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What do you do when the Jehovah's Witnesses people come knocking at your door?

Patrick Star
Honey Badger
Cubist Castle
Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
20 posters

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I just tell them im a satanist and close the door. My mother said next time I should say im communist to see their reactions Twisted Evil

So, what do you guys and gals say or do?



theyve never come to my door... only the odd solicitor.

I like messing with telemarketers though Very Happy


Take their material and thank them for coming by.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I try to convert them to MY own personal religion. Its kind afunny cause a guy I work withs wife is a Jehova witness. He isn't but his wife is, so I get an extra few laughs out of it.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

they dont Razz
if they did i'd probably quote the inconsistent triad.

or tell them im just off for a full blood transfusion Very Happy



I do what I do whenever any comes to the door...see if I can quietly tiptoe to the window to see if know them, and if I don't, I make sure I make no noise so nobody knows I'm there.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

They stopped coming by my house when my Uncle answered the door in his boxers with the gap wiiiide open



I mute my tv/stereo and stare at them through the peephole in the door. If they're persistent, I open the door and tell them I'm an atheist and that I don't want their stuff (which is true)



D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Take their material and thank them for coming by.

I used to do this. But then the lady would come by every week and blah blah blah at me. So I started hiding from them. And then I moved, so they stopped coming. She was really friendly, but she always came at the WORST times.



Swear quietly to myself as I get up. Every single time I get one of 'em pops up at my door, I'm in a game of BF2142/BC2/LoL/HoN/DoTA/anything really. EVERY SINGLE FREAKING TIME.

Then I get up and answer the door, smile pleasantly, accept the tiny pamphlet, take the customary "It's a good day, you should go out more!" (they do that, every single one of them, without fail).

Go back, see we've almost lost the game because we've been missing a squad leader/commander/tanky DPS/spawnpoint (me for all of them).

I don't mind the message itself, but they just pick THE WORST TIMES.


sheep wrote:
D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Take their material and thank them for coming by.

I used to do this. But then the lady would come by every week and blah blah blah at me. So I started hiding from them. And then I moved, so they stopped coming. She was really friendly, but she always came at the WORST times.

Yeah, they are a persistent bunch.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I swear, just answer the door in teh buffz. They wont come back for a while. We haven't seen him in years.



troll Smile


Dropped da Soap wrote:I swear, just answer the door in teh buffz. They wont come back for a while. We haven't seen him in years.

No way buddy, just because they are Jehovah's Witnesses that doesn't mean I want them to witness my junk.


Then they will be DOOMSDAY's "DEVICE" witnesses...

They always get me when i am working (kidna odd?) so i just take it and say thanks and hwat not.



Meh i just take their Pamphlets and thank them

I used to have a crush on a JW and she was pretty cool so i never really feel like bothering them



actually this could be a perfect opportunity for some knock knock jokes

or a flashing



I had a friend who came to my school in 6th grade after transferring from calgary. she was a jehovas witness and was always really quiet and goody goody.

about a month ago i learned that she got kicked out of her fancy private school for being drunk at school like 3 times in a month.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I only had them come to my house once, when I was probably eight.
I told my mom there were two men in suits coming up the driveway. She looked out the window, and quickly ran to her bedroom, telling me not to answer the door, and to hide.

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

next time they come i'll open the door with a boner and say hurry i need to continue beating my meat before i get blue balls..........

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

man alot of you guys treat them like lepers lol they stopped knocking on my door along time ago, don't know why



Well they are just normal people after all.

With an inexplicable urge to absolutely let you know something.

Or the compulsion to tell you in not-so-subtle words that the world is going to end (soon).

Yeah, that part scares me. Not the end part, but that they would come around reminding us about the sun exploding in a few hundred million.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

we aren't going to be killed by the sun exploding, the sun is going to get bigger then engulfs us as it turns into a red giant



Shit I had a bet...

Now all my hopes rest on us leaving the solar system prior to expansion, but not get far away enough to survive the explosion.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

lurking camel wrote:we aren't going to be killed by the sun exploding, the sun is going to get bigger then engulfs us as it turns into a red giant
Yep. But we'll probably destroy the Earth long before that ever happens.



Next time JW comes, play their theme song and stare at them with a straight face and dance your ass off half naked.

^ Official Jehova's Witness theme song. Truth. afro



This has happened to me. I peek through the blinds and then go back to playing a video game/watching a movie/reading a book/doing whatever the hell I was doing before they rudely interrupted my evening.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I would just close the door to anyone that comes to talk to me about religion (any). I'd rather scratch my ass, it's a better waste of time.



LOL Honey Badger and Ars you just got awesome cred for your posts...made me laugh my ass off and very true that would be a better waste of time to just dig your ass lmao.... XD

I just never answer the door,they haven't came in years,but next time I'm just gonna tell them I'm atheist and not interested



"I'm Catholic".

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