khult decides for everyone to even the teams by him and a few other SeC memebers to join the otherside. Khult wants to do it so he can try to knife us the whole game. This is why it is taking me so long to make the video. I don't have much footage of us working as a team.



Ahha, you just want me all to yourself! Unfortunely, I can't go kicking my dad out of his own house lol. Boy on the other hand... But naaah. He makes up for it by paying my bills lol.

Whats teamwork?

I wish I would have seen your lets play tonight topic before this morning Sad I could have played last instead of just going to bed.



oh, i thought you meant one of your friends, msbegotngirl-bear. Razz That is understandable. I would love to have you all to myself. *cough* i mean ummmm...moving on

You know what team work is, begotngirl. You do team work when your in my squad all the time. cheers

Just come play when you can.
Very Happy

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