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Black Ops on Veteran, help needed

Gary Effin' Oak.
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Im stuck on the first mission in Vietnam, the part where you have to go down the big hill with Woods and Hudson to be exact. After about 45 minutes of no progress, I said fuck it.

If you beat this part on veteran, could you post some tips for me?

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

I think I just fired off shots when I could and sprinted down the hill to the bunkers on the left side. When you get the prompt to go chuck barrels at the enemy move low and slow, picking off who you need to. Its smooth sailing after this part.



Byas? wrote:I think I just fired off shots when I could and sprinted down the hill to the bunkers on the left side. When you get the prompt to go chuck barrels at the enemy move low and slow, picking off who you need to. Its smooth sailing after this part.




If you're on the part with the barrel kicking, just stay in cover near the barrel, then pop out and shoot until you've killed most of the guys, then quickly sprint up to the barrel, and kick it before they all respawn. You're invincible while you're kicking the barrel, but not a millisecond after you're done it seems. It just takes a bit of luck, but that's pretty much the strategy.



Fuck it. Whenever I actually make it to the trench, Woods is too busy giving Hudson a blowjob to actually cover me and help kill the enemys.

Fuck campaign
Fuck Woods
Fuck Veteran
Fuck the NVA
Fuck the Vietnam conflict

Im done trying, i'll just stick to multiplayer and zombies on this game. or better yet, put in BC2.



Yeah, that bit was the hardest in the veteran campaign.....

I would say move from the start position asap, otherwise enemies will advance up the hill and will be a real pain - especially as they pretty much go straight for you and no-one does anything about it.

From the start, I bolted straight down the middle to the next bit of shelter (some sandbags, maybe an mg nest? It's been a while...) I think it's the same spot that Woods occupies (I tried holing up in the bunkers on the sides, but that just wasn't working for me). Once there, lay flat to heal if necessary and allow a moment for your allies to move down as well - they're not the greatest help, but they do advance with you if you wait a moment.

Then it's a question of popping up to clear enemies and running for the barrels whenever it seems safe to do so - one is very close to the shelter and I'd start with that one. Don't even think about trying to hit two barrels without shelter in-between.

Because of the constant stream of enemies, it seems counter intuitive to take your time, but so long as you don't stay at the top of the hill they don't seem to advance - allowing you to take it slow. There's also a limit to how many enemies will fill up the trenches - the one's running forwards slightly further away can be observed as scripted routes if you watch them long enough - they will only fill in the gaps in the trenches if other enemies have been taken out.

There's quite a bit of luck involved, but that worked for me - and the rest of the game is a breeze in comparison.

Good luck if you ever go back to it!



this is why campiagns need cheats.

i gave up on veteran campaigns a while ago. i just put the game on easy and AMERICA the level



But cheats usually turn off achievements anyways.

Veteran on Black Ops isn't all that bad. It's nothing like some of the CoD4 levels, lol.



waw veteran

where grenades are your opponents primaries.

prepare to have a grenade danger indicator burned into your screen



1fnbighen wrote:waw veteran

where grenades are your opponents primaries.

prepare to have a grenade danger indicator burned into your screen

Oh God, this. Your first death to grenades probably went something like:

*tink tink*

"Oh shit, a grenade, I should throw it back"

*throws back*

*tink tink tink tink*

"Two grenades? Well, I can probably throw both back"

*throws back grenades, one blows up in air*







XD did you ever have one of your team fail to toss the grenade back and spike it into you?

happened about twice in a row once for me



1fnbighen wrote:XD did you ever have one of your team fail to toss the grenade back and spike it into you?

happened about twice in a row once for me

Yes. I raged up a storm once after I almost had beat the first part of "Burn 'Em Out". Here's the stupid part about it:

Teammate picked up grenade, it hit another teammate in the back, then he picked it up, turned around, threw it, and it exploded in my face.



omg. i HATED burn em out.

your sides mentality

flamethrowers, we'll burn em out

other side

camping, we'll rage em out



Pretty much. You had to move at snail's pace on that mission on Veteran; extremely boring compared to playing the game on Normal. I don't care what anybody says, I think Burn 'Em Out was the hardest level on WaW at Veteran Difficulty. I had little troubles with Heart of the Reich.



The first time I played through Black Ops was on Veteran. Took me an hour to realize you were supposed to kick over the barrels.

You can imagine my frustration.

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