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Ive developed a LARGE disdain for the CoD franchise

Ars Diaboli
HydrasBreath ♜
Cardboard Fox
Ron Swanson
Cubist Castle
The Adli Corporation
17 posters

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Now I used to love Call of Duty in the early days. Call of Duty 2 is still amazing, and my favorite in the series. But man, I think its more the fanboys, and the fact that it caters to children with no gaming background that really gets me. Im loving F3AR so much at the moment, and on any online forum, all I see is " Its Call of Duty with Alma" Whaaaaaaa? My god its like some of these people have never played anything but COD, and refuse to except that anything else could be a good game. It really grinds my gears! lol. Its not that the games themselves are horrible( though they are over rated big time IMO) Its the prepubescent, whiny fanboys that have ruined it. Not to mention I have decided to stop supporting Bobby Kotick out of principle.

/RANT- errr sort of lol

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

well said.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

It's hard for me to tell the difference between when someone is trolling, and when someone is an idiot.

Anyway, CoD can be fun, but I don't see how people can take it seriously. The entire game depends upon the host connection, and hitscan is total bullshit. The developers don't understand balance (though Blops came close), and nearly every match plays out the same way.
I dunno. I got quite bored with it. I don't understand the hype. It appeals to casual gamers (which there's nothing wrong with that), and it's just not for me.



Call of Duty was fun until all of the kiddies that were obsessed with Halo switched to CoD, and ruined it. The original audience for CoD used to be more mature.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

the last match I played of MW2 (never played Blops) consisted of 5 guys in a clan grabbing the bomb and then setting up with grenades and sniper rifles for about 10 minuets. I don't hate the CoD franchise, but I definetly dislike the community and stigma that goes with the game.



MW2 is horrible, and I think that's the one that attracted the most children. I think Black Ops is actually getting a huge patch soon, nerfing the FAMAS and what not, but that could just be rumors.

But I really hate the CoD community; they're all obsessed with padding their K/D (worst than me; they're the ones who made me like that), and won't even help in objective games (whether it's based on K/D or not). There's no team players in CoD, and it's really aggravating.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

that is it kitsune, the stigma of the game, being that every other person is there to pad their stats, is actually kinda true. When I heard that I didn't really belive it but from what I played (MW2) thats really what is going on.

How often do you get a match where BOTH teams are playing for the objective? Very very rarely.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

The community of most online FPS games is pretty awful from what I've seen. CoD does stand out as the worst though.



Plus to be frank, the gameplay is so shallow in comparison to the other heavy weights. BF blows it out of the water in that aspect clearly, and hell even Halo has more depth and strategy.



Cardboard Fox wrote:The community of most online FPS games is pretty awful from what I've seen. CoD does stand out as the worst though.

This is true. BF has its fair share of douche bags as well. The genre in general is filled with try hards and wanna be MLG "pros". Plus its rare to find kids under the age of 18 playing anything else. Thank god for you guys on here.

I guess what irks me is the fan boy( and there are TONS) who bash everything, and compare EVERY shooter to Call of Duty. That drives me nuts.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

CoD ws the first really big FPS online so its natural to compare, but I find most of those comparisons to be asinine. The fact of the matter is waht Sym said. Its a really shallow game so anyone can pick up and play. thats OK for people who pick it up to play casual but it makes for huge exploitable holes for the people who play relentlessly.



I just prefer some depth to my games. In every genre. I also hate how CoD has turned into camper's paradise. And I dislike the laser bullets. Realistic ballistics FTW.



Halo has more depth and strategy than any other FPS IMO. The amount of skill that goes into that game just blows me away. I know people who can beat me 50-0 at a Halo 3 match, and then my other friend can beat THAT guy 50-0 in a Halo match, and then THAT friend tells me about another guy who beat him 50 to -1 because he killed himself with a grenade.



Ducksaws wrote:Halo has more depth and strategy than any other FPS IMO. The amount of skill that goes into that game just blows me away. I know people who can beat me 50-0 at a Halo 3 match, and then my other friend can beat THAT guy 50-0 in a Halo match, and then THAT friend tells me about another guy who beat him 50 to -1 because he killed himself with a grenade.

