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My BC2 disc has a toothpaste addiction :/

Epyk MD
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I have to treat the damn disc with toothpaste EVERY time before I dare try to get it to work, or no matter how many times I restart my console/try putting it back in the disc drive, it won't start up. It's EVERY time, lol. I really need to get the disc fixed at a Hastings in town or something.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I have trouble with mine sometimes.
if I apply pressure to the case right above the drive it almost always reads it.



Yeah, I finally got to work twice today, but once, I accidently brushed my hand past the power (got on of the new 360's with over-sensitive buttons), and the second time, I had a LIVE update. Sad I just say, "FUCK IT" for today, lol.



I have a professional disc repair machine. I'll fix it for you.



I usually could take it into town and get it fixed for a few dollars, but I haven't been able to go for a few weeks; I may be able to convince one of my parents to take me, because I have to close my bank account anyways (have only around $10 left)



what does a disc repair machine actually do? can it actually get rid of the scratches?



I think it fills them in with something, then polishes it. Toothpaste kind of does the same thing, but is temporary, and if you do it wrong and/or far too often, it'll hurt your machine. If the scratches are too deep, it won't help either.



Tbh, ive never heard of using toothpaste.. ill have to try that sometime



Zillah wrote:Tbh, ive never heard of using toothpaste.. ill have to try that sometime

The machine uses a couple different plastic/polymer compounds along with different grain levels of buffers.
I've taken nearly destroyed discs before and made them look brand new.

Just realized I haven't used it in about 4 years though so I'm sure all my products for it are expired or dried out. Lame.



Zillah wrote:Tbh, ive never heard of using toothpaste.. ill have to try that sometime

You have to make sure you get rid of all the excess (obviously) or it'll do a lot of damage to stuff in your system. The way I do it is:

1.) Put toothpaste on disc.
2.) Rub toothpaste around, gently, but firmly in small circles until surface of disc is covered.
3.) Wait about 5 minutes
4.) Rinse the disc with water that isn't cool, but not cold, and gently, but firmly, rub the toothpaste of the disc.
5.) Dry with soft cloth in same fashion.

I only use it on discs I kind of think are a lost cause, and want to see if I can play them though. I'm not responsible if something bad happens, lol.



Alright, thanx for the tip. Ill have to try it on my AC2 disc.

Does it work if the disc has snapped in half? Razz



I like using mayo to make my discs feel better. Or.. cds.. all my xbox games are shiny happy shiny.

You should use that 10 bucks to buy a new BC2 disc Kitty.



Zillah wrote:Alright, thanx for the tip. Ill have to try it on my AC2 disc.

Does it work if the disc has snapped in half? Razz

Not quite, and I don't know if I value BC2 enough to get it fixed, lol. I don't really play multiplayer games much anymore, except for Minecraft. The reason it was so scratched, is that I threw it at the wall a few days after I had left SeC, and the day I quit playing BC2 for a long time. I'm suprised it didn't break, but I guess hitting the wall, then hitting my TV cart kinda banged it up a bit. Razz



Your soldier must have minty fresh breath.



Ante wrote:Your soldier must have minty fresh breath.

LOL! That should be a spec I can use; increases my knife range by an extra 5 feet, in addition to making my character yell louder, and the ability to breath in somebody's face before I knife them (kinda gross xD) I would use it, tbqh; tired of the damn dildo knife I've been forced to use since CoD4.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:

You have to make sure you get rid of all the excess (obviously) or it'll do a lot of damage to stuff in your system. The way I do it is:

1.) Put toothpaste on disc.
2.) Rub toothpaste around, gently, but firmly in small circles until surface of disc is covered.
3.) Wait about 5 minutes
4.) Rinse the disc with water that isn't cool, but not cold, and gently, but firmly, rub the toothpaste of the disc.
5.) Dry with soft cloth in same fashion.

I only use it on discs I kind of think are a lost cause, and want to see if I can play them though. I'm not responsible if something bad happens, lol.

I also did this, except I used hot water... and streaks were left on my discs. Crying or Very sad

Does the water have to be at/around room temp?



razelas wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:

You have to make sure you get rid of all the excess (obviously) or it'll do a lot of damage to stuff in your system. The way I do it is:

1.) Put toothpaste on disc.
2.) Rub toothpaste around, gently, but firmly in small circles until surface of disc is covered.
3.) Wait about 5 minutes
4.) Rinse the disc with water that isn't cool, but not cold, and gently, but firmly, rub the toothpaste of the disc.
5.) Dry with soft cloth in same fashion.

I only use it on discs I kind of think are a lost cause, and want to see if I can play them though. I'm not responsible if something bad happens, lol.

I also did this, except I used hot water... and streaks were left on my discs. Crying or Very sad

Does the water have to be at/around room temp?

I always did it with water a little colder than room temp (enough that it feels a little cool on your hands). I usually do a light pre-rinse with slightly warmer water to help open the disc up a bit (not sure if it works, but makes sense), then when I do the actual rinse I do the cooler water, to help it contract a bit on the scratches (I have NO idea if that logic actually works, but it seems to, so I just go with it, lol). But anyways, I've always had more success with cooler water, yes.

Additionally, I'll note that toothpaste is definitely NOT a permenant fix, and seems to only allow the disc to work once or twice more before having to do it again.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
razelas wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:

You have to make sure you get rid of all the excess (obviously) or it'll do a lot of damage to stuff in your system. The way I do it is:

1.) Put toothpaste on disc.
2.) Rub toothpaste around, gently, but firmly in small circles until surface of disc is covered.
3.) Wait about 5 minutes
4.) Rinse the disc with water that isn't cool, but not cold, and gently, but firmly, rub the toothpaste of the disc.
5.) Dry with soft cloth in same fashion.

I only use it on discs I kind of think are a lost cause, and want to see if I can play them though. I'm not responsible if something bad happens, lol.

I also did this, except I used hot water... and streaks were left on my discs. Crying or Very sad

Does the water have to be at/around room temp?

I always did it with water a little colder than room temp (enough that it feels a little cool on your hands). I usually do a light pre-rinse with slightly warmer water to help open the disc up a bit (not sure if it works, but makes sense), then when I do the actual rinse I do the cooler water, to help it contract a bit on the scratches (I have NO idea if that logic actually works, but it seems to, so I just go with it, lol). But anyways, I've always had more success with cooler water, yes.

Additionally, I'll note that toothpaste is definitely NOT a permenant fix, and seems to only allow the disc to work once or twice more before having to do it again.

Oh wait, I just realized that I was using paste toothpaste... do you use gel? What toothpaste do you use exactly?



I don't know, tbqh, lol. I usually just use whatever toothpaste I get out of the medicine cabinet. It's just that same gel stuff you get out of a tube, though I think it would be a good idea to avoid the toothpaste with the gritty stuff in it.



Aren't you supposed to use plain white toothpaste? It doesn't seem like gel would do much, I thought the whole point is to buff a layer off the bottom.



That probably would work better, but I always just use whatever is on hand.

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