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EA Promises Battlefield 4 Info "in Around 90 Days"

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
Ron Swanson
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Battlefield 4 will be revealed “in about 90 days,” publisher EA has revealed.

The news comes via EA’s recent earnings call, during which EA Labels president Frank Gibeau said, "We've already talked a little bit about that we have a Battlefield title coming next year, but we're not in a position right now to talk about our development plans and our SKU plan long term."

"That will come in about 90 days when we get to show you some Battlefield stuff."

Despite Gibeau's reluctance to say so, the news would seem to confirm suspicions that Battlefield 4 will hit as a launch window title for the next generation of consoles. Battlefield 4's planned announcement fits around the expected reveal of Sony and Microsoft’s new hardware.

Later in the call, EA CEO John Riccitiello alluded to this by saying, "We think Battlefield and FIFA are going to help us lead as we move into the next set of technology opportunities and platform opportunities, and continue to get bigger."

The first news of Battlefield 4 came in July last year, when EA announced that owners of Medal of Honor: Warfighter (which has been shelved for the forseeable future) would be granted to the shooter’s beta.



Fuck yes



nice...I'm ready to be level 100 in there too Cool



still praying for bad company 3



A bad Company 3 that is the true sequel to bad company 1 story

Last edited by menacinglemon on 2013-01-31, 19:40; edited 1 time in total



menacinglemon wrote:A bad Company 3 that is the true sequel to bad company 2

I think you mean 1.



yeah typo thanks milk

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Yeah, I would prefer a Bad Company 3. But either way I will be excited.



Not me

BF4 any day


Didn't really like BF3 all that much.. Hopefully it's not much like it but i kinda doubt it.



I dont see what people didnt like about BF3

Its BF2 , except better in every way except map design.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Remember Sym, a lot of the folks here their first foray into the BF franchise was in fact the more arcade like shoot-em up style of Bad Company, I think only a few of us are actual vets of the BF2 games.

While I enjoyed the BC games, to me it didn't truly feel like a BF game, at least how I grew up with it. So I'm with you Sym, I enjoyed BF3 way more than I did BC I & II. I prefer more tactical shooters than arcade ones. The sniping with pistols and the like as well as laser like LMG' across the map was a real big turn off.

We shall see, I have a feeling it will be a new BC game, but I can always be pleasantly surprised, hopefully they'll take what they learned from BF3 and apply it accordingly (In a good way) to this latest game, provided EA doesn't fuck everything up...again..(hah yeah right)



I'm pretty sure it'll be BF4,I thought awhile back they said Bad Company was canceled as a game and would now be a tv show lol

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

JrTapia1991 wrote:I'm pretty sure it'll be BF4,I thought awhile back they said Bad Company was canceled as a game and would now be a tv show lol

Well that's news to me, and frankly I think is a crying shame. While I didn't enjoy BC as much as BF3, I'd certainly like to see more of it. It was a refreshing change of pace at any rate.

Even I occasionally enjoy an arcade-ish like shooter from time to time.



then again it could be a bad company,because a few days ago they said they had canceled the medal of honor series now because of the bad reception warfighter had lol.

and you KNOW ea will be trying to keep up with COD with a yearly release.Maybe BC one year and the next BF the next



i hope not



I just didnt like the smaller scale of the BC games

I still had alot of fun with them though

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sym wrote:I just didnt like the smaller scale of the BC games

I still had alot of fun with them though

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:I dont see what people didnt like about BF3

Its BF2 , except better in every way except map design.

the main thing i hated about BF3 was the single player.

i lvoed the BC1 single player, the bad company 2 single player was a bad move, then the BF3 single player was an atrocity.

in terms of Multiplayer, i really liked BF3. i'd like a BC1 standard of SP with a BF3 standard of multiplayer.

p.s) kinda drunk, had a film night.... with rum (duh!) Razz



Commander mode. 6 man squads. Destructible bridges (BF2 had this for some reason, and it was the only thing). Incentive to use different firing modes.


And some other stuff.

Granted, BF3 was still closer to BF2 than BC2, but it was more like in the very middle.



Sym wrote:I just didnt like the smaller scale of the BC games

I still had alot of fun with them though

Not enough destruction for what DICE was trying to tote around. "Oh. Frostbite 2 engine man. It's so extremely better than the one in BC2."... Nope. Only walls would break apart.



MH wrote:Commander mode. 6 man squads. Destructible bridges (BF2 had this for some reason, and it was the only thing). Incentive to use different firing modes.


And some other stuff.

Granted, BF3 was still closer to BF2 than BC2, but it was more like in the very middle.

This. BF3 is just a very casualized BF2 with gimmicky suppression and destruction physics.

The class, vehicle, and attachment mechanics are deeply flawed as well. Not saying BF2 was perfect, but they really screwed the pooch on this one in a lot of ways.



Sym wrote:I dont see what people didnt like about BF3

Only sub-human chud baby filth dislikes BF3, so technically they aren't actually people.