Pretty much this, at least for consoles. Shame Halo is probably going to go the way of Spyro and Crash Bandicoot.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The only COD I played extensively and owned was MW2 and this is what turned me off the franchise. It's when the whole infinite care package glitch was all the rage. I was playing sabotage (the one where you have to get a neutral bomb and blow up your enemies objective thing) the map was quarry. The entire enemy team was camping in the far back right corner of the map with the bomb and were doing nothing but calling in care packages...I managed to sneak up to wear they were...there had to of been at least 30-40 sentry guns all over the place in that corner. Not to mention the constant air support that was being called in made it almost impossible to move at all. This went on for like 20 minutes...and then the bastards waited till there was like 20 seconds left on the clock and then they planted the bomb and there was fuck all me or anyone else could do about it with all the killstreaks in the air. I couldn't believe a game could be this broken...thankfully BC2 came and saved me.

Oh here's another lovely BS story...I was in a (whichever mode is like the last man standing with bombs) game and some douche was using a lag switch...he was lying prone right next to the objectives when me and a team mate found him...and simultaniously emptied our whole clips into the guy and...nothing. He the proceeds to finish planting and kill us winning the game. Again my mind was blown at how a game could possibly be this broken.

Alot of the other BS in COD also turned me off...K/D whores and their camping, OMA Noobtubers, Marathon Lightweight Commando Tac knifers, screaming 12year olds thinking they're all L33t talking shit in the Lobbies, glitched games/lobbies...just so much BS.

I haven't touched a COD game since MW2 and I don't plan to ever again.



I always like the depth in Halo, and that's why I used to play minor tournaments here and there to get a little bit of money (but mainly for fun) years ago. However, Call of Duty was known more among console gamers for being a much more mature game, because Halo had brightly coloured suits of armour, and allowed you take a lot of hits before going down. One of my favourite things about CoD is limited number of shots it takes to go down; it's fine when guns are balanced fairly well with recoil and such (most, but not all weapons from CoD4 and WaW). CoD was not more about aiming, but using intelligent ways to beat people, such as flanking at the right times, and moving around. Also, CoD4 allowed shooting through walls, which is another thing that attracted me to the game; in Halo, chainlink fence blocked your shots and that really pissed me off sometimes.

Call of Duty was a very fun game to play, until all of the children from Halo jumped on board. Both games are fun, but the community just ruins it. If I were you, I'd be concerned for BF3, because if it's going to be good, you can see where the entire community that's been following every popular game is going to go. People in BF games are usually dumb enough as it is (more lower grade players seem to play it than other games right now it seems), but if it catches on, you'll get ALL of the lower grade players from the CoD/Halo series bandwagon, and all of the elitists as well.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

its weird but I know what you mean Ducksaws. Halo has a huge gap between the best and worst. Sometimes I don't feel like I belong in a Halo match, whereas I never feel totally outclassed by a single person in BC2. Someone might be unstoppable in a chopper, but put him on the ground and I can take him.



Btw, MW2 is THE CoD that disgraced the entire series.



its no doubt that the community makes the game and its evident in cod. if something is op, the new communtiy is all over it to try to be competitive. its not about fun anymore. very few games are anymore. this is why i fear for battlefield. if its the next "big game" that is a terrible thing. the cod community will find its way over to battlefild and fuck it up. i thought there was some solace in gears, then the double barrel proved me wrong. games need to start being designed for an older crowd so the communtiy will be a bit wiser in general. it amazes me that companies except dice dont employ major patches for op weapons. think about it

to my knowledge these guns were rightfully nerfed or buffed
buff: at4 and rpg (Smile) and shotgun buckshot (meh, it sure changed the game though)
nerf : m60 and the an94 (THANK GOD) and slugs (unnecessary but it got people using buckshot which is a nice game changer)

cod mw2 and blops
nerf: care package glitching (imo the game was less broken with care package glitching) and the famas (barely even noticable) zombies glitches (wtf who gives a shit)

the cod series has had so many blaance flaws. if you run an uzi in bf to blops or mw2. you will not win a str8 up gunfight with an uzi to most other guns in the cod series. every gun in bc2 has a niche.

fuck cod community the only thing we have left is zombies



Just look back at what was popular when you first started playing and im pretty sure thats the FPS that shaped your Attitude community and game play wise

When i was growing up the 2 major FPS games i played were BF:1942 and Counterstrike i was horrible at both of them but goddamn i had fun Very Happy

Unfortunately ive got to say CoD has been a poison on the gameplay community turning usually good objective players into K/D whores and spamming campers and such



BC2 is a complete and utter disaster in itself, and is my second most hated game of all time (MW2 being top). How you guys can even still play it, is beyond me.

