Until recently I had only played medic long enough to max it out...
Couple days ago I switched to it out of boredom, and have found my place in the world.
On average iv gone at least 25/4, massive points from medkits (as long as they don't run away from it like I just threw a bomb at them...(at which point I WILL revive you out of spite.) And very little revive whoring (unless your matt).
PKM is a beautiful gun. Iron sights are amazing and counter sniping with it is relatively easy if you stay moving.
Long story short, I have embraced my Doctor persona in the fullest.
Couple days ago I switched to it out of boredom, and have found my place in the world.
On average iv gone at least 25/4, massive points from medkits (as long as they don't run away from it like I just threw a bomb at them...(at which point I WILL revive you out of spite.) And very little revive whoring (unless your matt).
PKM is a beautiful gun. Iron sights are amazing and counter sniping with it is relatively easy if you stay moving.
Long story short, I have embraced my Doctor persona in the fullest.