MEGA MILK wrote:
MH wrote:Commander mode. 6 man squads. Destructible bridges (BF2 had this for some reason, and it was the only thing). Incentive to use different firing modes.


And some other stuff.

Granted, BF3 was still closer to BF2 than BC2, but it was more like in the very middle.

This. BF3 is just a very casualized BF2 with gimmicky suppression and destruction physics.

The class, vehicle, and attachment mechanics are deeply flawed as well. Not saying BF2 was perfect, but they really screwed the pooch on this one in a lot of ways.

How is suppression gimicky?

Did you even play BF2?

If BF3 is casualized then wtf does that make the BC spin off?



Sym wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
MH wrote:Commander mode. 6 man squads. Destructible bridges (BF2 had this for some reason, and it was the only thing). Incentive to use different firing modes.


And some other stuff.

Granted, BF3 was still closer to BF2 than BC2, but it was more like in the very middle.

This. BF3 is just a very casualized BF2 with gimmicky suppression and destruction physics.

The class, vehicle, and attachment mechanics are deeply flawed as well. Not saying BF2 was perfect, but they really screwed the pooch on this one in a lot of ways.

How is suppression gimicky?

Did you even play BF2?

If BF3 is casualized then wtf does that make the BC spin off?

A long time ago.

It's the equivalent of flinching in CoD, except it rewards inaccuracy, and doesn't really add anything to the game. I don't need a game mechanic to make me take cover when I'm getting shot at, I can make that decision on my own thank you.

I'm not saying BC2 wasn't "casual," but was certainly rewarded skilled players and punished bad ones more than BF3 does. The damage model actually forced you to make your shots count, vehicles were significantly more dangerous, and all the classes were actually balanced.

The "casual" argument is stupid and I shouldn't have brought it up, but I can't really think of anything that BF3 does better than BC2 except for the spec/attachment system, which is still kinda crappy.

Of course, I play on console and you play on PC, so there are significant differences in our experiences.




Was just curious

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Personally i don't have any real problem with suppression other than it appears to be broken at times.

I've been running the support class as of late, and I find it very useful when you're approaching an objective with a known enemy presence.

great a crap ton of noise, and force the enemy to take cover or screw with their ability to fight back so that your squad can move in for the kill.

Console is much different IMO, PC and console skill level let alone the scope of the battles as well as the rhythm tend to be different as well. IMO the game doesn't reward you for being inaccurate, it's a tactical choice. In CQC okay that's different since you can spray and pray, however to make the conscious decision to provide covering fire IMO can end up saving you in some situations.

I will agree that armor has lost that "Oh shit" factor to some extent, but personally I enjoy the greater lethality that BF3 offers, not to mention the incentive of switching to semi auto instead of burst fire among other things was also a big plus for me.

Different stokes for different folks ya know, I can see where you're coming from though Mega, and you have a right to your opinion. If it's not fun for you, then there is no point in playing the game IMO, because ultimately, that's what I play games for. To have fun Smile

I hope the next game lives up to your expectations man, if anything, I hope you can afford a nice gaming rig so that you can join me an Sym perhaps online as well as the other PC gaming SEC members



Persdonally I absolutely loved BC2, but BF3 is better in nearly every possible way.

Vehicles are more balanced overall
Classes are more equal and make more sense.
It controls better and has a better aim acceleration curve.
Better hit detection
Better collision detection
It has far more variety
Has a better and more realistic damage model
Weapons are (mostly) more balanced.
Better TTK
Weapon customization
Soldier customization
Better graphics across the board

The only area that I can say BC2 was definitely better was in the menu and stats presentation. It is moronic to have to go to a separate and unrelated website to see all of my stats, unlocks etc...

Suppression: I can see how people don't like it, but to argue that it rewards inaccuracy is a hollow excuse, especially with how small of an effect it actually has on your aim if you are a decent player. In fact it more likely rewards skilled players more because it's more difficult for a poor player who is already a bad shot to overcome. So from suppression alone BF3 punishes bad players more than BC2, not less.

It also makes sense and personally, like Art said, for such a minor influence I think it adds to the game visually, realistically, emotionally and tactically.



I wont play BF3 on a computer ever....or any battlefield but the PR mod for BF2.

Just meh...I can play other shooters on PC but BF....nope. welll 1942 I liked.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

menacinglemon wrote:I wont play BF3 on a computer ever....

im the same, but for different reasons. it would be exactly like playing on the 360, but with 63 people that are better than me instead of 23 Rolling Eyes



I'm gonna try the pc version now that I have a wired controller lol. sad thing is I went 3-7 just hipfiring the m16 and was still in the middle of my team

the one thing I never cared for was vehicle regeneration in bf3,just seems cheesy

besides that,I like it.Suppression always seems to effect me but even with the suppression perk on,it's never won me any battles honestly that I can say "oh hey I pinned him down"

I agree that I really don't the screen blurry to make me get into cover



Suppression is huge on PC

I get a shit load of suppression assist

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Interesting, from my experience, it really depends on the situation. the first couple of shots will not do anything, and the shots must pass close or strike close to your target.