It took them nearly month to nerf the M60 and such, then the AN-94 was OP for God knows how long, almost a year after the game was released they finally decided it may be a good idea to nerf it. Then there was the server problem that happened multiple times (was fixed in-between, but still). The knife was (still sometimes) stupidly broken and rarely worked, but instead of fixing it, they decided that making it have Commando from MW2 was a much better idea (after update, I managed to knife people over fences from 10+ feet away). Semi-auto/auto shotguns are OP now as well, and take almost no skill to use within their effective range, as well as the pump action shotguns being utterly worthless without slugs. Then they also nerfed slugs, because those were obviously too powerful *rolls eyes*. Attack choppers are nearly invincible when you have a pilot with smoke, and a gunner with armour; with a good pilot, you should NEVER go down, because you can simply get rid of tracers (because smoke always works now), take one rocket even if things go wrong, and dodge AT-4s, unless you were dropped on your head as a child and have the reaction time of a sloth, or are very unlucky. Also, did you guys somehow forget how cheesy crate bashing/tank sniping was until the one update was too (which they FINALLY fixed with same update that fixed the AN-94). The classes in BC2 don't even make sense. A medic with an LMG, that's better than half of the Assault's assault rifles, and have triple the capacity? Engineers that have suppressed submachine guns made from CQC, but work far better at sniping people? Recons that are given tools to fight far away, but are given motion sensors that should make them get close to people? Medics always being considered the "best player" because they can spam revives and point whore even though they are sometimes more worthless than bush woookies because they just get in the way? Maps like Atacama that force you into the open and have open spawns that let you get camped by choppers until you leave in Conquest?

TL,DR: People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.

I want to like BC2, but it has just as many, if not more issues than most of the CoD games I've ever played. I played it for over 300 hours, and I have to say, that the game made me rage almost as much as MW2, and that says something. If BF3 is anything remotely like BC2 in the sense of hit detection and vehicle imbalance, I won't be getting it; they look like they've put a lot of work into it, but I'm still concerned it might just be a rotten apple polished red.



Also, Hen, the GoW3 Beta was there for a reason. They already said they were giving the Sawed-off a huge nerf after all of the complaints.



This is why I love this place. It seems were all on the same page when it comes to the FPS genre. I knew I found gold early on in the GFQ days, when you guys actually talked/ knew how to play/ were cool and generally just wanted to have fun. We dont got any try hards on here. Which is awesome.



To each his own. But IMO BC2 is vastly superior to any CoD MP ever made. Its not perfect, but its the best offering on consoles. Granted ive been playing BF since 1942, and have grown to love it. The hit detection is no worse than CoD. In fact the hit detection in those games are beyond pathetic. The kill cams show what a joke it really is. Half the time you die, you dont even get shot. Somebody shoots within two feet of you and your dead due to the shitty P2P servers. At least with BC2 you actually have to hit someone before they die.



CoD's hit detection is fine, as long as there is no lag. The hit detection problems on CoD are usually due to lag. BC2's is due to not only server lag sometimes, but poor programming with hitboxes and such. I like BC2, in it's own right. Destructible environment, bullet time/drop, and other things make it awesome, in theory, but the hit detection used make me nearly rip face off and eat it from rage. I hate shooting somebody in the face, watching blood fly everywhere, then they walk away like nothing happened.



cod waw on the wii was my first. it was hella fun becasue i couldnt hear anyone talk. and sniping in that game actually took some skill.

then it was another wii game called the conduit which was very halo'y but the multiplayer had terrible servers and connection mechanics. however the weapon system was the most balanced ive seen ever. the only thing that was underpowered was the mp5 and the sniper rifle was a charge up weapon.

i played counterstrike with some guys in my school and it was fun until one guy started abusing this sniping spot. figures


in current bfbc2 the only op thing are the heli's and the m95's lack of bullet drop.

the attack helis take skill to fly. you cannot use that thing like a cod4+6 m16 and instantly rape with it. medics have lower power guns ith the competitiors being the saw and pkm.

this makes sense. the medics have to be on the front lines reviving people. giving them shittier guns would heavily encourage camping and rambo reviving a player into a 6 guy buttfuck. the assault are supposed to hang around the medics of behind them as suppliers. engies move cqc around their tanks and recons stay back or up at the very front with a shottie and motion sensor. sinse dead people are everywhere, the medics have to ahve a multiprupose weapon, an lmg.

im sorry but bc2 is the most popular most balanced game you will find



Yeah BC2 has really bad Hit detection depending on where you are i suppose

I always have Horrible hit detection shooting people center mass and getting no hit markers only for them to kill me with 100% health i could understand it happening sometimes but it happens at least once a game

Also if you play Recon you can sometimes see what a joke it is with you bullet magically magnetizing to peoples heads even though you were like 2 inches over



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:CoD's hit detection is fine, as long as there is no lag. The hit detection problems on CoD are usually due to lag. BC2's is due to not only server lag sometimes, but poor programming with hitboxes and such. I like BC2, in it's own right. Destructible environment, bullet time/drop, and other things make it awesome, in theory, but the hit detection used make me nearly rip face off and eat it from rage. I hate shooting somebody in the face, watching blood fly everywhere, then they walk away like nothing happened.

