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Some more Battlefield 3 info

Ars Diaboli
Artimise Flare
Ron Swanson
Honey Badger
17 posters

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1Some more Battlefield 3 info Empty Some more Battlefield 3 info 2011-08-27, 22:25



Dice has today confirmed that terrain tessellation will be in the final version of Battlefield 3.

The tessellation was missing from the alpha trial of the game however Dice’s Johan Andersson has confirmed that it will be present in the beta.

“our terrain tessellation wasnt in in AlphaTrial, but will be in for Beta/Final. mostly visible on large terrain levels”

I saw this on, some pretty cool things have been learnt, enjoy!

-3d spotting info has been updated. It is still there for infantry but it is tweaked. The symbols are alot smaller and only there as long as the spotted soldier is in sight. If he runs to cover the spot is gone (no more wallhack spotting that is).
The testers think its a good compromise from what they saw. Its not unfair but promotes teamplay in a hectic enviroment where you cant watch the minimap every second.

-The micro UAV is a recon gadget it can mark enemies for the team and recon the map. No weapons were mentioned for it.

-The EOD bot is a engineer gadget , you can spot enemies with it like with the uav but also logically disarm mines and ARM and DISARM mcom stations!

-C4 and claymores are support class gadgets. This is a tough one but I guess DICE has something in mind for this decision and has thought about the possible abuse since support has also ammo packs. We will see.

-Sniper has the motion sensor again.

-The "in vehicle spawning" is there as told in other threads. You can spawn in a vehicle if a teammate (not squadmate) is driving it. According to DICE it should prevent the common situation that some players take a transport and drive away without waiting for the rest of the team .

-TV missile from BF2 is back again.

-Team deathmatch details: 4v4 on a small portion of the map metro or caspian border. the team to reach 50 kills first wins the round. To imagine the size: for metro the TDM area is where the last 2 mcom stations are in the rush mode.

-You can unlock weapons for MP mode by playing coop.

-Unlimited ammo for vehicles but zh1no apparently is not happy with this (might get changed in the future).

UPDATE from DEMIZE on TDM and motion sensors:

The full game will support 24 players in TDM by Design. In theory we could go bigger on PC of course, but we wanted to focus on a tight infantry TDM game. There are no vehicles in TDM.

Second, on Motion Sensors. First, you cannot throw them like the motion balls in BC2. You deploy them, they are larger (and easier to see) than BC2, they can be destroyed, they beep when they detect movement. A recon soldier can only have 1 deployed at a time. You can crouch or prone and move past a motion sensor without setting it off. Motion sensors will only show you briefly on the minimap (approximately 0.5sec).

You can, therefor, easily walk into range of a sensor, get detected, crouch, sneak away and either destroy the beacon or move and ambush anyone nearby who goes to investigate your position.

Pretty cool stuff.



I am loving all of that so far. Especially the unlocking thing and motion sensor thing.

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Motion sensor thing is a gift from the gods. I hate people who just whore and whore motion sensors.



Yeah,seems cool,Im not sure about all of the changes though,we'll see how usefull or useless some of these things are soon.



I'm kinda worried that UAV/EOD+C4 will be used A LOT.



They probably already thought about that.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

some good stuff. I like that they are cleaning up a lot of the little htings that were annoying in BC2.

Motions sensors for one, they were the ultimate tool. There is no greater ability than to know exactly where your opponents are.

The spotting change sounds really good.

The UAV as a recon device with no weapons!!? no shit

Takings C4 off all kits is a good thing too. I hate how almost every assault I see is packing C4.



But... But... Then I won't be a lumberjack.



You can spawn in a vehicle if a teammate (not squadmate) is driving it - Yes!

TV missile from BF2 is back again. Yes!

There are no vehicles in TDM. thats pretty lame..

-Unlimited ammo for vehicles but zh1no apparently is not happy with this (might get changed in the future). I sure hope so


Micro UAV seems like it will be really fun



Have they mentioned whether there will be naked chicks in the game?



I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally fucking hope Zh1nt0 convinces whoever to put limited vehicle ammo in the game. Seriously. We do not need A-10s with infinite bombs raining death on us.



You know what I'd like to see? Some actual night maps. Where thermal and NV actually has a purpose. The infinite tank ammo also has to go tho.



doesnt matter how much ammow you give my plane on a game im always going kamakaze style



Oh yeah, you get realistic missile ammo in jets, hopefully. Now you gotta use the cannon if you want to do a lot of damage. THEN well see who can really fly. Twisted Evil

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Unlimited ammunition for vehicles is just stupid, especially with jets in the game now. If the MUST do that, make it so that bombs on jets and such take a stupid long ass time to reload.

Furthermore, I vote that the damn jets need to LAND, and I mean come to a complete stop on the runways in order to reload. It was damn annoying back in BF2 that jets could simply reload by flying low over the run ways a few times and be set to go again with their bombs.

Tanks I say will need to return to a friendly flag where a "supply depot" is and that's where they can make full reloads, ammo packs will only reload perhaps one tank round per 10-15 seconds, and only do so up to 5 rounds before it depletes the ammo supply. BF2 got it right with the tanks at least, jets and helicopters are the primary concerns that I have, other than that, everything else sounds pretty cool.



Artimise Flare wrote:I vote that the damn jets need to LAND

I agree. But then a lot of people will be all like "but landing jets is really HARD" and then they'll add in an auto-land feature and then everyone who has the capacity to use a flight simulator will be like "dude, WTF? now everyone can use jets".

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Tanks would also need to not be under attack while at a flag in order to reload just like it would take you to regenerate health. This I think would make the importance of maintaining flag control even bigger than before, because otherwise, your vehicles will not have many means of resupplying rapidly, and no, multiple ammo packs should NOT increase the time to reload the tank.



