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And people think dogs are dumb...

Artimise Flare
Cubist Castle
8 posters

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Mission acomplished. Seen this on the news.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I love Gus.

But he spilled all the water.

Shit, I wish I had my own dog. Every time I go to my parents' house, I'm just as happy to see the dog as I am to see them.



HAL 9000 wrote:I love Gus.

But he spilled all the water.

Shit, I wish I had my own dog. Every time I go to my parents' house, I'm just as happy to see the dog as I am to see them.

That's so cute.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I <3 dogs.


I have 5. They're a pain in the ass sometimes but i love them, 5 is way too many but are dogs mated so we had a few extra.

If my dog did that i'd just tell him he won and fill up the pool. I've never had a bulldog though only pitbulls and old english bulldogs.



I love dogs too. We have just the one, but he's plenty that's for sure. He's such an attention whore.

And he loves people, and riding in cars, so he tries to jump in the mail truck, or the UPS truck. If the doors open, he wants in.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I love dogs Very Happy Beagles and Huskys in particular Smile



My only dog died of cancer. I never owned another one; I just showed all the other ones that belonged to my other family members because mine was too dumb to learn anything, so he was just a guard dog.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Nice video, bulldogs are great.

I've got two Border Collies. One of them has never been trained as a sheepdog, but can just shepherd the other really well. It's confusing.



my dog went through a wood chipper



my dog is a total spaz. if i take out the trash she acts like ive been gone all day.

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