Whats really bizzare is when I was running my crappy internet, I had no problems with hit detection in BC2. But I swear since I picked it up again the past 2 weeks, Ive been having horrid hit detection. I mean so bad I rage quit last night. Defense on Isla, last base. Im in one of the mounted MG's and peppering the wookies on the hill with bullet after bullet. Literally right at their face, yet none of them died. But then I got mortared out of my MG by one of the wookies I shot 20 times. I was like " Screw this!" and quit. Sorry Manilla lol. I know he was having the same problems.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Symbolic wrote:This is why I love this place. It seems were all on the same page when it comes to the FPS genre. I knew I found gold early on in the GFQ days, when you guys actually talked/ knew how to play/ were cool and generally just wanted to have fun. We dont got any try hards on here. Which is awesome.

totally agree sym this place is a god send for me you guys are all awesome and there is usually always someone I can play with no matter what time of day I'm on.

As much as I agree that there are major douches and BS in BC2 I still find the fun far outways the bad. Like just recently I knifed Manilla through one of the shipping containers on panama canal...we both couldn't help but laugh...I couldn't help but appoligize cause that was straight up BS. That being said BC2 is still the most fun I've ever had playing an FPS. Even when something BS happens I usually laugh it off where as MW2 got me genuinely frustrated with all the glitching and such.



and get this. until i played on the xbox 360 i didnt know the mp40 was overpowered as shit. no one abused it. i thought the type 100 was the shit.

but frost how the hell would you hit someone otherwise? with bulltet drop and the headshot reqirement it would make the recon sniper even more useless than it actually is.



Symbolic wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:CoD's hit detection is fine, as long as there is no lag. The hit detection problems on CoD are usually due to lag. BC2's is due to not only server lag sometimes, but poor programming with hitboxes and such. I like BC2, in it's own right. Destructible environment, bullet time/drop, and other things make it awesome, in theory, but the hit detection used make me nearly rip face off and eat it from rage. I hate shooting somebody in the face, watching blood fly everywhere, then they walk away like nothing happened.

Whats really bizzare is when I was running my crappy internet, I had no problems with hit detection in BC2. But I swear since I picked it up again the past 2 weeks, Ive been having horrid hit detection. I mean so bad I rage quit last night. Defense on Isla, last base. Im in one of the mounted MG's and peppering the wookies on the hill with bullet after bullet. Literally right at their face, yet none of them died. But then I got mortared out of my MG by one of the wookies I shot 20 times. I was like " Screw this!" and quit. Sorry Manilla lol. I know he was having the same problems.

Welcome to Frosts world

You were still playing in the game i searched for last night so the servers are what EA considers local for Oceania Aka fucking Japanese ones



1fnbighen wrote:and get this. until i played on the xbox 360 i didnt know the mp40 was overpowered as shit. no one abused it. i thought the type 100 was the shit.

but frost how the hell would you hit someone otherwise? with bulltet drop and the headshot reqirement it would make the recon sniper even more useless than it actually is

So your solution to Bad players is to coddle them so they think theyre better than they actually are



I don't think the attack chopper takes any skill to fly. The only thing that has ever taken me down in an attack chopper was the VADS, and only one time was I taken to down by the other AA gun. I have never been taken down by an enemy chopper, not even once. They are VERY easy to fly; the controls are simple to use, circle strafing takes about 5-10 seconds to figure out how to do, and evasive maneuvers take about 1 minute to learn. Attack chopper is better than CoD4 M16 even, I would say. That, and if it gets shot down, it reappears far too fast. Also, M95 having little bullet drop is fine, because of how slow it fires compared to other BA rifles (many still regard the M95 as a POS, hardly being considered OP)

