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I know you all missed me, so stop your damn crying already. I have returned.

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I know you all were in a deep depression these past 4 1/2 days I was gone. But don't fear, I have returned to you all! For now my vacation at a large lake is complete. Despite having loads of fun boating, wake boarding, tubing, diving from 30ft rocks, and accidentally slipping and riding 200 feet down class 2 rapids on nothing but my chest, I have returned.




It's amazing how her boobs manage to stay in her shirt.



Nice to see you again, even though I was gone too. Smile Good day for all of us I guess.



Soap chose wrong day to come back. Or at least wrong time period. LoL

Everyone already spent the welcoming spirit on Fox's return.



I have a welcoming spirit still. Very Happy



DrBob276 wrote:I have a welcoming spirit still. Very Happy
Caz you did not spend any on yourself. LoL



I guess that's true, but still. Smile



by the time frost gets back no one will care...






Welcome back soap. Sounds like you had a good time!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah. Had a blast. Aside from waking up every morning with a huge pain in my neck since I forgot a pillow and had to rest my head on a duffelbag. It was good. And I scratched my chest up REALLY bad trying to go down those rapids.



Never been whitewater rafting; sounds like fun though. Smile

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nah didn't go rafting. Me and like 6 other guys were at a river jumping and diving off 30 foot rocks. When 2 of my friends found 2 random pool noodles floating around. Well they decided to float down the river on them and I decided to swim with em. Well after floating/swimming a good 200 feet or so, we came around a bend in the river. And we saw some light rapids ahead. Like they weren't huge or powerful rapids, but they were strong enough to yank you around.
One of my friends did the smart thing and pulled himself out of the water while the other tried floating on the pool noodle through them.
I tried getting out but slipped and went right back in.
I was then dragged a good 200 feet over hundreds of rocks on my stomach and chest.

I finally got out once the river calmed down and I could swim again. As soon as I got out I just laid there on the river bank in pain.
Overall, despite it being a ridiculously stupid idea, and one that hurt like hell, it was kinda fun. Minus the pain it would have been a blast.



Dropped Da Soap wrote:Nah didn't go rafting. Me and like 6 other guys were at a river jumping and diving off 30 foot rocks. When 2 of my friends found 2 random pool noodles floating around. Well they decided to float down the river on them and I decided to swim with em. Well after floating/swimming a good 200 feet or so, we came around a bend in the river. And we saw some light rapids ahead. Like they weren't huge or powerful rapids, but they were strong enough to yank you around.
One of my friends did the smart thing and pulled himself out of the water while the other tried floating on the pool noodle through them.
I tried getting out but slipped and went right back in.
I was then dragged a good 200 feet over hundreds of rocks on my stomach and chest.

I finally got out once the river calmed down and I could swim again. As soon as I got out I just laid there on the river bank in pain.
Overall, despite it being a ridiculously stupid idea, and one that hurt like hell, it was kinda fun. Minus the pain it would have been a blast.

Ouch, lol. Well, at least you had fun. Smile

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