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I'm finally a 5 star threat.

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1I'm finally a 5 star threat. Empty I'm finally a 5 star threat. 2011-04-03, 21:40



All on foot with nothing but my trusty T3AK and a pair of thermal goggles. Oh, and some C4 I blew up a tank with.

It was a thing of beauty!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah I got mine all on foot too. I did it with a combonation of guns. a couple with a sniper rifle, some with a diablo, and then a bunch with an ACR I picked up.

Congrats though Metal, feels good to know that everyone on the enemy team knows your eating their lunch. Twisted Evil



Yeah, I was laughing the whole time. Good stuff!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ive only got to 3* (parrot drone) so far Razz

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