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Medic Whoring

Epyk MD
9 posters

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1Medic Whoring Empty Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 21:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Until recently I had only played medic long enough to max it out...

Couple days ago I switched to it out of boredom, and have found my place in the world.


On average iv gone at least 25/4, massive points from medkits (as long as they don't run away from it like I just threw a bomb at them...(at which point I WILL revive you out of spite.) And very little revive whoring (unless your matt).

PKM is a beautiful gun. Iron sights are amazing and counter sniping with it is relatively easy if you stay moving.

Long story short, I have embraced my Doctor persona in the fullest.

2Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 21:21



I can't remember the last time I was a medic, I'll have to get in some BC2 later tonight.

3Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 21:28

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Have to run like a little girl when a tank rolls up, but other than it.

4Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 21:30



Same with me. I haven't played Medic since I maxed it.

I have 900000+ assault points, 700000+ engineer, 200-300000 shotgun wookie and only 90,000 medic points. Maybe I should give medic another try...

5Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:10


Best set-up for points=SAW and both healing specs.

6Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:37





(300 SPM)

This is what Medic whoring can do for YOU!

*runs away*

7Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:39


332 without it. I just play a lot of Arica Conquest.

8Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:40



You guys sicken me! Very Happy

Seriously Dark medic Hoed so i wouldnt beat him to 50 even though he had like a level over me and he was playing on a saturday Very Happy

9Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:41

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I can't use the Medic class anymore. I just feel so useless without my Rocket launcher and PP2000.

10Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:42



I have the least amount of kills with my Medic. But it has the most points compared to my other classes.

It's kind of annoying. I like using the LMGs, but playing the Medic is something I really only do if necessary. If there's a Medic on my squad, I'll just play one of the other classes that I enjoy more. If not, I feel obligated to fill the role.

So it irks me that my highest scores are with that class, even though it has the least amount of kills, and the lowest kdr.

11Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:50



Assault is so the Best its the most Versatile Very Happy

Ok i lie the Recon is the Most Versatile it can do everything the other Class's can

12Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 22:56

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Iv been using it as a rusher, ill run up set a charge, set down a heal pack, kill 2-3 ppl, revive the squad mates near me, repeat.

I know that rambo medics are discouraged....but if I'm having this much run and getting ace pin A LOT with out revive whoring....I must be doing something right

13Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:07



Assaults can do that too the Reason you have more success as a medic is you dont get Caught reloading after every kill

14Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:29

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

I love the PKM. Sucks that my OCD won't let me main it since I got the Plat about a month ago. Still, If I kill a Medic who's using it I'll usually pick it up and use it till I die.

15Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:31



Sent you a PM comrade Rage.

16Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:31



Just Remember Jesus uses a MG3

17Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:35



I've had some success with the PKM, but I generally don't have much of a desire to use it.

I FUCKING LOVE the M249 SAW. Kicks ass in close range, mid-range, and it's not too bad at long-range once you figure out how to burst-fire it.

MG3 totally kicks ass as well. I don't care if people think it's OP; it's fun as hell to use.

XM8 ain't too shabby, either.

I really don't use the MG36 (not a fan of that silly scope), M60 (makes me rage), or the T-88 (why bother?).

18Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:39

Comrade Rage77

Comrade Rage77

Alright, changed my AV and sig to reflect my new status as your Robot lord and savior.

Also the MG3 shall now be known as RoboJesus' Buzzsaw. Medic Whoring Icon_biggrin

19Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:41



Imagine if you could have the SAW and the RAWS in the same kit Very Happy

20Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:44



There you go RoboJesus! Very Happy

21Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:50



Raptor Jesus is better Very Happy

22Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-14, 23:57



What the effin' hell is Raptor Jesus?
Jesus's that hunt in packs?

23Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-15, 00:00



He can Open Doors now Very Happy

He's also the Son of Tyrannosaurus God

Not to mention hes going to Start the Velocirapture

24Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-15, 00:06



25Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-15, 00:08



Aaahhh... Gotcha.

Pffft... raptor jesus isn't real. You can totally tell he's photoshopped.

26Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-15, 00:09



BS i suppose youll tell me his Arch Angel Nessie is also Photoshopped

27Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-15, 00:45



I only used medic for one match.

28Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-15, 01:57



I only play Medic if I'm playing Rush.

And I spam the hell out of the revivebrillizor since people think my medkits and ammo boxes are toxic. I get around 5 or more Grief Ops pins by the end of the round and I almost always pull an Ace Pin since griefing and leaving medkits lying around is apparently worth more to the team than destroying/protecting objectives or killing enemies.

29Medic Whoring Empty Re: Medic Whoring 2010-09-15, 02:07



Dude Dark you spammed it for 2 days Very Happy

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