Engineers weapons are better at sniping than half of the sniper weapons, because they have too far little recoil. Medics shouldn't have LMGs that are better at killing people than a class that is made to kill people. It doesn't make any sense. If they have an LMG, it should be much weaker or have a lot of recoil, to make it only useful for defense. Medics should have shotguns/carbines/smgs or something. They shouldn't be more of a combatant than the who's supposed to be fighting. If not for vehicles, the medic would be the most OP class in the game, by far. Assaults shouldn't be around only for ammo, and C4ing things (not even allowed to use their class weapons at that point, much like Recons). Assaults should be your bread and butter soldiers that are the main infantry in charge of killing other infantry, and have a slight advantage a majority of the time over other classes on foot. Recons should be forced to use a shotgun with motion sensor then. Why the fuck did DICE give them sniper rifles if they weren't supposed to use them? To troll people? Recon/support should've been two different classes. The classes don't play right. They are all in need of serious changes/fixes (which seems to be the case for BF3)



And I do agree with you Hydra; that's the reason why MW2 is my most hated game of all time. The glitches were never fixed, and everything was completely broken, and NEVER fixed. The maps were stupid, and the game wasn't fun at all. BC2's only true problems are it's hit detection/classes/vehicle balance, but it's still playable most of the time



no, you would have to have a perfect connection and hit detection to have a chance at hitting the blip that is their head from 200m out. and the bad hit detection would make the sniper immpossible to be effective long range. its alright where its at until it becomes popular.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I don't think the attack chopper takes any skill to fly. The only thing that has ever taken me down in an attack chopper was the VADS, and only one time was I taken to down by the other AA gun. I have never been taken down by an enemy chopper, not even once. They are VERY easy to fly; the controls are simple to use, circle strafing takes about 5-10 seconds to figure out how to do, and evasive maneuvers take about 1 minute to learn. Attack chopper is better than CoD4 M16 even, I would say. That, and if it gets shot down, it reappears far too fast. Also, M95 having little bullet drop is fine, because of how slow it fires compared to other BA rifles (many still regard the M95 as a POS, hardly being considered OP)

Engineers weapons are better at sniping than half of the sniper weapons, because they have too far little recoil. Medics shouldn't have LMGs that are better at killing people than a class that is made to kill people. It doesn't make any sense. If they have an LMG, it should be much weaker or have a lot of recoil, to make it only useful for defense. Medics should have shotguns/carbines/smgs or something. They shouldn't be more of a combatant than the who's supposed to be fighting. If not for vehicles, the medic would be the most OP class in the game, by far. Assaults shouldn't be around only for ammo, and C4ing things (not even allowed to use their class weapons at that point, much like Recons). Assaults should be your bread and butter soldiers that are the main infantry in charge of killing other infantry, and have a slight advantage a majority of the time over other classes on foot. Recons should be forced to use a shotgun with motion sensor then. Why the fuck did DICE give them sniper rifles if they weren't supposed to use them? To troll people? Recon/support should've been two different classes. The classes don't play right. They are all in need of serious changes/fixes (which seems to be the case for BF3)

you think this is easy becuase i you r a good player (if you fucking start with you not being a good player again i will fucking leave) i think everyone can say that the first 5 or so times that u have flipped the damn thing. and if you fly to slow, bam tracered because you are the most hated/noticible thing on the enemy team.

u cant get the aa in one run, dead

tree, dead

trolling uav, dead

3 pissed off tanks, dead

traced w/out smoke, dead



the m95 is a cod style gun built to satisfy cod players, no bullet drop, longest ohk range = fucking anoying guy 200m out that i cant even mortar anymore

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Kitsune no Kaji wrote:And I do agree with you Hydra; that's the reason why MW2 is my most hated game of all time. The glitches were never fixed, and everything was completely broken, and NEVER fixed. The maps were stupid, and the game wasn't fun at all. BC2's only true problems are it's hit detection/classes/vehicle balance, but it's still playable most of the time

Yeah the hit detection is pretty iffy for me in BC2 sometimes but other than that I find things to be generally alright. I don't feel like the regular AA gun is that useless since they gave it a buff in a patch. I can take out choppers with it fairly decently. I do agree that double chopper whore spawn rape in conquest is total horseshit though. That and rubber knife. But other than that I'm quite happy with BC2.

do you know if they did a patch to "buff" the snipers giving them "headshot assist" or something? because now that you mention it I do find myself getting sniped alot more than I remember getting sniped when the game first came out...and back then I was a useless noob bush wookie alot and didn't really notice any magnet bullets.



trolling uav, dead

Trolling UAV guy is pretty easy to deal with.

