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Fallout 3 talk

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1Fallout 3 talk Empty Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 11:22



Finally done with that dreadful DLC Mothership Zeta....Got the alien recordings achievement,now all left to do in the game is bad,neutral karma at level 14,20,and 30 and the strictly business quest which I'm about to do.Almost level 14 now....I haven't played this game in AWHILE but man,it's pretty good.Not knocking new vegas,but I really think I liked FO3 better.

Any of you guys still play FO3?I have it for PC and spent alot of time modding it only to find out later my pc wasn't good enough for had ps2ish graphics and froze alot lol.

At about midnight in game hours,I was going down the road from the north side of paradise falls and got attacked by a pack of 4 Yao Gui's!!! The alien disintegrator made short work of them....lucky I was wearing the tb51 winter armor or I would of died lol.

I might start on point lookout after I finish the strictly business quest...I'm in the main quest where you go to this place in black and white and MAN I hate that part for some reason....seemed to drag on more than mothership zeta lol.

Something to kill time until Battlefield 3 I suppose lol,was hoping to get Gears 3 but I can't

2Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 11:35



The Good/bad/neutral karma achievements are simple. Save shortly before you level up. Then get the achievement for good, reload the save and do enough evil to get to neutral karma. Reload and do the same for bad karma.

3Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 11:40



good plan Razz Twisted Evil

4Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 11:45



I always love it until you hit the immortal stage of the game...

By then, I actually get quite bored of Fallout, I end up doing a lot of exploring and it’s kind of the same old some old. Enter building, kill inhabitants, loot valuables, leave building, rinse/ repeat ad infinitum. I’m basically the Angel of Death of the DC wasteland, When I enter buildings the dog goes into a frenzy and rounds up the hostiles while I nuke their heads in super slow mo head popping explosions. I have more money than I know what to do with and an arsenal that rivals the US military. I can’t even sell my stuff because the NPC’s have a set amount of money every 3 days or so, so I’m left with endless amounts of items I’ll never use.

So I basically go on random ultra violent rampages if I get fed up with the local populous. Kinda funny actually, I was doing a quest and reached the end but this robot that I had to get this item from wouldn’t give it up unless I fetched him some other item. I agree and all that, like usual, but as I was leaving I stopped and thought to myself. “wait a second here, I just spent 2 hours searching for this guy, killing waves of zombies, mutants and raiders by the hundreds, getting lost a couple times, using up a ton of ammo and now he wants me to get him something?!” “Fvck that he’s a goddamn robot”. So I bust down the door and blow him away with my minigun, pieces of metal a sh*t everywhere, I loot his charred husk and simply take the keys to all his safes and lo and behold I get my item.

Moral of the story, too many fetch quests and Edgar Ragefist loses his cool. You feel me?

5Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 11:52



isn't that the quest with the cheesy robot who think's he's Thomas Jefferson?lmao he even has a wig I blasted him too.

I know what you mean,at least New Vegas kept you on your feet at all times I think.Soo many powerful weapons and stuff you never even need in Fallout 3.In my 1st playthrough I used the plasma rifle almost exclusively...used the Unique AK47 Xuanlong in the beginning and the hunting rifle before that,and that's about it lol.

6Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 16:27

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I once tried to kill everyone in the wastes, it didn't work.

7Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 16:39



After playing playing every other canon Fallout game, I don't see a reason to go back to 3. Nowhere near as good as the others.

8Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 17:39

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Stifler wrote:After playing playing every other canon Fallout game, I don't see a reason to go back to 3. Nowhere near as good as the others.

This. I put iun almost 700 hours into Fallout 3. And loved every minute of it . But after the cvastly superior New Vegas...I can't play 3 anymore.
Really the only thing I miss from 3, is the amazing Wasteland(NV's is very lacking, not bad, just lacking), some weapons, and the bigger focus on action.

But other then that, New Vegas is so much better in my opinion. The only thing I don't like is there is not as much action as in the 3rd, but whats in New Vegas is harder then 3's. So I guess it evens out.

9Fallout 3 talk Empty Re: Fallout 3 talk 2011-09-07, 18:44


I do like New Vegas better at times, but I liked the atmosphere of FO3 so much better. The Capital Wasteland was much more interesting than the Mojave Wasteland

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