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So who here is a Warhammer 40k fan?

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I know a few of you are. I never got into the table top sadly (too expensive) but my entry into the series was Dawn of War, and I've been a fan ever since.

What is your favorite army/race and why? What is it that you like about this franchise the most? Space Marine is right around the corner and Relic is certainly doing a good job with the IP so far. What do you hope to see as far as games in the coming future?

My personal favorite is the Imperial Guard, yes I know they're cannon fodder most of the time, but it's the idea of an ordinary man or woman fighting against the extraordinary, plus the diversity and how many regiments are based off of real life armies (Death Korps of Krieg being an example whom are based on WWI French, Belgian, and German armies) Not to mention the numerous books out there that do a great job in painting a picture of how a Guardsmen' life is. Dan Abnett' Gaunt's Ghosts series is very good.

I think my most favorite thing about the WH40k universe is how dark it is, how humanity has grown to the point that commanders couldn't give a damn if they sacrificed thousands of men to take a hill. The whole universe just screams badassness IMO.

As for future games, I'm hoping to see more games that focus on the other races instead of just the Imperium of Man. Such as the Tau, Eldar, or Necrons even (Be cool to play a villain for once). Only time will tell, but it's nice to see the Warhammer series finally getting some spot light that IMO is long overdue.



How did i post in this before Grey?



Chaos is my favorite because I am actually the one in the back of the theater rooting for Satan to kick Arnold's ass. I love everything twisted about Chaos. I like the dark and am one to prosper in the shadows. I am devoted to Khorne. For He shall cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy.

I just love the over the top stuff it has (a .75 cal standard rifle?) and how dark and ultra violent everything is. One more thing. Chainsword. Nuff said.



Frostbyrn wrote:How did i post in this before Grey?

Because I was busy trying to close all my room's windows because it's raining. And when it rains, the rain always goes into my open window only.



Lol Very Happy

Also the Black Legion is my favourite of Chaos Legions

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