Just sayin'.



Alright, I'll stay out the secondary argument.

I can't say I've honestly flipped any of the choppers over the first time I flew; I've crashed due to lag but that's about it. However, this could be due to me spending a great deal of time on flight simulators when I younger.

A lot of those things you mention though are easy to avoid. The AA guns/3 tanks are the only ones of that group I would feel legitimately afraid of.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I hope Kotick burns in the deepest hell.

Get the fuck off Blizzard! Though Blizzard is kinda dead to me now anyway. I suppose things will only get worse.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't think the heli are that easy to fly. I have played countless hours and I'm terrible in them. Ask anyone I'm just awful. But god knows I've tried! I want to be that asshole lvl50 chopper whore someday but I just can't and I will never be. So I give props to those who can. Do I think they are OP? yes in the right hands..... just not mine.

Anywho BC2 rocks. Absolutley not perfect but no game will ever be. Its the one I enjoy the most therefor its the best.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Just "Sir" will do wrote:I don't think the heli are that easy to fly. I have played countless hours and I'm terrible in them. Ask anyone I'm just awful. But god knows I've tried! I want to be that asshole lvl50 chopper whore someday but I just can't and I will never be. So I give props to those who can. Do I think they are OP? yes in the right hands..... just not mine.

Anywho BC2 rocks. Absolutley not perfect but no game will ever be. Its the one I enjoy the most therefor its the best.


I've fiddled with the control settings, and I've practiced countless times in Onslaught, and I still don't have the hang of it. You're not alone.



I have trouble killing AA, but other that, I'm a decent chopper whore.



Im a good gunner, not so much as a pilot. I would say Im merely average when it comes to piloting.



All it takes to take out AA's is to circle strafe in a spiraling motion (descending as well as circling).

99% of AA gunners cant compensate for both vertical and horizontal movement, so as long as the pilot and the gunner both land a volley, it (or at least the operator) will be dead.

Plus, if you think about it, most AA guns are next to some sort of mountain or cliff that you can sneak behind, then pop up out of nowhere, one bursting it before the AA operator even has a chance. Thats actually the best tactic.



Well said Sym......I can't stand call aka camp of duty every year and people gobble it up like madden and everything else......with how quality made and fair Battlefield is,I'd be happy to buy it every year honestly.I'd be happy playing BC2 as my only shooter forever if I had to,but a new Battlefield is a nice breath of fresh air....activi$ion can't even put dedicated servers up...I can't stand the twitch shooting and invisible walls and walking tank zombies in zombies in COD.

It made me shake my head when it would take multiple clips from an M1 garand in WaW to bring down a zombie....thought that was stupid as hell. 1 30-06 bullet would tear a zombie down.hell even the 1911 .45 to the head would.

oh well,let them have their cheesy call of duty,us mature people can have Battlefield in peace.



M1 Garand was awesome in WaW zombies for a few of the lower waves. Videogames =/= realism. If you wanted zombies to die in one headshot from most weapons on any wave, it would be boring/easy; they get tougher to up difficulty.

If you want to get into realism, you can be revived by defibrillators in BC2 after taking a headshot from a .50 BMG round, or being hit directly/ran over by a tank, which is completely ridiculous, lol.



1fnbighen wrote:

u cant get the aa in one run, dead

tree, dead

trolling uav, dead

3 pissed off tanks, dead

traced w/out smoke, dead

All of this is true. Dont forget enemy choppers, freehand rockets too, those are actually the most common. Keeping up a chopper takes a lot of practice... its still not something ive really mastered. I can hit targets really well, but it just take too many risks.

Im really stumped on a good way to balance Helicopters in BF3... With jets being in though it really shakes things up.

I think either...

1) Dont give them unlimited ammo (maybe 6 or 8 missile and 30mm cannon volleys)?

2) Make jets effective at taking out heli's and armor, but not against infantry.

3) Reduce the splash damage on missiles to emphasize their role as anti-armor

4) this is probably the most obvious, but simply make them less maneuverable. In BC1, the heli's feel like they weigh 50 tons, and are just a lot more clunky than BC2. This might be a bit extreme, but they really shouldn't be able to make such sharp turns.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Not going to lie, it was CoD4 that got me into online gaming. If it was never because of that game I would still be playing crappy MMOs on computer like Tibia(Still play that game to be honest).

But after renting BC1 I learned how much the CoD series sucks.

I say all the time I won't be the next CoD but I always do because its the only game that any of my RL friends play.

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