A good example I could think of is when I had a guy at the office flag on Kharg island and I was laid up in the construction building across the street. I wasn't going to hit him even with the bi-pod since he was clipping, but, because I dumped nearly half a drum of my PKP' ammo onto him, he wasn't hitting me worth a darn.

Try that with an assault rifle and I would have lost, due to the much lower suppression values that they provide. From what I can tell, suppression affects your long range to somewhat mid range accuracy, while in CQC environments it doesn't really affect you as badly.

I could be wring, but essentially what I'm saying is that suppression is not really there to say "hey get your head down" but it forces you to make a decision, prioritize your targets, makes you move from an otherwise very comfortable and defensible location etc.

It's buggy at times no doubt about that, but to me it adds a new element to the game and when used correctly can be a rewarding tactic in of itself. I find it works the best when you have at least 6 people communicating with you. One squad with perhaps two medics, one to help assist you and cover while you suppress, the others using the distraction you created and the cover fire you're providing to their advantage. Most players instinctively will follow the tracers and gun fire, which in essence is your role as a LMG gunner, you are one of the biggest threats at the moment, so they'll aim to take you out. Meanwhile it allows your squad(s) to come in and flank the enemy players and so on and so forth.

As Sym said, the suppression is huge on PC, I get suppression ribbons all the time when I play, and if you have a good squad or are against one, especially on the PC, they're a real big pain in the ass to take down, even more so than on console I believe.



I think the suppression is semi realistic, and adds another layer to the gun play.

I have absolutely no problems with it



They need too bring back the long kill times of BC2. You dies way to fast now.



I would like the Battlefield series more again if I played them on PC probably, and there was the same amount of vehicles as there were on the console in 64 man games. Half of the time I play BF3 on the consoles, I feel like I'm really playing Battletanx on the N64 all over again.

My biggest gripe is how glitchy the games are. The last time I ever played BF3 I was at a friend's house playing on the PS3. I was in the middle of nowhere, nobody saw me, I didn't get shot or anything: I took a step off of a ledge that was only 2-3 feet tall, and it said I committed suicide. I was extremely pissed off, but I nicely reached over, pressed the power button, before walking upstairs and going to bed. I have never touched the game since.



Kitsune wrote:... I was at a friend's house playing on the PS3.

That's your problem right there.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

You can't compare the console version to the PC version IMO. Get a gaming rig and run with some of us on PC, it's much better trust me.



Remember when we had nosuppresion M16s?

2 assaults shooting at each other with the same gun, same attachments, unaffected by suppression.

Now remember that one other patch that made suppression real fucking huge.

2 anybodies shooting each other at 10 feet.

Both these situations result in a kill. Which is more indicative of skill or experience?



Oh, I had BF3 for the console for about a month and traded it in. The hit reg bullshit made me angry extremely fast, and the number of vehicles for the number of people on console I feel is extremely in-balanced. Also, I hope in the next game they get rid of squad respawn, because going to knife a guy, then having his friend pop out of his ass and block your knife while they're invincible, then they shoot you produces some of the most rage-inducing "obviously outplayed" moments. That, and I felt like BF3 was like, older Battlefields got raped by Call of Duty and had a bastard child.



The hit registration is fantastic on PC

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Back in BF2 and BF2142 it used to be that you could only spawn on the squad leader, if the squad leader went down well..then it sucked to be you. Put greater emphasis on taking out VIP targets ya know, also if I recall, only the squad leader had the ability to place respawn beacons (At least that's how it was in BF2142)



The hit registration is fantastic on console as well. Maybe Bob was playing on a bad connection.

I also have over 2000 knife kills and can't remember a single time that a squad spawner cost me a knife kill. However I bet I've had 100 times where a guy squad spawned and I immediately knifed him because they don't seem to have invulnerability to the knife.

Those never, ever cost me a kill. They just get me an extra kill.



I have never had a hit reg problem on console. I guess that's just that I haven't played enough, but the only real BS moments I've had have been more based on the opponents loadout than anything else. And my own lack of skill.

Ex: getting sniped on Metro by a dude with an 870 and slugs, or right after sprinting turn a corner and be unable to shoot in time to take out an opponent.



The hit reg for snipers is particularly good



Sym wrote:The hit reg for snipers is particularly good

Are you talking about PC or are we still on the topic of how bad hitreg is on console?

To both of those I say yes.



Ive never played BF3 on console before



Sym wrote:Ive never played BF3 on console before

oh. when you wrote about it earlier, I thought you were comparing.



Nope just saying I think its really good

In fact Id go as far as saying the hit registration on PC is one of the best I can remember



i've got some serious issues with BF3 but hitreg is not one of them. BF3 has always had solid hitreg for me.

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