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Suggest some co-op games

Manila Plague
Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
Cardboard Fox
13 posters

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1Suggest some co-op games Empty Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 17:52



My friend is here and we're starting to get bored. Decided to just run down to gamestop and buy something for us to play, but I can't think of anything I haven't already got. Suggest some splitscreen co-op games please =D

2Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 17:54




I need someone to play it with!

That or Gears is always a good choice for co op.

3Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 17:55



Gears is a great C-op game. Portal 2 is also amazing co-op.

4Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:02



Beat Portal 2 co-op and both GoW games enough times. F3AR sounds like a maybe though. Keep the ideas coming.

5Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:03



you could download Warhammer 40K Killteam off of xbox live.

It is a twin stick shooter where you kill hordes of enemies in the name of the emperor!!!!

and it only has co-op. is 800 ms points and I have never played it.

6Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:04

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Lego Star Wars/Indy
Worms 2: Armageddon

I'd say L4D, but I'm guessing you already have it.

7Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:07



Castle Crashers is a blast. EDF is also great.

8Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:08



I was actually thinking of picking up one of the Lego games.Worms 2 is another possibility... I even got desperate enough to deeply consider buying the new Harry Potter game lol. Pretty sure that even if it does have co-op, it's live only though. So I'll pass.

9Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:16



Man Im thinking of picking up the new EDF. Im bored with all my games, and have been relying on XBLA for the past month. Cant wait for the summer drought to end. I had a blast with Fear 3, but thats really the only retail title Ive bough this whole summer.

10Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:24

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

lego games, Left 4 dead games, GoW games all have AMAZING co-op.

the lego games are the best drop-in/drop-out co-op games ive played so far.

11Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:25



Fuck yeah, forgot L4D. That game never gets old for me.

12Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:25



Trenched is awesome for co op. Mech tower defense game with 4 player co op. Has a huge amount of absurdly OP'd weapons. Good times.

13Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:38



Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 and 2
Earth Defense 2024 or whatever
Left 4 Dead 1 and 2
Portal 2

14Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:40



TheGM wrote:you could download Warhammer 40K Killteam off of xbox live.

It is a twin stick shooter where you kill hordes of enemies in the name of the emperor!!!!

and it only has co-op. is 800 ms points and I have never played it.

My friend and I tore through the Ork horde and had a lot of fun. Just a little extra thing. It uses the DoW 2 engine/models.

15Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:43

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox


Amazing indie game for 80 points.

16Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 18:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I also throw my hat in for L4D.

Doesn't matter which one, both are great games.

17Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:06



I must be the only one who didnt like the L4D games. It probably had alot to do with I didnt know any of you guys when I played both, and playing with randies is a joke. Getting kicked for no reason, people being idiots and not using strategy etc....

18Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:11



*random jobber dies*


GM: Oh I'm sorry I am just fighting a Tank.....and it is nice to see you finally started using your mic. You should try that before you die next time.

*vote for boot stalemate and everybody quits after more verbal asskicking*

Yeah that and every lobby was full of morons.

"Hey you got a mic?"

".............yeah" *hosts starts game*

and then you never hear from that guy ever again.

19Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:12

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Symbolic wrote:I must be the only one who didnt like the L4D games. It probably had alot to do with I didnt know any of you guys when I played both, and playing with randies is a joke. Getting kicked for no reason, people being idiots and not using strategy etc....

ill probably be really bad, but ive still got L4D2 if you want to play sometime Smile

20Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:14



I hate LFD. And consequently, Bulletstorm. Why? Because you play through a 2 hour "campaign" over and over trying to score higher. It's so damn repetitive.

21Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:15



I dont have them anymore. But If we could get people together for a organized game it could be a blast. My favorite mode was in 2, where you had to fill the generator with gas. Friggin awesome. And that multi leveled mall map was bad ass.

22Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:16



Rainbow War wrote:I hate LFD. And consequently, Bulletstorm. Why? Because you play through a 2 hour "campaign" over and over trying to score higher. It's so damn repetitive.

I like games like this. But Im a little old school. I enjoy replaying games going for high scores and speed runs etc...

23Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i just love the MP, when you get balanced teams you always have fun, even if its the same map repeatedly.

24Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 19:31



I still remember getting kicked from a match because I took a weapon that "somebody called". He was on the other side of the map and I was getting anally violated by zombies and needed a gun. But I still got kicked. Left a bad taste in my mouth.

25Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 20:41



Soooo, I went to gamestop with my friend. Didn't find any co-op games, but I did buy 4000 msp and pre-order ME3, Saint's Row 3, GoW3 and bought some garlic knots. LIKE A BAWS


26Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-08, 20:45

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

get risk factions on XBLA or worms 2

i have both of those games

great co-op fun

27Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-13, 19:29



There's also Serious Sam games as well. CoD 4 has coop. I'm a PC gamer so I dunno about console coop games. These should still be coop on console though.

Oh I thought of a console game though, Army of 2 or whatever it is called.

28Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-13, 20:12



Pinball FX2 does split-screen co-op. I haven't tried it though.

Single player is awesome if you like pinball though.

29Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-13, 20:13



You know i honestly can't imagine what a pinball co-op game would look like..

30Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-13, 20:52



Actually I guess it isn't co-op. I think you each play on your own table.

31Suggest some co-op games Empty Re: Suggest some co-op games 2011-08-14, 06:11



Cardboard Fox wrote:I forgot I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMBIES 1N IT!!!1

Amazing indie game for 80 points.

Omg you signature is IRN-BRU....I love that stuff man

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