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video game ban : games win

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1video game ban : games win Empty video game ban : games win 2011-06-27, 17:51



2video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-27, 18:42



Good; if people want to buy a game they should have the right to. Very Happy

3video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-27, 19:40



The fact that we even need to celebrate this makes me sad.

4video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-27, 19:45



It was only about banning the sale of violent video games to minors without parental consent. Don't see the big deal either way.

5video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-27, 20:01



Why is it that kids aren't allowed to see R rated movies in theaters then? If this decision is based on the freedom of people to do what they want, shouldn't the freedom of minors be delegated to their parent/guardians like it always is for stuff like this? Minors can't buy get a tattoo or see an R rated movie without their parents consent, I don't see why this should be any different.

6video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-27, 20:18



Isnt this a loss now theres nothing at all stopping those whiny prepubescent assholes annoying the crap out of us

7video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-27, 22:37



Ducksaws wrote:Why is it that kids aren't allowed to see R rated movies in theaters then? If this decision is based on the freedom of people to do what they want, shouldn't the freedom of minors be delegated to their parent/guardians like it always is for stuff like this? Minors can't buy get a tattoo or see an R rated movie without their parents consent, I don't see why this should be any different.

Wait, we're not allowed to see R-rated movies? 0.o

I've been watching them since I was little and the movie theater by me sells R-rated tickets to anyone.

8video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-28, 00:07



Movie theaters aren't supposed to sell you R rated movie tickets if you're under 17. That's why my friends have to sneak into them.

9video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-28, 12:38



Ducksaws wrote:Why is it that kids aren't allowed to see R rated movies in theaters then? If this decision is based on the freedom of people to do what they want, shouldn't the freedom of minors be delegated to their parent/guardians like it always is for stuff like this? Minors can't buy get a tattoo or see an R rated movie without their parents consent, I don't see why this should be any different.

It really isn't any different. Like you mentioned there are many things which have a legal age restriction on them. I really don't think a law like this passing would make much of a difference to gamers. It would really affect the retailers that could then face fines for selling the games to underage kids.

10video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-28, 13:09



The win here is that the gaming industry now has 1st amendment rights, and that the government will not step in for parents. There is a current rating system in place for parents to see what is in the game. Now, retailers can still be punished, just not by the gov't, it will all be internal (the retailers company). This big also in the fact that if it was banned, then how the gaming industry can advertise would be affected. Cigarettes and alcohol are banned to minors, and they can only advertise past 9pm, and only on certain channels, plus other off shoots of the industry such as magazines, music, and paraphernalia would be affected by how, and where they can sell things. The trickle down effect would have been huge.

11video game ban : games win Empty Re: video game ban : games win 2011-06-28, 13:27



Well... All I have to say (since I'm 21 and this doesn't apply to me anymore) is at least we're though with this. I think the defense should have put on troll face masks when they won.

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