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Return of the old classes?

Artimise Flare
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1Return of the old classes? Empty Return of the old classes? 2010-09-15, 19:54

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I posted this on GFAQ, and though it is very similar to the old PC versions of the BF series, I'd like to see what you guys think of it.

Each class has two sub tree's they can follow. every rank, or every other rank, you gain a point to unlock something from that tree. Support items such as Med kits, ammo bags etc come first, followed by optics, and then finally weapons. You can unlock items from either tree at any given time, as long as you have the unlock points to do so.


Trooper: First into the fight, armed with and array of powerful Assault Rifles, Troopers make up the bulk of the military strength. Their 40mm grenade attachments allow them to become a powerful force multiplier in the field.

Engineer: Armed with Sub Machine guns or carbines, the Engineer specializes in the destruction and repair of armored vehicles. Their portable AT rocket launchers and land mines can make short work of just about any enemy armor that has the misfortune of crossing their paths.


Spec Ops: Elite combatants armed with the latest and most cutting edge technology. Carbines and Sub Machine Guns are their weapons of choice. They can solve almost anything with a block of C4

Scout: Armed with a DMR (Designated Marksmen's Rifle) or a precision sniper rifle, scouts serve as the eyes and ears of the military, relaying back information of enemy movement, and eliminating high value targets when possible. The ability to call in artillery strikes make them a very deadly foe in the field.


Machine Gunner: A rear support infantryman, armed with an LMG, when enemy infantry are assaulting enmasse, this soldier offers the firepower to deal with it. Able to dispense ammo to his comrades also makes the Machine gunner a invaluable asset to any squad

Medic: Armed with Sub machine guns or carbines, the medic is the lifeline of any military force, able to resuscitate friendly soldiers in the field as well as mend an impressive amount of damage with their medical kits, the medic is always a welcome sight to any squad


2Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-15, 22:30



I like it, though I don't think that would work out on Xbox live tbqh.

3Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-15, 22:34


As long as there is an Engy I'm all for it!

4Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-15, 22:47



It might create more of a problem with the lack of assualts and people spamming the machine gunner just for the massive amounts of ammo it gets and combined with a ammo box then it would be time to say good bye to assaults. Its an interesting idea but would need some tweaks.

5Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-15, 23:03



so you're taking the MG away from medic?

I don't know if I'm sad or not since I never play that class

6Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-15, 23:27

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

well, the game mechanics would be tweaked. Sure the machine gun is powerful, but you must either crouch or fire in short bursts to remain accurate. Fire select would also return, making it so that anything beyond medium range, you must switch to semi automatic in order for you to hit anything.

7Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-16, 00:53



Would interchanging items be availiable a la BF2412? If not, no.

If yes, what exactly are the primary support items for the meta-classes? I see that both ammo and medkits are on the support.

Besides, these classes aren't really the old classes.

8Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-16, 01:31

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

There should be a limit on Scouts then. Like in Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat there are only 2 Marksman Spots. IT'd fix the wookie problem.

9Return of the old classes? Empty Re: Return of the old classes? 2010-09-16, 02:28

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This is how i'd imagine how it would work.

Shotguns and all kit weapons would still apply, so Scouts can use the G3, Neostead 2000 etc. More valuable unlocks are further down the tree and are much harder to obtain.

An example would be the Scout tree. (Scouts also have the option to discard their Ghillies suit and use standard issue uniforms when in urban enviroments)

First Unlock: Motion Sensor

Second Unlock: x4 Optic (applicable to both Bolt action and DMR's)

Third Unlock: Laser Designator (Only one scout may use this at a time to prevent spamming. there is a 2 to 3 minute cool down as the jets or artillery "reloads". An example would be if multiple scouts have this, when one is used, the others must wait until the cool down is finished in order to use theirs. Potential problems? Maybe, just a thought)

Fourth Unlock: Spotting scope (just like the one right now)

Fifth Unlock: x12 Precision Scope (Only applicable on Bolt Action rifles)

Sixth Unlock: Specialized rifle. Anti Material rifle (likely a .50 cal sniper rifle. very powerful, but slow reload and fire rate, excessive recoil, extremely loud)

Universal unlock for both trees: (This here, are unlocks much like the all kit weapons, but are applicable to either tree of the specific class. Meaning a spec ops or scout can use these unlocks, and are not exclusive to any tree)

First unlock: C4

Second Unlock: Sound Suppressor (only applicable to Pistols, Carbines, and DMR's)

NOTE: This is all done in the advent that Magnum ammo has been removed from the game

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