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3 star threat on foot (finally :P)

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The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

on lowlands (love that map soooo much).

i had 3k of BPs stashed away from objectives and a crazy fight over C (both teams in the alleyway behind it) so i switched to my airstrike/sniper class and got in the belltower after we pushed up.

killed a tank and a few guys with the first CB. had enough for a second which i dropped on B for a few more kills. then dropped another one on B wirth the BPs i had earned.

then sniped a dude Very Happy

i doubt im ever getting to a 5* threat, my drones get shot and im too aggressive to stay alive on a high *'age.



If you are the Koreans on this map jump out of the bell tower onto the roof. Then jump down onto the roof that the bell tower comes up out off. Does this make sense??? Much better camping spot than the bell tower itself as nobody ever seems to find me here unless they somehow circle around and are in our spawn.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ yeah that makes sense. might try that.

im loving the silenced T3AK, especially on BC. rocking that shit all over C. the epic fight over the C alleyway ended with me going all 'OHAI' and dropping 3 of them and running away.

oh the joys of steady aim Very Happy



It's a great spot because you can cover B, kill people on the way to A. C is pretty much open but you'll have plenty of target. I climbed up to the bell tower one day and didn;t really like the fact its an obvious place as well as I didn't like the angles so I thought the roof would be better.... it is.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

woot. love me some sneaky places.



Another one I found on that map is when you are the US forces take position A, go into the barn upstairs and go to the back. You will see so me boxes next to a window. You can jump on the boxes, crawl and hang halfway out the windown and pick them off as the run up. THis one is kinda cheap as its pretty damn close to spawn camping.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Nice job addi!

To be honest, I never thought I would get to be a 5 star threat, but I did once. but that once may have been the only time I made it to 4 on foot.



Wait getting a 3 star threat on foot is hard?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

yeah Tom, but only if you aren't a complete asshole about it Rolling Eyes

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i play objectives like mad, so avoiding campydeathness isnt that easy Razz



I got a 4 star once while defending/camping with a SCARL, then a sniper hid with me on my roof and got me killed.

But i got my 5 star in a tank like a cool kid



Congrats Aldi.
You'll pull a 5 star on foot eventually. I didn't pull it off until almost level 50, but I've done it a couple more times since (T3AK and Diablo Smg)

I don't use Steady Aim on the T3, I use quick healer (awesome!) or Now that's a Knife (also awesome!).

The Heavy tank is a 5 star beast though...

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