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GoW3 Horde Mode 2.0 Gameplay

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1GoW3 Horde Mode 2.0 Gameplay Empty GoW3 Horde Mode 2.0 Gameplay 2011-06-22, 21:32

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

For boss wave, skip to 12:00.

The image quality itself is good, but it as taped with a camera and not a video capture card, so there's movement and shit.

You can see the base upgrades working, respawning, some weapons, etc.

And 9 minutes boss fight.



I'm actually really excited for this, but I wish they would actually have good players show casing it, lol.

My only complaint: getting to respawn for $500 points. I used to think that the game was too forgiving for letting you restart on the wave you died on, or even getting to respawn on the next wave in the first place (should only get to respawn every 10 waves, at the very least, IMO). If they keep it, it should cost far more to respawn, at least more than it takes to buy the most expensive item/upgrade equipment to the best condition/status.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I completely agree with you. Hopefully, they will add actual penalties for dying.

Then again, it was a showcase, so they may have toned the difficulty down, or they were playing in a piss easy difficulty already.



They did a massive overhaul. I approve greatly.



Ars Diaboli wrote:I completely agree with you. Hopefully, they will add actual penalties for dying.

Then again, it was a showcase, so they may have toned the difficulty down, or they were playing in a piss easy difficulty already.

That could be it. They seemed to take a lot of hits before going down and such. Either way, I'm definitely planning on getting GoW now.



Thank you Ars!! Made my day!! Can't wait for this game!!



Looks great! Can't wait to play horde 2.0 with the SeC.

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