I think that maybe while you're in a tank they could add in something like "crew morale" sorta like how individual soldiers have heartbeats. So if the tank driver is tossing everyone everywhere and sucks at driving or if the tank is getting pounded by missiles and gunfire then reload times take longer because of lower crew morale.



Now we're just getting ridiculous. Remember, this is a video game not a war simulator.

Finite ammo for all vehicles, with resupply points on captured bases/deployment (this should include choppers). Jets have to land on a friendly runway and come to a COMPLETE stop to reload.

Anything more than that is not necessary.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Vinyl Scratch wrote:Now we're just getting ridiculous. Remember, this is a video game not a war simulator.

Finite ammo for all vehicles, with resupply points on captured bases/deployment (this should include choppers). Jets have to land on a friendly runway and come to a COMPLETE stop to reload.

Anything more than that is not necessary.

agreed, no need to include morale stuff, resupplying at friendly bases/deployment and jets needing to land and come to a complete stop to reload is fine enough IMO.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yes, finite ammo, please.

Everything else is all right in my book.



damn I can't wait dude...............

grrr I can't pick between this or Skyrim =/ I can't afford both...Skyrim is likely to be riddled with glitches like all bethesda games so I might get this and play with y'all Razz



20 tank shells?

250 rounds of gunner ammo?

A dozen Heli missile salvos/15 gunner salvos

not sure exactly what type of weapons the jets will have



Zillah wrote:20 tank shells?

250 rounds of gunner ammo?

A dozen Heli missile salvos/15 gunner salvos

not sure exactly what type of weapons the jets will have

Jets will probably get HARMs or something similar. I hope it's more air-to-ground then air-to-air.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Jets most likely will have a 20mm nose cannon or under slung wing cannon accompanied by some kind of AA missiles, perhaps a pair of AG non guided bombs as well. The A10 will of course be a different story, back in BF2 you only had two bombs and perhaps 12 AA missiles if memory serves(Which were 99.9% useless against the king of the skies the Chinese J10) on top of that around 500-800 rounds of cannon ammunition. Most of the time it was not an issue since jets only needed to do one or two fly by' over a friendly runway to resupply and off they went to blow the crap out of enemy troops (Though the helicopters were a much bigger threat than the jets in the end....unless you were the unlucky sods stuck on the Air Craft Carrier)



I would really like to have jets air on the side of realism as far as flight dynamics are concerned. It'd be a whole lot more fun to watch someone with no understanding of the physics of flying to try to do some ridiculous maneuver at low altitude and speed and smash into the ground. That's what you get for using HAWX as a flightsim. Razz

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

yeah finite vehicle ammo would greatly curb annoying behavior such as tank sniping, circle strafing and constant strafe/bomb runs from jets. I'd be really glad if they implemented finite ammo.

I also really like the changes to the spotting. The wall hax spotting in BC2 was pretty lame. I like knowing that if I'm behind cover or in a building I'm more or less safe and don't need to worry about people having magical psychic x-ray vision and knowing right where I am.



HydrasBreath wrote:yeah finite vehicle ammo would greatly curb annoying behavior such as tank sniping, circle strafing and constant strafe/bomb runs from jets. I'd be really glad if they implemented finite ammo.

I also really like the changes to the spotting. The wall hax spotting in BC2 was pretty lame. I like knowing that if I'm behind cover or in a building I'm more or less safe and don't need to worry about people having magical psychic x-ray vision and knowing right where I am.

I love shooting at red triangles on the third base of Valparaiso attacking. Especially in the Bradley's gunner seat. Free kills, yay!

But yeah, this 3D spotting fix is Some more Battlefield 3 info 2855922021 in my book.



JrTapia1991 wrote:grrr I can't pick between this or Skyrim =/ I can't afford both...Skyrim is likely to be riddled with glitches like all bethesda games so I might get this and play with y'all Razz

Skyrim might be glitchy when it comes out, but BC2 was one of the glitchiest retail releases I've ever seen. It was chock full of problems.

Between the two games I'd be more worried about BF3 being the glitch-fest more than Skyrim.



With the sheer scope of BF3, yeah, it'll probably be pretty glitchy when it comes out. I'm hoping there will be lulz to be had.


Hopefully we can have a flying LAV as a glitch...



Vinyl Scratch wrote:With the sheer scope of BF3, yeah, it'll probably be pretty glitchy when it comes out. I'm hoping there will be lulz to be had.

Yeah, hopefully since they have such a larger team and bigger budget it won't be as bad. I'm also pretty hopeful that they'll fix the problems much, much quicker. Fingers crossed.



Vinyl Scratch wrote:
I love shooting at red triangles on the third base of Valparaiso attacking. Especially in the Bradley's gunner seat. Free kills, yay!

But yeah, this 3D spotting fix is Some more Battlefield 3 info 2855922021 in my book.

Have you tried going on the hill to the right of the first base on harvest Day? You can hit all the way to the last base.



I just hope the jets have similar controls to the Ace Combat games.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

chunckylover53 wrote:Hopefully we can have a flying LAV as a glitch...

Some more Battlefield 3 info Remiq.net_13769



Vinyl Scratch wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:yeah finite vehicle ammo would greatly curb annoying behavior such as tank sniping, circle strafing and constant strafe/bomb runs from jets. I'd be really glad if they implemented finite ammo.

I also really like the changes to the spotting. The wall hax spotting in BC2 was pretty lame. I like knowing that if I'm behind cover or in a building I'm more or less safe and don't need to worry about people having magical psychic x-ray vision and knowing right where I am.

I love shooting at red triangles on the third base of Valparaiso attacking. Especially in the Bradley's gunner seat. Free kills, yay!

haha, my K/D would probably be a few points lower without that Razz

easy mode

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